A Big laugh
Try to develop it that when you are reacting, stop reaction, stop reaction about everything. You will be amazed, you will find yourself a very, very powerful person in the sense you'll have no ambitions, you'll have no desires, you'll have no special fondness or anything.
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...you understand the stupidity... |
But just you are witnessing the drama. It's very interesting to witness also, because then you understand the humor behind everything, you understand the stupidity behind everything.
You understand also how people have been so violent,
and you just laugh at it;
you don't get upset, excited, nothing, just laugh at it.
After some time you'll be amazed, your witness state will increase, and when in the collective all of you have that witness state, you can do wonders without doing anything, without saying anything, without acting - only your presence itself can work it out. I don't say that it will have effect on everyone, no, can't say; but most of the people. Any person who is in that state, he is the one who brings peace, he brings joy.
and you just laugh at it;
you don't get upset, excited, nothing, just laugh at it.
After some time you'll be amazed, your witness state will increase, and when in the collective all of you have that witness state, you can do wonders without doing anything, without saying anything, without acting - only your presence itself can work it out. I don't say that it will have effect on everyone, no, can't say; but most of the people. Any person who is in that state, he is the one who brings peace, he brings joy.
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...going to do Mother's work... |
I'll tell you a story of a Sahaja Yogi who was going to another island - he was living in an island - for Sahaja Yoga work, and he found the whole sky was covered with very black clouds, thundering clouds.
So he just looked at them like this and he said, "Wait till I come back. I am going to do Mother's work." He went to another island, he did the program, everything happened and when he came back he wanted to sleep, and suddenly it started raining and thundering.
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...I've known people who... |
Even the nature understands. Nature understands that you are in that great state of witnessing.
But if you are very ambitious - even in Sahaja Yoga I have known people who are very ambitious,
they want to become leaders, I don't know what else! actually, it's all a myth. All mythical things they want to get to, and worry their heads about mythical things!
But if you are very ambitious - even in Sahaja Yoga I have known people who are very ambitious,
they want to become leaders, I don't know what else! actually, it's all a myth. All mythical things they want to get to, and worry their heads about mythical things!
Once you learn how to witness:
you will know the myth,
you will know the absurdity,
you will know the maya.
So to overcome the problems of personality the best thing is to witness, practice witnessing everything:
before talking, practice witnessing,
before giving any comments, just start witnessing.
It's a very, very satisfying attitude.
Shri Krishna Puja, Cabella:1998-08/16
So to overcome the problems of personality the best thing is to witness, practice witnessing everything:
before talking, practice witnessing,
before giving any comments, just start witnessing.
It's a very, very satisfying attitude.
Shri Krishna Puja, Cabella:1998-08/16
- Swayamblogger: witness state means 1-to do Mother's work (to go, talk, comment =to act) and, 2- to laugh at the stupidity of people...
a joke without any hope
Shri Buddha 1983 in Brighton.
The quote goes like this:
"Can you think of a state
where it is absolutely desireless?
Only one person has that. He has no desire, is balanced. The whole thing is done without any desire.
So, there is no disappointment.
There is no unhappiness.
where it is absolutely desireless?
Only one person has that. He has no desire, is balanced. The whole thing is done without any desire.
So, there is no disappointment.
There is no unhappiness.
You are going to America knowingly that it is going to be a horrible experience, but it is a joke.
Just going to see a joke without any hope, may be it might work out to be something tremendous, but no desires!"
Just going to see a joke without any hope, may be it might work out to be something tremendous, but no desires!"
« I just couldn’t bear it. »
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... something wonderful... |
Now, if you really become a witness state, if you are in a witness state then
what will happen?
what will happen?
If you watch any such things that are happening:
it will subside.
it will subside.
If you are in a witness state and in that level, then no accident will take place in your sight. Even if there is an accident, then you can save the person, you can help the person very actively.
That’s in a very small scale, but even in avery large scale, you can do it, something wonderful.
That’s in a very small scale, but even in avery large scale, you can do it, something wonderful.
I remember, I was not very old at that time, but we were living in a house very close to the Secretariat where they had a strike.
And they were asking for a separate Maharashtra or something.
So the police was standing there and by the order of the Chief Minister, they were shooting at everyone who was coming, anyone and they were enjoying the shooting game, all of them.
I saw all this and
I just couldn’t bear it.
I just went down
and asked the police to stop. They stopped, you’ll be amazed, they stopped!
Then I carried those people who were wounded up to My house, took out their bullets and all that, called the ambulance and saved them.
But for that, one thing was there: I was in a state of witnessing, so you become fearless.
There is no fear at all, once you learn how to have the state of witnessing.
Because when you are not witnessing you get disturbed, you get upset, you get excited, you may join also this wrong type of people.
But if you are in a state of witnessing, that itself is a power.
And that witnessing state helps you to win over so many difficulties of other people.
(Krishna Puja, Cabella, 1998)
How to do,act, in Sahaj: a wider set of teachings: click here
(Krishna Puja, Cabella, 1998)
How to do,act, in Sahaj: a wider set of teachings: click here
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... and saved them... |
Swayamblogger: what we just read means: 'not-to-react' consists in getting out in the street and face the police, save people, in short:
'to risk one's life'.-And win.
'to risk one's life'.-And win.
One man sitting with a dagger.
I'll tell you a story about somebody in America.
He is a very old Sahaja Yogi, Indian.
He came out of his shop, where he was working, and got into his car - there was one man sitting with a dagger. And he hit him with the dagger on the center Heart. And this fellow started bleeding. He said, " I don't know what happened to me, Mother. I got such strength, I caught hold of him and I started fighting with him, and I took the dagger from him. He had the handle and the dagger came into my hand.
And the fellow ran away. But still I was not worried about my bleeding.
What I did - I called my colleague who was coming out of the car, I ran after him and he took me in his car for half-an-hour searching that fellow."
They didn't go (first) to the police, and then, they went to the police.
The police was surprised - the whole shirt was full of blood. He said, "Nobody would believe. Even the police was shocked. "For half an hour you were searching this fellow. Why didn't you come to the police?" He said, "It would have taken half-an-hour for you to come, so we thought, better do it ourselves." See the courage!
Then, of course, he was taken to the hospital, and he was all right. Just they stitched him up. But he is all right.
That is the sign of a person who can never get any one of these horrible diseases, because there is no fear
in his mind,
of any kind.
And, he is an Indian, he said: "I have never even slapped my own children. I have never fought with anyone. I am not a wrestler by any chance, nothing of the kind. But it happened." He says, " I don't know how, from where I got this shakti; and how I did it, I just don't know."
There are many stories like this they can tell you ,about Sahaja Yogis, and about so many saints, how they were never afraid of attacking someone when somebody attacks them, or of protecting themselves from all kinds of horrible things with their courage.
This is something one cannot believe sometimes, but it is happening, every day, I get letters from people how they have been courageous.
If you believe in the Goddess, then know that She is extremely powerful; She is very intelligent; and if She has to protect you, She will protect you out and out, in such a way that you will not know how you have been protected.
But this faith has to be developed.
Faith has to be developed by experience also, how you have been protected always; how you have been helped always; how you came out of so many crises.
But despite that if you get upset, worried, if some clouds appear in the sky of your life, then if you get upset, that means you are still weak.
So ,first thing, if you are really worshipping the Goddess, then you should have no worry at all of any kind, and you should have no fear at all. Go ahead, fearlessly.
Whatever you are doing, do it fearlessly.
But at the same time I have to tell you the other side, that one should not go about like a zombie, it doesn't mean that; saying all kinds of nonsensical things of the right side.
But if you have to do something, do it with clear-cut ideas, and also without any fear.
(1994, 10-09, Navaratri, Cabella.)
«I read a very nice story about a king who was a monk, you see, and he had to be a king. He didn't want to become a king because he said : "I am a saintly person. I don't want."
To punish them was his job, and he did it without feeling guilty, without catching on the left Vishuddhi.
So whatever has to be done has to be done,
there's nothing to be sorry about it.
You don't have to be sorry at all, but,
the surplus of our ego makes us feel so guilty that we do not want to 'kill' the negativity.
Of course, our 'rulers', CC and others, should go all through such talks, while 'no-acting' against divisions,and adharma.
Of course, every one is fully entitled to reject this selection. Though, to prove that this has no coherency in the teachings of Shri Mataji would be uneasy.About pity, compassion and negativity, Shri Mataji talked to us in our car, on the way back from the airport to the Ashram in Bogota. Pablo Escobar, the biggest drug-lord from Medellin was on the run.
"They should better kill him", did She say. Eventually, some months after, he was shot dead on a roof, some hundreds yards away from the Medellin Ashram.
This was a lesson about protecting the society, and the difference between forgiveness ans 'pity', between 'watching the negativity', and acting for the good.
This has to be deeply considered all through, as well against external negativity, as inside.
...Like there's one fellow who has murdered so many people, put them into gas chambers, this thing.
Let him die there, what is there to have pity?Just hang him, out, and finish!
He has killed so many people. "No, but how can you do that?" You must keep this doggy there, though he's consuming the money of all the people, though he has killed thousands and thousands and thousands in gas chamber. He's been such a horrid fellow, there should be no sympathy: in the Divine Laws he would be finished in no time.
He's dissipating every day, but even now I read articles in sympathy with him, "Now what is he going to do wrong? Why not leave him alone?"
Now I must tell you as your Mother, very clearly, that this is the part this horrible left Vishuddhi plays. Do not indulge into it! If you have an ego that's why it's left Vishuddhi, so face up to yourself!
Swayamblogger: So,forgiveness is not to be mistaken with pity, which is of ego and left vishuddhi.
One man sitting with a dagger.
I'll tell you a story about somebody in America.
He is a very old Sahaja Yogi, Indian.
He came out of his shop, where he was working, and got into his car - there was one man sitting with a dagger. And he hit him with the dagger on the center Heart. And this fellow started bleeding. He said, " I don't know what happened to me, Mother. I got such strength, I caught hold of him and I started fighting with him, and I took the dagger from him. He had the handle and the dagger came into my hand.

What I did - I called my colleague who was coming out of the car, I ran after him and he took me in his car for half-an-hour searching that fellow."
They didn't go (first) to the police, and then, they went to the police.
The police was surprised - the whole shirt was full of blood. He said, "Nobody would believe. Even the police was shocked. "For half an hour you were searching this fellow. Why didn't you come to the police?" He said, "It would have taken half-an-hour for you to come, so we thought, better do it ourselves." See the courage!
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" they were never afraid of attacking someone" |
That is the sign of a person who can never get any one of these horrible diseases, because there is no fear
in his mind,
of any kind.
And, he is an Indian, he said: "I have never even slapped my own children. I have never fought with anyone. I am not a wrestler by any chance, nothing of the kind. But it happened." He says, " I don't know how, from where I got this shakti; and how I did it, I just don't know."
There are many stories like this they can tell you ,about Sahaja Yogis, and about so many saints, how they were never afraid of attacking someone when somebody attacks them, or of protecting themselves from all kinds of horrible things with their courage.
Imam Hussein at Kerbala. "attacking" |
If you believe in the Goddess, then know that She is extremely powerful; She is very intelligent; and if She has to protect you, She will protect you out and out, in such a way that you will not know how you have been protected.
But this faith has to be developed.
Faith has to be developed by experience also, how you have been protected always; how you have been helped always; how you came out of so many crises.
But despite that if you get upset, worried, if some clouds appear in the sky of your life, then if you get upset, that means you are still weak.
So ,first thing, if you are really worshipping the Goddess, then you should have no worry at all of any kind, and you should have no fear at all. Go ahead, fearlessly.

But at the same time I have to tell you the other side, that one should not go about like a zombie, it doesn't mean that; saying all kinds of nonsensical things of the right side.
But if you have to do something, do it with clear-cut ideas, and also without any fear.
(1994, 10-09, Navaratri, Cabella.)
THE SAINT WHO BECAME A COOL KING«I read a very nice story about a king who was a monk, you see, and he had to be a king. He didn't want to become a king because he said : "I am a saintly person. I don't want."
He was a saint, but he was made a King, he was forced to become because there was no one, everybody was very happy,
and he gave all permission [to people] to do whatever they liked.
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taken from 'Mother India', a movie recommended by Shri Mataji |
But the grandees of that place, you see, all the people who were holding the courts, and all that, became very powerful because he was a very mild person and very kindly person, and they just exploited all the villagers, and they exploited all the poor people, and all the farmers, and everybody took away all their things, and they looted them, tortured them, and troubled their women, and did all kinds of monstrous things to his subjects.
But then he was told about it.
But then he was told about it.
Then he thought that "now I am sitting as a king here though I am a saint, and, as a saint, I have a duty to perform."
So he made a very nice plot you see, got very good people, handful of people who were very, very close to him, and on whom he can depend.
And he called all these grandees for a court and tell them not to bring any weapons on them
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When Afzal Khan came to kill Shivaji Maharaj ,
he was himself killed by Shivaji.
and then
cut everybody's neck there - everybody's!
He was a saint, though he cut everybody's neck,
because these people were horrid.
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We all are catching on left vishiddhi |
So whatever has to be done has to be done,
there's nothing to be sorry about it.
You don't have to be sorry at all, but,
whatever you feel then if it is not expressed, that feeling properly,
then you have to feel it in your heart so that it acts and works - this is, of course, for left Vishuddhi.
But one thing we have to ask ourselves, how do we get rid of our left Vishuddhi?
But one thing we have to ask ourselves, how do we get rid of our left Vishuddhi?
And when you start asking this question, 'why have I got left Vishuddi?' - It is the surplus of your ego as I have told you.
«You shouldn't worry, you are all Yogis, you must know you are all saints now, so you don't have to worry about small, small things.
There were yogis who used to throw stones at others just to save themselves from their boredom, from their aggression.

{As our readers will not believe what is written, here is the source, we recommend an attentive listening:
1988-08/20: Cure that left Vishuddhi, Vishnumaya Puja, Shudy Camps]

Even if you slap someone is all right,
if it is necessary you can slap people.
There were yogis who used to throw stones at others just to save themselves from their boredom, from their aggression.
So it's all right, you are all saints, so ,saints can do that way.

{As our readers will not believe what is written, here is the source, we recommend an attentive listening:
1988-08/20: Cure that left Vishuddhi, Vishnumaya Puja, Shudy Camps]
the surplus of our ego makes us feel so guilty that we do not want to 'kill' the negativity.
Of course, our 'rulers', CC and others, should go all through such talks, while 'no-acting' against divisions,and adharma.
Of course, every one is fully entitled to reject this selection. Though, to prove that this has no coherency in the teachings of Shri Mataji would be uneasy.About pity, compassion and negativity, Shri Mataji talked to us in our car, on the way back from the airport to the Ashram in Bogota. Pablo Escobar, the biggest drug-lord from Medellin was on the run.
"They should better kill him", did She say. Eventually, some months after, he was shot dead on a roof, some hundreds yards away from the Medellin Ashram.
This was a lesson about protecting the society, and the difference between forgiveness ans 'pity', between 'watching the negativity', and acting for the good.
This has to be deeply considered all through, as well against external negativity, as inside.
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Spandau prison, Berlin, where Hess died in 1987 only. |
He's arrested now, he's a liability, big liability as a prisoner kept somewhere, because they had to keep everything very much closed and this and that.
So to maintain such a dog there was very difficult for English people. {Spandau prison was kept by the 4 winners of WW2}
But they are maintaining this one prisoner - I've forgotten his name, horrible fellow, whosoever it is. Now he has been there, he's old, this thing.Let him die there, what is there to have pity?Just hang him, out, and finish!
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Rudolph Hess in 1938 |

This is how you play into the hands of horrible people by your left Vishuddhi, first of all.
So this left Vishuddhi is nothing but purely, purely ego, and then you bend your head like that, you walk like this.
Now, with this left Vishuddhi, though you have many, many physical problems with it, but the worst of all will be lunacy. The other day somebody told Me that at the age of forty years now in America people are suddenly becoming lunatic, and it's a very big sickness just like they have it in that horrible disease called AIDS, in that way it is spreading.
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Japanese touring in a concentration camp, at the place where the commandant was hung. |
1985-03/17: Birthday Puja, Melbourne, Australia -
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So it's all right, you are all saints, so, saints can do that way. |
Swayamblogger: So,forgiveness is not to be mistaken with pity, which is of ego and left vishuddhi.
thank you for sharing this knowledge, its helpfull .