JUNE 2013
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Dear friends,
we are the monday 16th of July, and , after 2 weeks, NO international nor united initiative has been taken yet, as far as vibratory action is concerned.
Only now a "task force" made out of "specialists" is being slowly deviced.
Should we understand that nobody in the "governance" has any faith in the collectivity, or/and in the collective expression of our Sahaj desire? Which means, at least and at the bottom, that this governance does not have real FAITH ( Shraddha)...?
Thanks to Shri Mataji, at least 2 brothers have been released from the police, but under conditions and waiting for some trial. And with the recommandation to shut up.
I do not regret my call, though it has been sent to many coordinators, who did not ever think on answering. Obviously, the collective body that we are, is as headless as an...
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Dear friends,
we are the monday 16th of July, and , after 2 weeks, NO international nor united initiative has been taken yet, as far as vibratory action is concerned.
Only now a "task force" made out of "specialists" is being slowly deviced.
Should we understand that nobody in the "governance" has any faith in the collectivity, or/and in the collective expression of our Sahaj desire? Which means, at least and at the bottom, that this governance does not have real FAITH ( Shraddha)...?
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Oyster anatomy. |
I do not regret my call, though it has been sent to many coordinators, who did not ever think on answering. Obviously, the collective body that we are, is as headless as an...
While time is passing by, Sahaja yoga remains under threat in Iran. Not
only our brothers are under arrest, but the material of our centers have been
confiscated. Not only Sahaj Yoga remains in the clandestinity, but Irani
populations are deprived of their right to Self Realization.
THOUGH, a very simple initiative can be taken,
and it will be effective under the
condition that it is really collective, gathering all the parts of our divided
on SATURDAY 11 am Cabella
we can have a world Havan,
shoe beat and meditation, collectively, wherever you may be
expressing our desire and
our will.
1 for the liberation of
all the Sahaja yogis in Iran
2 for the establishment of
the conditions of en-masse self realization in Iran
3 for the equal dignity of
women in Iran
and 4 for the destruction
of all islamic fanaticism, as it is preventing more than a billion people from
Kundalini Awakening.
Mataji always insisted that She was "desireless" and that we
collectively had to desire and be Her channels; She also stressed that all the
Deities are as well as angels are anxious to work out Divine Will, as much as
our Pure desire in the Saharara is Divine.
pass on this call to your collective, and around you- and try to make your initiative be
communicated and known to the rest of
“”Only the human beings have the will. Now you being
enlightened with your will, with your will, you can regenerate or, we should
say, you can generate on your own Sahaja Yoga to go further. It's a very subtle
understanding that when light comes, light comes into this candle, it cannot
regenerate of its will any other. Somebody else has to take it to that.
So your will is very important in Sahaja Yoga. What do you will?
That is very, very important. Now, will does not mean desire; will means desire
put into action. So what you do, is to desire and then, you put it into
action. You can do it.””(1980-11/16: New Age, Sussex, England)
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""Whatever is not based on truth will go to something that is
destructive. Truth is the only thing that is constructive. All these ideas
sometimes confuse us, what is this, in the name of God, in the name of Shri
Krishna, in the name of Christ, in the name of Mohammed Sahib all these things
are done and also some people do it even in My name, "Mother said; Mother
said so." It is prohibited for Sahaja yogi to say that because I've had
enough of it in last lives. So this life nobody is going to say, "Mother
said it."
"I say." Have that much confidence and responsibility
to say, "I say, I am a
Sahaja Yogi”, you are a Sahaja Yogi, why can't you say? (Ipswich Krishna Puja, 1990)
ReplyDeleteSome Advice by H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:
When we really balance our gunas properly, then we become gradually the master of the whole situation. The attention doesn’t get dragged into things that we have been doing or that we have understood through our memories, or through our experiences or whatever it is. And is not also dragged towards too much on the right hand side that we try to overpower, or try to dominate someone. Because if you move too much that side you have seen it becomes blood. It is difficult for people to understand how, when people become very religious-minded, like now Iran, the movement is on the right - all the austerities, all that, everything. Now bloodshed. (Talk on Attention, London, 26/5/80)
Iran, you know, is in a great trouble. ... But things will work out, you will see. It will work out and the country will change. Its all nonsense, will be over. As it is they are suffering too much. They are very poor and fundamentalism, it is eating them off. They are all fighting among themselves. This is no religion, this is no Islam, this is not what Mohammed Sahib wanted. It is very difficult to explain to them or to tell them about Islam, that this is Islam, and this is what is the truth. (Talk, Cabella, 6/9/97)
"The other day I was in Los Angeles and I was to speak to people from Iran. Iran was the first country I visited and they told me: “Don’t use the word religion, they hate religions.” I said “Really?” “Yes, they hate the word religion.” I said: “To that extent they have gone?” Because they felt that religion has ruined their lives. So we have to be alert: No religion is wrong, no religion has done anything wrong, nor does it teach anything wrong. But it’s the human beings, when they take into their hands they have really spoiled it, completely. When we fight in the name of religion we are stupid. How can that be? Religion is there to give you peace, joy, happiness. It came at different times with different incarnations, prophets. But they are basically the same. There is no difference whatsoever, but to get to that you must get your Self Realization." (HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Royal Albert Hall London England 1999)
"I bow to all the seekers of truth. I am very very happy to meet you people from Iran, because the first country I visited was Iran at the time of Shah. And I found there were many people who were seeking the truth, and they had freedom to do that. And we had very few people because I was staying with my brother and we didn't have a program like this. But at least twenty people came to my brother's place and got their realization. After that you know what happened in Iran and I lost completely contact with them. But even now there are some people who are in Iran and who have got their realization. So I think Iran is a very old country of great culture and before it became Islamic it had Zoroastrians living there, who had great philosophy also. Then these Islamic people also took to Islam in a very serious way. ..."
1993-0927 Program for Iranians in Los Angeles
H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi speaking to Iranans at a Sahaja Yoga public program in Los Angeles, California, USA. 1993. (1993-0927) No audio in latter part of talk. (25mins onward)
Our dear brothers and sisters I am a sahaja yogi in india, First to tell you we are more than concerned for you, every single sahaja yogi is playing its part through praying , bandhan shoe beating we had also organised a a big Havan were viberations were tremendous that things will be all right very soon. Plss do not worry and have full faith on Divine Jai Shri Mata Ji.
DeletePlease leave Iran if there is so much trouble there.
Deletehow are you now?brothers and sisters.May you be blessed completely.