I don't know if you people really are aware of your responsibilities. Sometimes you are only worried on "Where am I catching? What is happening to me, what is this, this?" So self-centered! Or you are worried about others: "She should not have not done this, he should not done, he should have not sat next to Mother, should have done this."
Nobody should think that they love Me more than anybody else. Nobody should think like that. Some people know more rituals, some know more protocol, doesn't matter, but I know who loves Me. The one who loves others loves Me the most.
I don't care... |
Sahaj Yoga will never work out if you do not look after that side: how you behave towards your wife, towards your husband, towards your brothers and sisters. That is the most important thing.
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You cannot bind me... |
Who can know the protocol of Divine Mother?
You cannot bind Me into protocols. You cannot bind Me to anything I am unlimited. I am detached. You cannot bind Me to anything. To think that you can have Me attracted towards you by your protocols, which is dead, has no meaning.
It has to be a living protocol of being kind and generous, [...]
1981-May 24: Subconscious Supraconcious, Formal Talk, Chelsham Rd, London
But now, the problem that human beings start facing is the assumption that they are gurus.
They start speaking about Sahaja Yoga, talking about Sahaja Yoga, and they start thinking that they have become already Shri Krishna. They have even a greater ego than the person who is actually ignorant about Sahaja Yoga! They start talking with such tremendous ego that I am myself frightened of them: how much they know about Sahaja Yoga?, I sometimes think! And they start asserting it so much that it's frightening. All this can be also said, that they feel that protocol is not all right and ""there should be proper protocol, so we are looking after protocol, we are the guards of the protocol"", and all these things there.
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...they start asserting... |
1982-July 04: Establishing the Guru Principle, Adi Guru Puja, Nightingale Lane London
... And then you people have to know that you are all individually Sahaja Yogis. None of these big, big rishis and munis could not give realization as you are giving. You don't know your powers. You don't know your position. And if some leader is of that kind, you should immediately write to Me. I'm still existing. I am just wondering how many of you can understand that a person without any depth cannot lead you anywhere. Anybody who tries to show off, if you run after that person, that means you have not fathomed your own depth. You must know what is your depth. And don't get impressed by somebody because he can dominate you very well and he can go about.
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When we understand that it is so... |
I don't believe in any rules and regulations for Sahaja Yogis as such - that you can meet your wife only at this time, husband at that time. You are swashchhanda - swa is your Spirit and shchhanda is at the disposal of your Atma. And when you are that: you become absolutely collective also.
And these jealousies and this petty mindedness is not necessary. You are all universal personalities. You have to be that great. You don't belong to any country. Just to make it convenient, you see, I use the name of the countries. But if I say, "North, South, East, West," I don't know how will I manage it. Because the whole system otherwise works this way that you have Qantas going to Australia, you have this to that. So you have to take to these countries as such, but for Me they don't exist. Even the directions don't exist for Me. You are all My children, and I just can't think in that way.
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No barrier... |
One should not in any way think that they stand in between you and Me, not at all. Only thing is if somebody's troublesome or possessed or something, then, naturally, you can try to keep that person out- but he's not a Sahaja Yogi by any chance! But otherwise there should be no barrier between you and Me. I'll not stand it, at any cost - no barrier between any one of you and Me. And you should never feel shy to tell Me. You should always tell Me what your problems are. Always. I'm always available for you, for every one of you, each one of you.
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...experience of spirituality... |
One should never just decide that "All right, may Mother may not like." I may like or not like, is not the point, you have to tell Me. I will like it more that you tell Me than not to tell Me and hide things from Me. There's no official relationship between Me and you. It is a protocol, after all, but protocol doesn't mean official. Protocol means when you're addressing to Me, you can just not call, "Hey, You." Like that, you cannot say to Me. (laughter) And even if you say, I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't mind, after all. But children don't say that way.
1988-December 17: Personal Cleanliness, India Tour, Pune, India
If supposing the sea is responding to moon, that means it has that mobility in it to respond - a stone will not react to the moon. In the same way in your heart these waves of these feelings are created by the experience of spirituality, by the experience of your own being, and then you start expressing them. And I could make it out, such a person may not be so much talkative, may not know much about Sahaja Yoga, but in the heart, in the heart he feels the response.
Is something to be achieved, because you know that the center of heart is placed here: the peetha, the seat of the heart is on Brahmarandhra. If your heart is not open, in the heart if you do not have those responses built-in - they need not be of awe or fear, but a natural protocol that develops.
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...you can never do wrong... |
It is said in Upanishadas like Shandilyaupanishad, Kanthoupanishad it was this, that once you know the Brahma, then all the outside things like wearing a thread of yagyopavita and all that should be thrown away, it's not necessary; because now you've got the sutra within yourself. Then you should give up all those outward things, because inside is all built-in now, is expressing itself.
And such a person automatically becomes a yogi of a very high caliber.
1991-May 05: Sahasrara Puja, Italy
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