«You have to do it» see the yellow text below |
That is the best way
you should say that
now you have dissolved yourself completely
into this dynamic force.
So I'm sure next time when I come I will have better news, much better news.Otherwise normally I go to any place they say:" Mother this one has disappeared another has gone away, fourth one has run away and a fifth one is missing."So this should not be such, it is your responsibility to see that SahajaYoga you work it out, for yourself and for others, with love. So, for a Mother, to see that all of her children are going away: I have said quite a lot!
It's not easy to say much on such an occasion, but I have to gather up courage and time and decide that I have to tell them all about it,because now it is your responsibility to work it out.
It's your responsibility.
In your own way think it, what can we do for Sahaja Yoga? In everything you can see Sahaj. You will get ideas pass them on, write them down, write your poetry, so many things can be done by all of you and there's no time to be wasted any more it has to be a very fast job, because this universe is standing on the blink of its' destruction, and we are the only people who have to save it.- So it's emergency for us. In that
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...which is another problem. |
emergency one has to know that the nature of Sahaj itself is working out everything, but if this does not work, in right time, then we'll have to have another world, which is another problem.
So we have to think seriously about it and understand the essence of everything and understand yourself why you do such and such things. Once you start this method "not this, not this, not this", I'll be not surprised that your growth will be very much faster, very much faster and I'll see you as very well established Nirvikalpas, very soon.
I bless you that you mature very much in your spirituality.
(1988-12/30: What Can We Do Alibag)
Imagine, with so many angels [that you are], the whole of England should get realization in no time, but we are still trying to learn what we are. Hanumana had no problem because from His childhood He knew that He was an angel and He has to do the job of an angel.
But, because we were born as human beings and now we have become angels, we find it difficult to be dynamic like other angels were. Even your thought, collective thought, even your individual thought, is powerful, and your attention is powerful. Because of this fear, or maybe the conditionings as you can call it, or maybe the ego part which is still sticking onto you, you still hang around false things, and that force, that dynamism is not expressed.
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Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary. "Namoh Maria...!". |
Now imagine Hanumana as Gabriel, had to go and tell Maria that there's a Child which is the incarnation. "The Savior is going to be born to you". She was a young virgin! To break such a news which was horrible, compared to the conditionings of those days! He did it. "I have to do it, so I'll do it. If that's the order, I'll do it." Because He knew that the carrying out of the order is His nature, is built within Him and He's not going to doubt it. He's not going to wait, but just told and He does it.
So a great understanding has to be within us, that we are growing within ourselves, but if we do not manifest, if we do not show our qualities, and if we do not express it in our life, in our doing, in our object, in the meaning of our life, then Sahaja Yoga is not going to spread; nor is it going to help you much.
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Shri Mataji, as a young woman |
It has given you Self Realization. It has given you the angel status. I mean: you try anything else, can you get the status of an angel? You cannot! Sahaja Yoga has given you that status, so what more do you want? It was never possible before, believe Me, impossible situation! If it was possible in anyway then Gyaneshwara would not have taken his samadhi at such a young age, and Kabira would not have said, "Oh God, what am I to do, this world is blind."
So you have that subtle power within you that you can work out on people's Kundalini without even their knowing about it. But in meditation when you sit down, you must admit to yourself, "I am an angel and as being an angel, I have no attachments with anything else but with God's work."
Attachments are so many.
Still in Sahaja Yoga I've seen people have,
like attachments to, now because they're married, so they are attached to wives. And so many have fallen out because of their wives' attachments. Then they have attachments to their children, and so many will fall out if they have attachments to their children. ...
... Then there are other attachments like possessions, positions, jobs - I have none so I don't know what others have, except for when I see you so much lovingly coming to the station, then the whole heart becomes like an ocean I think, and just starts like a big swell of a tide, ...
...The attachments do not give you the capacity to enjoy that ocean. If you are standing on the shore, how will you enjoy the ocean? You have to jump into it. But you've got your anchorage onto different things, so you can't jump in. And you are so safe. You know how to swim, you know how to kill a shark, even one sight of yours is sufficient. But because you're not aware, it is not active. Absolutely this is the case.
I've seen people who get small positions in life and they start boasting about it - "I met this-and-this man, I met that-and-that man, and this happened and that happened" - you feel like laughing at the person.
But you have met Sahaja Yoga, by which you have grown, you have been nourished, you have become so great.
(1989-04/23: Shri Hanumana Puja, Margate, England)
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So now you are the same, you are all angels now.
Only thing: you are not aware that you are angels while they were aware from their childhood.
If you know that you are angels, all your qualities will start shining through, and you'll be amazed that the quality of standing by the truth at any cost is so easily managed for you, because you have been given the right, you have been given the special blessings, the special protection from the Divine that if you stand for the right, and if you stand for the righteous, and if you stand for the truth, all kinds of help to protect you will be given.
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...aware from their childhood. |
If there's a problem, it's the angels who solve, for the saints as well as for the incarnations. And they are to be told sometimes that "Don't jump in, just now we are working out on the stage now, you will jump when we'll ask you." They're ready standing at the door just to jump in. So anxious! And they are fixed quantities: you can rely on them completely. (...)
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you are all angels now. ... |
is not
done by Adi Shakti.
She has created these powers in everyone which works out, but Sahaja Yoga is not. Sahaja Yoga [=your realization] works through the innate qualities that are in the Mother Earth and that are in the seed. So I'm here not as Adi Shakti. I'm here as their Mother, as their Holy Mother, and as Holy Mother I've guided them. You can say I'm like the Mother Earth who sprouts seeds, so then another detachment can come in, into you. That these are your powers within you which have been just enlightened by your innate nature of Kundalini.
And that you are empowered yourself. And all this power that is within you, is only told by me that it is within you, you see for yourself, only like a mirror I'm telling you, "You are this, see for yourself." So how can I take any credit for it?
So you can even have detachment to understand that, the powers, that we have are for Sahaja Yoga. As Mother has powers to work for Sahaja Yoga, we too have powers to work for Sahaja Yoga, and as She works, we also have to work.
But there is attachment like this:
"Mother is doing everything, what can we do?"
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...It's not that Mother will do |
have to do it.
This is a very important detachment which I'm trying to say, that you have to do this yourself. It's not that Mother will do - "After all, Mother is doing everything." It's correct, that is correct in a way, but you are the instrument. Electricity is doing everything here but this instrument has to work.
So the source may be there but the instrument is the one which delivers the goods.
And, like Hanumana, you are the instrument, and you have to work, you have to do the job.
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...you will do the jobs. |
1989-04/23: Shri Hanumana Puja, Margate, England
"one day will come that in the history of this world"... - though, not what you're imagining....
You know everything about Kundalini. You know everything about realization. How many people knew about it?
Otherwise, I'll start thinking I have given all this knowledge to some bunch of fools who do not know what is the value. As Christ has said, "Don't throw pearls before the swines." I don't think I have done that mistake. I cannot believe I have done that mistake, that I have thrown pearls before swines. I have not done it. But it is for you to decide where you stand, in what category.
"...otherwise..." |
"..golden letters..." |
And I'm sure one day will come that in the history of this world Sahaja Yogis will have their names written with golden letters.
I'm sure this will work out. I'm sure this has to work out.
And that you all have to achieve it, collectively, with one mind, with one heart." What should I sacrifice? What should I do? How should I help? What is my contribution?"
I wish I could see those days in my lifetime.
So today is the day when we have to introspect.
So should we go into meditation, all of us!
(18 June 1988, Shudy Camps, mn: 33'30 just before the "introspection" meditation started)
.. But if you are satisfied with things which are useless and nonsensical, then what am I to do with that? Now you just tell me, with someone who is interested in things which are nonsensical, now ,how do you bring them round? -I mean, there is no psychology that can bring them round, you see, because you have to have the desire to be all right. But this is something so innate, being the process itself is a living process and doesn't work out if the people do not have the pure desire. Now this written down since long. It cannot be changed, it cannot be forced, it cannot be sort of explained, or discussed, or argued, nothing can be done; it has to work out within you.
Now even when you have worked it out on someone, you may not achieve the results. That's possible. You may, you may not.
So, when the situation is so difficult and where the children are also so adamant, then what can Mother do? Is to push them in. See, I am very much concerned, that this ego which is sometimes so selfish and so conceited, that it satisfies itself and it's very happy, it will not allow you to get to the, that point where you really stand, where you have all your powers, where you are the master of your being. It will not allow. The identification with the ego is so much, that's easy to take a bull by the horn but to take a ego-oriented man through Sahaja Yoga's practices is very difficult.

Sahaja Yogis also sometimes feel very frustrated, I know. But whatever it is, as far as I am concerned, I have tremendous desire now.
But I am so desireless that this desire also may not work out.
You see, I am a desireless person. Now what to do?
So I ask Sahaja Yogis to desire, that the people should have that great desire to become the Spirit. This is the greatest thing that we can give to our brothers and sisters, to the progeny, to the people who are children today, to this beautiful world. We need these beautiful lights and the beautiful time which they all have to enjoy.
I hope those who have come for the first time will understand My difficulty and will try to see that you desire only your Self Realization and nothing else. Just desire that!
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2007 |
You see the difference between Me and Christ is here: He got so fed up that He said, . "Let Me be crucified". I mean, of course it was in the plan that He should be crucified also. But I mean that won't solve the problem now.
I have to see that you all get your Resurrection somehow.
It's like a Mother's desire who wants to give a bath to the child and get him cleansed somehow, you see. So whichever way you like - whether you like a chocolate or whether you like a little rebuking or whatever way you like,
I am willing to work it out, but, please, at least, desire that you have to have your Self Realization!
May God bless you!
(1983-June 06: Essence of Sahaja Yoga, Holborn Library, London)
But in some countries I find the people are just deaf and dumb. They can't understand Sahaja Yoga.
For My program they do come, and afterwards just they disappear. This one I think is also:
The way they go about, the way they want to do Sahaj work is not Sahaj.
Must be something definitely wrong with the whole thing, and that's why it's not working out the same way as it is working out in many places.
I have to tell you that all this is there, that Adi Shakti is there,
and all this has happened through Adi Shakti.But now the further work has to be done through you people because you are the channels, you are the one who have to transform people. Now everybody should understand and know how many people we have given realization. We have to think about it: what have we done for Sahaja Yoga?
...But I would say that also in Sahaja Yoga I've found there are all kinds of funny ideas growing here. Like certain rituals they'll take up. Then they prescribe certain rituals, they'll talk about it.
And a kind of a power-orientation is there. They want to oppress others, and they want to take over and frighten people and behave in such a manner that, as if they are very good. Some of them start saying that "Mataji said so. This is Mataji's ideas." By their own power-orientation they manufacture things and talk like that and... But ask them, "How many have you given realization?" The first thing is, you must determine is positivity: how many you have given realization? Is just talking about others, criticizing others, talking about the defects of Sahaja Yoga, seeing in the Sahaja Yoga; is I would say, is still a very preliminary things that have happened before, and it should stop now.
(AdiShakti, 1998)
… you may find me anywhere, you are walking on the street, suddenly
you might find Mataji walking with you. So this is the second era we
have started, and you should not be shocked if you see me sitting on
your bed and putting my hand on your head, or you may see me in the form
of Christ walking into your room, or as Shri Rama. That has to happen,
so you should be prepared! 
then, you should believe that you are in the heart of your Mother.
This is the sign of the new Sahaja Yogi now in the new era who has to move with new force.
Where you will grow so fast, that without meditation you will be in meditation.
Without being in my presence you will be in my presence.
(Sahasrara Day 1984, France)
So He's the one {Shri Buddha} who is on the right side placed, going
to the left side. He's the one who has said that "You have to be
desireless," on the right side. What a contrast. Specially in the West,
I've seen people do little bit "Huh!" - What have they done? - "I
lifted that spoon." And with the spoon they sit down. - And they are
surprised to see Me that I'm not tired.But I don't do anything. I mean, I have no desires.

I'm just Nishkriya, I'm just doing nothing.
So, when you become that instrument, surrendered instrument, when you know you are not doing anything whatsoever, then on the right side you achieve mastery.
How you achieve mastery? You don't do anything, all right? You go to any shop and you get a jackpot, without doing anything. You do not desire anything and suddenly you find, which you have never ever thought of is before you, there, sits there, available for you, just have it. So, with the desire to achieve something, when you work out, it also has a reaction. Every action has a reaction. But action without desire cannot have reaction because there's no desire already.
But once you are without ego - means you have surrendered yourself- no one can cheat you. Can you understand that? No one can cheat you because there is some higher force, which is looking after you.
This is the way we should understand Buddha. This is ... we should know our Buddha qualities.
This is how our ego can be dissolved. When you say, "Mother, we surrender to You"
That just means that you give that horrible ego a complete holiday, it means that.
That is how this ego disappears.
I think all your, your... just now, your Agnyas are {Shri Buddha}, most of you, somehow.
And then you'll laugh at everything; you'll make fun of yourself; just enjoy everything.
(1991-08/04: Shri Buddha Puja, Deinze, Belgium)
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«... opened out...» |
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