Tuesday, August 26, 2014

CC Forum in Cabella: the start of the idea of a beginning

On-the-auspicious-occasion-of the Krishna Puja, the CC organized a kind of open forum. About 200 persons attended, and split up into 10 clusters of discussion. 
Two main topics were proposed, about Becoming the Spirit and about Collectivity.
This Swayamblog only can feel happy (please notice that such a thing can happen) about this choice, as it has been dedicated to such issue since the first post in April 2011(*worth reading again; link below)
On this pattern, Sahajis proposed about 10 themes:
  • Keeping the connection with Shri Mataji - Integration of the next generation - Recognizing What our realization is - 4:How to become the spirit if we go on saying that "Mother is coming" at the beginning of pujas?- Consequences of 23Feb 2011 - How to surrender  -  Protocol in Sahaj and ritualism - Integrating the Yuvas - Unity, oneness and divisions - The Trith in Sahaja yoga.
As we can see, the project of "becoming the Spirit" has been overflooded by the interrogations of the Sangha.
This rality totally fits with this Swayamblogger's analysis, that the CC, just as any institution in Sahaj, is reliable to the collective
The good news is that the organizers just discovered that the people wanted a more efficient and more clear Sahaja Yoga, and not to put down nor demolish the CC nor the WF, nor its Board -members.
The different groups of discussion wrote down an account that is now somewhere on the Cabella web -I do not know whether it will be uploaded on the net.

Of course swayamblogger was in the N°4, where it did appear, according to all, that
1 Vibrations are higher since Mother's death
2 She is with us, in our heart, all the time. Shri Adishakti made an Avatar, which comes down to Earth, and has an end, but Her essence in Eternal from the first Beginning. having the connection with Shri Adishakti is not reduced to worshipping the Memories of this Avatar (what religions did)
4 The SELF is the reflection of the Divine, and has to shine. hence, focusing on clearing the catches and the chakras is necessary, but the MEDITATION is different from the moment of clearing.
5 Maybe 'She is going to come" should be changed to a "now the audience is ready to WELCOME Shri Mataji" (meditative silence) but, yes, the coming of the photo raises the Vibration level.
6 The divisions in the Sangha started much before Her death, and show that the connection with Mother, and one's own Self, has not been what could have been expected.

Let us play our part, dear friends and readers, to make our leaders, trustees and elder brothers understand

that such topics as basic as Meditation Spirit and Collectivity are, should be the priorities of our seminars.
If we have a Sahaja way of thinking, we all would understand that: from this point only, can start adequate projects towards the "Real world", and can be successful. 
Sorry to say, but it is logical that running after initiatives/ tours, without a proper spiritual collective and clear anchoring in "becoming the Spirit", are not as efficient as they could be in those «precarious times»(though supported by the Paramchaitanya because She is nice to Sahajis)

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