Tuesday, April 25, 2017


... First is detachment, detachment. Detachment, start with the thought, let us see the thought. It's called as vichara shaithilya, relaxation of the thought. Now a thought is coming into your mind, some thought:  "Today is Mother's Puja, let's go, we have to hurry up!", you see. "-Must get this, you didn't get the flowers, now you go to the Third World and get the flowers, you must get this and you must get that!
Second [thought] is: "No: detach yourself! Witness! Leave it to the Spirit! Watch, you will get it!" Many of you have noticed this. But still this mind, which is quite silly, tries to impress upon you that you have to use the old junky instrument of this mind, and it asserts that "Better use," and when you start using that, ego comes in, you get attached to it, and what you lose is your progress and thus the joy is minimized.
How do you detach yourself?
For a person who is absolutely detached, it's very difficult to explain how to detach, isn't it? I'll try! Now, I cannot get attached, that's the problem is, and I find it difficult to explain to you in words which are human words, but still, I'll try to say now.
Say, I tried something as human beings do, in the beginning, just to see how it works out, because I had to experiment.

For example, when I had to, say, attend any puja or anything, I used to ask them, "What is the auspicious time?"
So they would tell Me, "This is the auspicious time."
And then another would telephone to say, "This is the auspicious time."
I said, "Then why consult? It's better not to have five auspicious times, isn't it?"
Then, the auspicious time is not: beyond, has to be beyond time. But it is bound in the time the way human beings have made it. So it is bound in the time, like in India, it is so much, so much, so much; but now, here, it's different. 
Then you calculate, you have a watch. You see, to overcome all these hurdles human beings also make certain devices. So you consult, "Now what is the auspicious time here?" Leave at that time. Then it's a big headache, because there are five books to be consulted, watch could be wrong, this could be wrong, that could be so.
But if you are the Spirit, then the Spirit works out auspiciousness. It is the Spirit that works out the auspiciousness, and imagine when you think like that, how much tension goes out. First of all you have to be a slave of the watch. Another, you have to be the slave of the books, then you have to be the slave of the market, of the room of the place which you have to hire. But supposing if you allow the Spirit to work it out, then everything will work out, and you will reach at the point where it is the most auspicious.
So how do you accept it? 
Just by accepting. So just now, if you give up your satta, your own domain, you get into the domain of your Spirit. You give up your domain, that is, your ego's domain, or maybe your super-ego's domain, you give up that, and try to see things, how it works out. Now what is the testing point of it? How do you test it? 
It works out, that's the point of testing. It works out.
Allow it to work out, don't put your attention - "attention" has the second part of it, - the "tension" - and don't try to say "Why not today, it should have happened today, we expected it to happen. Why not at this moment?" That's your ego.
"Thy will be done."

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