Monday, February 18, 2013

02-23: A day for Introspection... Collective introspection

In Mathematics, some equations can have 2 solutions. One of them is... zero.  
«But if you fail, then only thing will be that you have failed Me completely.
Here 3 extracts from Shri Mataji.
  1. Sahaja Yoga sometimes fails
Now, how far you understand your importance, is a different point.
You do for your emancipation, all right, you meditate.
But if you are not channelizing the love, the Divine love, what is the use?
Now, supposing I repair something very nicely -I repaired this machine [microphone] nicely, put it right, everything, and I don't speak, what is the use of having this? In the same way, if you work very hard, I know people who get up at four o'clock, have their baths, do meditation, sit down, in the night again they sit down for meditation, but they never go out, they never talk to others, they never spread Sahaja Yoga. They do not give Divine love to others, so how can this great problem of this world be solved, that it has no love?
It has never known Divine love. It has to be given to them. They have to feel this Divine love, this power of Adi Shakti. They have to know it, otherwise you have been selfish, I would say, that you had a nice time having all this and you have not given it to others.
This is the reason why Sahaja Yoga sometimes fails to create a proper balanced personality in a human being.

2. if you fail,...
Try and find out where you can go and talk about it and do something good to others and help them somehow to rise above this common existence of misery, unhappiness and destruction. The time is very short and I think if you see the time, the rate at which we are moving is not proper. We have to be much faster, we have to go much ahead and we have to create much more Sahaja yogis through our consistent, very intensive effort. But we, "It's a side issue, it's by the way, Sahaja Yoga is by the way" and this is where we are failing in our responsibility. We have to learn from the Mother Earth.
"Only very few..."
You might say that, "Mataji, how can we be like you? After all You are Adi Shakti."
Many people say that. "You are Adi Shakti, so what? - you see: with one finger You can move things like that!"
-But why should I? Why should I, what is the need?
So in that reflection that you are Me, in that reflection that the Mother Earth is Me, in that beautiful creation within you, you have to become very sensitive to the need of the world. What is the need of the world?
Today, if you fail, the whole thing will fail forever.  
Only very few will be there.
So the need for you is to spread Sahaja Yoga, because this love is not only for you., is not to be enjoyed by you, but is to be enjoyed by as many possible in the whole world.

3.( If ) have failed me completely

Sufi dervish gathering, Persia 17 c.
Did they raise anybody's kundalini? Did they have any power? Even the disciples of Christ or even Mohammed Sahib's disciples, anyone - did they do it? Did they have any understanding of kundalini? Did they have any love for others, that they should give them realization?
There were some Sufis, they never gave realization to anyone. There were so many saints, who never gave realization to anybody. Mohammed Sahib never gave realization to anybody. Gautama Buddha never gave realization to anybody, think of it! Christ never gave realization to anybody- anybody! Krishna did not do it, Rama did not.
"...failed me...."
Nobody but you can do it. You can do it and you know everything about kundalini. It's a very big thing because you are children of the Adi Shakti. You are here and your Mother is here. It's a very, very fortunate thing for Me that you are here. I'm very proud of you, but again and again I have to tell you that the work has to be with a faster speed, we have to move with a faster speed and get more people to Sahaja Yoga.
It is rather, rather difficult for Me to say something forcefully, that's not My nature you know. Can't get into tempers and cannot get angry, and I cannot forcefully say something to you.
But if you fail, then only thing will be that you have failed Me completely. It means that, nothing less than that.
"...Go to the churches and tell..."
And if you don't want to do it (=to fail me)), then I would request all of you to take a vow today 
that you will spread Sahaja Yoga
and you will talk about Sahaja Yoga, know about Sahaja Yoga. 77There are many who don't know anything. Also it's very surprising they are Sahaja yogis, they don't know anything.
And don't create problems for Me! -like marriage: "we can't live now with the wife, we can't live with the husband".
All sorts of nonsensical problems people create for Me in Sahaja Yoga!
Are you here to create problems, or to remove problems of people?
(AdiShakti, Cabella, 25 May 1997)
4. "If"... 2000... 2011... 2013...
With all this background, I
 know by the year 2000,
Sahaja Yoga will come out in the whole world as something very great…
- You did not allow me to complete the sentence!:
If you people become real Sahaja Yogis.
All of you.
All of you who are attending to Me here.
Even this much group, if it becomes real Sahaja Yogis.
It doesn’t matter if I can’t meet you personally.
It doesn’t matter if I can’t go to your places.
It doesn’t matter, nothing matters.
Christ’s disciples worked when he never existed.
So it’s not important, what is important is that you are the people who are responsible for the emancipation of this world, for the synthesis of this world, to bring peace and joy and happiness to people."
More: click here

Most revered and beloved Shri Mataji,
Yes, we are coming 
shamelessly exhibiting 
our divisions,
our groupism,
our subtle way to erase Your person for selling footsoaks
our ways to forget the Spirit and promote here, health, there, rituals
our efficiency in managing 'wellness' centers, but no 'meditation center'
our school ISPS out of control
Apart from flowers, milk and honey (that we do not produce ourselves) what do we have to surrrender?
What are we proud of -that could please a Mother?
- I do not 'celebrate', I have nothing to present.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

  Even about Me you have to desire. 
Look at that: how much I am bound by you!
Unless and until you desire My good health, I'll have bad health; it is to that extent. 
But to Me, what is bad health and good health? 
And under these beautiful conditions you should really prosper so well. There should be no problem for you to be gurus.Now, the Void is to be established. 
First of all you must know your Guru, and She is on every Chakra working - imagine! What a tremendous Guru you have! 
With that you'll feel the confidence. And because it is such a tremendous Guru, everybody is getting Realization so easily. (.../...)
And secondly, you must know that your Guru has been the Mother of very great people. The thought of them itself should establish your Guru tattwa. What tremendous Sons I have had, what great Personalities. No words can describe them, and so many of them, one after another!
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And you are in the same tradition, My disciples. Keep them as your ideals. Try to follow them. Read about them, understand them, what they have said, how they have achieved such heights. Recognize them, respect them. You will establish your Guru tattwa.
Imbibe all the Statutes within you, and be proud about it. Don't be misguided by what people are talking, multitudes are talking. We are going to pull the whole multitude towards ourselves. First of all let us establish our weight, the gravity. As Mother Earth keeps everybody pulling towards Earth, we'll be pulling all of them to ourselves.
Today all of you must, within yourself to your Spirit, promise that you will be a guru, worthy of your Mother.

please. click for News of Iran
Once ( more than once) Shri Mataji said...:
fight against corruption

Well.. look at this

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A realized person wants to be coRRected.

Shri Bhairava in Katmandu
«...I have told you many a times .... that you should know you are never alone when you are realized.
There have been many people who have been realized, before even you were born, who exist, who are anxious to help you at every moment. In our shastras [Scriptures] we call them Chiranjivas [eternal beings], you know them.
They are people who are Niranjanas, as he said about Bhairava and Hanumana. All these people exist and they are waiting just for a call from you.

But you must open your mouth, otherwise if they start thinking, "what will people say"?
They are going to help you in every way, but how far are you standing on your security?
How far you are standing on your property, on your understanding of yourself?

It's a great war going on.
You are not aware of it. Some of you are.
Some of you are definitely aware of it because they have had the experience of fighting it out. It's a big war on. Now specially when ten rakshasas [demons] have taken their avataras [incarnations].
And for you to be so feeble - you are still small children, no doubt, because you got your realization only a few days back.!
But if you want, you can grow very fast. You can grow into big big giants. All of you can grow. Only thing, you have to decide that you have to grow within. There are so many things, that you only have discovered, by which a person grows.
I can give you food, but you have to grow yourself.
Wherever you see the negativity, you have to stand up and say, "This is negativity and nothing else. Whether you like it or not."
In that, you love that person, you don't hate.

Only talking sweetly, is not the idea of love.
Birthday puja, 2010
No: a mother sometimes even scolds the child -doesn't mean that she doesn't love. If it is necessary, you have to tell the person that it is negativity.
Of course, if there is a realized person he won't mind any correction - because he wants the correction, he knows that it has to be corrected. The instrument has to be corrected.

But a person who doesn't understand, you have to force your love on that person. You can force that love - you know that - sitting down here. Many people have tried putting love around certain people who were trying to be mischievous - and they have been able to achieve great results.
Those people have turned back and come back.
Only by putting your hand and putting your attention on that person and moving this hand like this, the love encircles, then the person comes back.
There is no doubt that there is negativity and positivity, nothing in between these, you must remember. There is no compromise between the two. Either it is light and darkness, or it is positive and negative - definitely there are two things that are fighting.

Only thing your will - that's the trouble in this- the whole joke!- that your will is respected, your will is throughout respected.
If you have the will to be a giant that loves, you can be.

1973-0828: Shri Krishna Puja, Mumbai, India

---------- > The true meaning of "will"
So your will is very important in Sahaja Yoga. What do you will? That is very, very important. Now will does not mean desire: will means desire put into action. 
«Will means desire put into action. »
So, what you do, is to desire and then, you put it into action. You can do it (....)
I have no will, I have no action. So it is your will which is going to work it out. So you have to dedicate and now you have to weigh yoursel: "How much I am willed?"
The seminars help you to see how much you really will that Sahaja Yoga should be successful
(1980-11-16: New Age, Sussex, England)