Thursday, April 4, 2013

The saintly King who gave permission to do whatever 'they' like...

«I read a very nice story about a king who was a monk, you see and he had to be a king.
He didn't want to become a king because he said, 
"I am a saintly person. I don't want." 
He was a saint, but he was made a King, he was forced, to become because there was no one, everybody was very happy, 
and he gave all permission to do whatever they like
taken from 'Mother India',
a movie recommended by Shri Mataji
But the grandees of that place you see, all the people who were holding the courts, and all that, became very powerful because he was a very mild person and very kindly person, and they just exploited all the villagers, and they exploited all the poor people, and all the farmers, and everybody took away all their things and they looted them, tortured them, and troubled their women, and did all kinds of monstrous things to his subjects. But then he was told about it. 

When Afzal khan came to kill Shivaji Maharaj ,
he was himself killed by Shivaji.
Then he thought that now I am sitting as a king here and though I am a saint and as a saint,
I have a duty to perform
So he made a very nice plot you see, got very good people, handful of people who were very, very close to him, and on whom he can depend.
And he called all these grandees for a court and tell them not to bring any weapons on them 
and then 
cut everybody's neck there - everybody's! 
He was a saint, though he cut everybody's neck,
because these people were horrid. 

We all are catching on left vishiddhi
To punish them was his job, and he did it without feeling guilty, without catching on the left Vishuddhi.

So whatever has to be done has to be done,
there's nothing to be sorry about it.
You don't have to be sorry at all, but, 
whatever you feel then if it is not expressed, that feeling properly
then you have to feel it in your heart so that it acts and works - this is, of course, for left Vishuddhi.
But one thing we have to ask ourselves, how do we get rid of our left Vishuddi? 
And when you start asking this question, why have I got left Vishuddi? It is the surplus of your ego as I have told you.

«You shouldn't worry, you are all Yogis, you must know you are all saints now, so you don't have to worry about small, small things.
Even if you slap someone is all right, 
if it is necessary you can slap people. 

There were yogis used to throw stones at others just to save themselves from their boredom, from their aggression. 
So it's all right, you are all saints, 
so saints can do that way.» 

As  our reader will not believe what is written,  here is the source, we recommend an attentive listening: 
1988-08/20: Cure that left Vishuddhi, Vishnumaya Puja, Shudy Camps

the surplus of our ego makes us feel so guilty that we do not want to 'kill' the negativity.
Of course, our 'rulers', CC and others, should go all through such talks, while 'no-acting' against negativity, divisions,  and adharma.

To know more, CLICK 
On witness state, no-to-react and be the winner
Qn Politics in Sahaj

Of course, every one is fully entitled to reject this selection. Though, to prove that this has no coherency would be uneasy.
About pity, compassion and negativity, Shri Mataji talked to us on the way back from the airport to the Ashram in Bogota. Pablo 
Escobar, the biggest drug-lord from Medellin was on the run. 
"They should better kill him", did She say. Eventually, some months after, he was shot dead on a roof, some hundreds yards away from the Medellin Ashram.
This was a lesson about protecting the society, and the difference between forgiveness ans 'pity', between 'watching the negativity', and acting for the good.
This has to be deeply considered all through, as well against external negativity, as inside.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reminding us of these divine words...Much love
