"If you can..." |
.." And the whole of that ashram, just imagine, would have been lost...I told them:
"Now, see her vibrations!" They said,
"Mother, we don't find anything wrong with her."
...when the nuisance becomes a
collective thing
"" If it is untruth – I am very innocent, you know, I’m very
simple-minded, I just don't understand things at all, you see, I don't
know the crookery of man, how he goes round and tells lies and this.
on vibrations I know what it is like – absolutely. You may tell Me any
stories: with all your crookery, with all your intelligence and all your
special sharpness I know what you are up to, because only I know it
with vibrations. But otherwise I’m very simple, I can't rationally or
anything I can understand, but by vibrations I know where you are.
the same way you, develop your vibratory awareness, its sensitivity, and
try to understand things through vibratory awareness!
If you can do
that, then you will be perfect prophets. You'll be perfect prophets.
among ourselves also you'll find there are people who are not up to
the point. Such people should never be trusted, should never be trusted
they are half-baked, they might become negative, they might
become positive. So they should not be trusted and they should be
treated with a little reserve. Once they become all right, then you can
take them into your own fold.
For example, recently a girl married
somebody who is a great Sahaja yogi. Now because he said he loved her
and all that nonsense, so I said, "All right, baba, you marry her!" But I
knew that this one is no good, but what to say?
And then, this lady
tried -actually she travelled with Me and she tried even to clutch My
heart with the bhoots she had, absolutely! Twice she did it. So cunning,
the spirits are so cunning in her, that when she went back to Australia,
you see, she put up a show in such a way that [the ashramites were saying] "Oh, she is so insecured
and her husband doesn't care for her, and this and that ..." And the
whole of that ashram, just imagine, would have been lost. But I knew
something was happening, so I trunk-called. Immediately I found out.I
told them,
"Now, see her vibrations!"
They said,
"Mother, we don't find anything wrong with her."
...rationally... |
That means
they never saw her vibration to begin with; because what happens once
vibrations are lost, you can't feel anything. She has engulfed all of
them so much that they couldn't feel anything about her. Can you
rationally I asked a question, "Can you replace Warren for his wife?" And they got a fright.
So, one has to be very, very alert about it, extremely alert as to these
people who are half-baked.
They will always try to pull you down.
Half-baked people will always try to pull you down, unless and until you
are firm enough to pull them up. Because they are not doing it, they
are not aware of it, but they are under the possession of these people,
and when they do something, they try to do all anti-God activities.
Another one I'll tell you was in Geneva. In the beginning I don't tell
openly about a person. As far as possible I don't tell openly, because
it’s not proper. Give them a chance, they'll come up, it will work out,
doesn't matter. I can manage it.
But when the nuisance becomes a
collective thing, then one has to talk about it openly; you see, because
these people will go to one person, say something, another person
something, third person something. So you have to be very alert. And
they’re not aware of it – that's the best part of it, they are not aware
of what they are doing. Like this lady in Geneva would go on asking
everyone, "What do you think about Mr. X or Mr. Y?" All right. So you
would say something: if you are negative, she would catch hold of that.
..good points... |
Day before yesterday I was very happy when Ray told Me something good
about Pamela. He said, "Pamela is a very artistic lady." When you start
seeing good points in others it gives Me pleasure, it gives me
happiness, it gives me joy. But if you start seeing bad points in
another, then I don't like it. Sometimes of course, when you – I also
test you on that point- sometimes I’ll say something, you see,
deliberately, I’ll say, "All right, something wrong with Ray" – I may
I know about whether it is wrong or right; just to judge how far
you can judge that person. Then if you say,
supporting to the right
thing that he's doing, then I know that you are right. I like it, I
appreciate you, I really adore you for that. That whatever is the truth
you should tell Me, because I know the truth, but I just
play around
with you to see what you think of another person. So try to see the good
point in another.
- But on one point you should understand, if a person is quarrelsome, is
trying to overpower you – Birmingham, we have a problem like that, which I
have not yet exposed or said so. Still I have kept it a secret but I am
telling people that in Birmingham there's a problem, and that problem
comes from one person who is not aware of it. I will talk to that
person, tell that person that he should get rid of this problem. But if
he does not then I have to tell about it openly, because I don't want
Birmingham center to be lost.
...can't do without each other.. |
- We would have lost Geneva, I tell you we
would have lost it. Everybody went against each other and big problems
were created, by one person.
Though you are full-baked, still
you are
not so collectively aware and appreciative of others as you should be.
You are all one.""
Not only appreciation, but you can't do without each
1982-May15: Puja in Hove, UK.
all these things are very, very... confusing, but we don’t understand
how confuse we are about it. And we don’t understand how our VIBRATIONS can mislead us.
Because VIBRATIONS are there, alright. But sometimes, even if they are missing, just to justify yourself, you will say:
“We have VIBRATIONS and we feel that it’s very good, excellent”,
and later on, you will discover that it is not so.
So, even now when we are realized souls, we should know what is
encompassing us, which is around us, what is that which makes us feel
that it’s alright, it is good, we should have it.
Once we start
understanding that VIBRATIONS
of pure knowledge are of a very different nature, then you are not
attached to that person, you are not attached to that family, you are
not attached to that country, nothing!
But what you feel is the pure VIBRATIONS coming to you.
This is the point which is very confusing, when you say: “My VIBRATIONS are good, I like those VIBRATIONS.” And why you jump into the ocean of filth?
Many people have asked Me: “Mother, why is it sometimes we make mistakes?” You
do not make mistakes, it’s your ignorance which is darkness and that’s
why, whenever you plunge into it, you fall into trouble.
(…)The knowledge, as I told you, pure knowledge, is that which gives you a pure light. A pure light means pure VIBRATIONS. Now, VIBRATIONS can be misleading, as I told you, or, could be, the quantity of VIBRATIONS can be less or more.
...can be misleading... |
Another way to see, is to see for yourself why you want to do a
particular thing. Mental also you can use, parameter of mental
understanding: “Why do I want to do it? What is the gain for all?”
you start thinking from that angle:
“What is the gain for others? What will they gain by this? Why should I do it?”,
you’ll be amazed, you’ll
get the real picture of all this.
So you must keep yourself all the time in a state where you witness
You see yourself that: “Why am I doing this? What is the
Sometimes this could be some conditioning, it could be some
sort of a psychological thing, it could be anything. But if you start watching carefully:
“Why am I doing it?”,
you’ll be amazed that your VIBRATIONS itself will start telling you on your finger tips.
But sometimes the VIBRATIONS are so superficially coming: “Aah, I got the VIBRATIONS, I’m this, I’m that!”
For this reason, I am saying again and again, though you are such a nice
family of Mine, and we are all so much blessed and we have so much of
knowledge with us, we should be very wise. If there is no wisdom, if there is no wisdom, we can never understand what we are doing.
Now to develop this wisdom, what have you to do?
27/09/1998 - Cabella -- Italia
Now the intelligence cheats again: Mother said that if you feel VIBRATIONS then it's alright ; and
"I'm feeling the VIBRATIONS, I'm alright".
-Again cheating! You are cheating yourself ! What is the reason?
The reason is very interesting.
I've seen that ordinary human
beings-in the West specially-are very much against themselves. Like,
I'll give you an example: You tell somebody that if you have to go to
the station, take this road and you'll go straight to the station. But
immediately he'll say, "But the problem is that how can I go straight ?
My back is towards the station. If I walk straight I'll go in the
opposite direction". Such stupid things! But they say it, all the time.
30.9.84 Meudon ------------------------------------------------------------------
It's a tremendous dynamic force which is working it out. But if you have no faith, then the same VIBRATIONS know that you have no faith. They know you out and out, absolutely out and out, they know you too well.
It is they only who play around with you and put you into problems, so that you realize that you have been trying to cheat yourself.
You are cheating your own Spirit. You are not truthful to yourself and
it would be like taking a dagger and putting it through and being very
happy, 'Oh how I have cheated myself.' It's that foolish and stupid I
tell you!
They know you too well. And they just take you round and put you into a problem to realize, that "do not cheat anymore!"
These dangers are there for all the people who get realization.
1980-Sept.08: The Dangers We Face, Caxton Hall,
In the Collective also
This happens with the individuals. It can happen in the collective also. I have seen in the collective people are so much misled; and one
negative person immediately knows who is the other negative, and then he
gets hold of that negative and they start working together.
So you have
to be extremely cautious that you have got your Realization, you've got
everything, you've got also lot of money in Sahaja Yoga. With all that
you should know it's a very, very good sign for thieves to walk in. So
you should be very careful and don't get charmed by all these
nonsensical things. That's what is the protection from your Mother, that
She wants to protect you in this way.
Our whole attitude towards life
has to be that of a witness - you see everything clearly. Gradually this
seeing will become so very sharp, so clear-cut, so understanding that
you will be amazed. Then you will be using something in the air,
anything you are using.
Then you don't have to think, only you have to know the VIBRATIONS: what are the VIBRATIONS are, what do the VIBRATIONS say, because they are there to guide you.
Gradually...then you have to know the Vibrations |
Those who are not yet very good at VIBRATIONS should try to establish themselves. If you are not good at VIBRATIONS that means you will not judge people rightly, nor will they have knowledge properly. So first you must get your, all your VIBRATIONS corrected and also chakras corrected.
After that you can see what are your associates, who are they?
See actually, your mind now is so enlightened that you can
straightforward see everything before you. But if you don't use that
enlightened mind you will be amazed, there are some forces of
negativity, and once these forces start...!
this is how we have to come back to this horrible night of Kali Yuga
through Diwali. This is what we have to do, to be humble and to find
whether you are all right or not, whether you are going in the right
direction or not.
It is you only who can decide. With VIBRATIONS you can
immediately know that you are catching, or you may know you are right.
Whatever decision has to be taken, you have to use your hands fully.
It's not talking that is going to help, it's not giving lectures that is
going to help - no. It is through experimenting,
through understanding, through the feelings of the deep, I should say
the deep impact of everything that will communicate to you what sort of a
people they are, what they are talking about, what you should do.
could be a little mental, but later on it becomes absolutely beyond a
mental activity.
1999-Nov.07: Diwali Puja, Greece, Delphi
how many of you
All this thinking and all kinds of decision making and having a big conference for decisions and all that, is not needed.
In day-to-day life also, you have to be like that. Also in every
political life, economical life, or any other life you have to lead, you
have to be very spontaneous.
How do you become spontaneous? What quality you have got? What is the
weapon you have got to know what decision to take? Do you know? You have
got VIBRATIONS. You have the feel of the VIBRATIONS. And you know what VIBRATIONS are, you know what VIBRATIONS tell you and convey and communicate to you. They speak to you. So, through your VIBRATIONS, you should know, in a second, what should you do.
For example now, somebody told Me that: “Mother, when I came to Cabella, I felt tremendous VIBRATIONS.” It’s a fact.
But how many of you feel that way? Because your sensitivity is not yet developed.
You have to be sensitive about your VIBRATIONS.
You should know, looking at anyone, sitting next to anyone, even
shaking hands with anyone... you should know what sort of VIBRATIONS that person has. This kind of sensitivity if you develop, then will definitely take a very spontaneous decision.
You know I’m very good at it: I bought this Cabella in five minutes.
2000-08-20-E-Krishna Puja
I cheat myself
will tell Me, "Mother, his VIBRATIONS are not all right, this house has
no good VIBRATIONS, that has no good VIBRATIONS", and the fellow
himself is shaking before Me, you know, like this.
And I said, "What
about your VIBRATIONS?"
"Oh, I am getting too much."
But I am also getting too much, so -please!
The problem with Sahaja Yogis sometimes is that they don't know the
importance of what they are. They are not aware. If their ego was
correct, in that Ahamkara - ego, the essence of it is Ahambawa, is that,
"I am a Sahaja Yogi. I am a Sahaja Yogi."
keep the point of honesty with it.
"Honestly, I'm a Sahaja Yogi and I'm
a follower of a religion, which is a universal religion, which is
innately built in myself." There's no hanky panky about it. "Is my
experience, and I believe in it fully, and is innately within myself."
This is the Ahambawa. I don't know what is it in the English language,
is could be "I-ness", "I-ness". Then:"I am on this earth now, this life
is for the work of God. And for that I have to be a pure person,
because I belong to Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. I have to be pure, I have to
achieve my purity through meditation through every way watching myself. I
have to be a pure person. And if I am a Sahaja Yogi, if I am united
with that all pervading power of love, I should be the medium to give
that love to others, and compassion. I have no time for other things.
Other things are of no value. My attention has to be pure. My life has
to be pure. [But]
No self-respect! |
say one thing, do another thing. I cheat myself morning till evening,
then I have no "I-ness", I have no self respect. If it is possible, why
not manage something free? "
Say, "If Mother has a house, let's go and
have some nice time there. After all it's Nirmala House, so we can have
something free."
No self respect!: "Let us save some money, if possible
here and there." - No self respect!
1989-May 21: Shri Buddha Puja, Barcelona