1988-06/18: Introspection & Meditation, Shudy Camps
Now put your right hand in the upper part of your abdomen, on the left hand side, on the upper part of your stomach on the left hand side. And now here is the center of your dharma. Here you have to pray that,
-Let Vishwa Nirmal Dharma spread in the whole world. Let people see the light through our dharmic life; through our righteousness.
-Let people see them and accept the Vishwa Nirmal Dharm by which they get enlightenment and a benevolent higher life and a desire to ascend."
1992-02/20: Shri Mahalakshmi Puja, Brisbane, Australia
Today I was thinking that we do the puja to Mahalakshmi. We better, so that we'll understand what is Vishwa Nirmala Dharma is.
As you know, the Mahalakshmi principle lies within all of you, in the center. And once you are fed up with the falsehood, and also with the hypocrisy of people, you start seeking the truth within. That's how a new category of people are born, who are called as seekers/sadhakas. They are very different from others. They don't care for any material gain or any power/position. They want to seek the truth and this category is the one you are, and that's why you have come to Sahaja Yoga. …/…
So you should never condemn any incarnation, any religion, any prophet. I mean you will not condemn. It is not question of I saying, "Don't do it". You will just not do it. You will respect all of them automatically, because now you are born into it.
If you say are a Christian, you will respect Hindu scriptures.
If you are a Hindu you will respect an Islamic Quran.
That has to be there. If it is not so, then please
know that you are not yet a Sahaja Yogi.
There should be no malice about any religion whatsoever. No religion has done any wrong so far. It's the people who follow them in a wrong way, use it for money, use it for power and also are stupid. For them it's different.
But for you, every religion is your own religion. So we cannot be fundamentalists. We cannot fight for fundamentalism. Vishwa Nirmala Dharma which is based on the Mahalakshmi principle is the essence of all the religions, the truth of all the religions. And we seek with our pursuits what are the common point in all these religions.
Shri Kundalini |
We try to neutralise which are not common points, and find out with our research/pursuits, that this one was not the correct thing, but is not in the religion people are following. …/…
Why is it VISHWA Nirmala Dharma? Means it is a universal religion, we belong to the universe. We are part and parcel of the universe, not only belonging to one place or one location. We cannot. Now we have gone into eternal life. We have gone to something that unlimited. So we belong to this universe.
Memmi: Virgin/Mother of protection |
Once you realize that you belong to this universe, you should also know what conditionings are still sticking on to us from this country, from this culture, from this place, from this household, from this family, like a little lotus that comes out of the mud. Slowly, slowly it throws away all the mud that is sticking on to it. Ultimately it comes out, a very clean flower. From the mud it gets to the water, cleanses itself and comes out as a beautiful flower, absolutely fragrant, and then it spreads its fragrance all around, so that, that mud also gets fragrance.
That's your job. That is what you have to be. Because you are not a seeker of truth for yourself but for the whole world. Because you belong to Vishwa Nirmala Dharma.
This Mahalakshmi principle is not for you alone, but it is for the whole world, and you have to give it to the whole world. So now you are here forming a new kind of a race, a new kind of a society, which is enlightened, which is standing on the truth and love. Of course, you must understand that there should be compassion.
…/…It is the nourishing principle within us, which nourishes our centers, which nourishes our character, which nourishes our religion, that is Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. It nourishes everything. It nourishes our brain, our intellect, everything, it nourishes this
Birthday 2001: «... Please report it to me» |
Mahalakshmi principle, above all it is the balancing. It balances you.
2001-03/21: Birthday Puja, Delhi :
I'll be very, very happy to say that today I'm seeing so many of you are such good Sahaja Yogis. So many of them! And, if you find anyone who is not, please report it to Me. Please tell Me. Please find out if there is anyone who is trying to be very oppressive and who is trying to control everything, who is trying to make money, who is trying to have lust and greed being expressed.
"We are standing on our religion" |
So, once you have really worked out, you should know this is the area what we call is Dharmayudha. Dharmayudha means the war of religion, but not the way people are fighting it. Our dharmayudha is that we are standing on dharma, and dharma means not religion but it is Vishwa Nirmala Dharma.
We are standing on our religion and there's a negativity, we can call it adharma, which is fighting: so you stand on your dharma.
Unless and until you are dharmic you cannot have any achievement in Sahaja Yoga.