Wednesday, July 4, 2012

BECOMING is experiencing

You are the channels of that doing...

In the most auspicious time that is called as Krita Yuga, we all have assembled here to understand the ways and methods of establishing our Principle of a Master.
"Krita Yuga" means the time when you have to do something - "krita: when it was done."
So you are the channels of that doing, doing the work of God. You are the channels of God Almighty and His Power.
-On one side you have to carry the dignity, the glory, and the assumption that you are a guru.
A mood of play...
-On the other side you have to be completely surrendered to your God Almighty. All your dignity, your authority comes from Him. -
- And the third thing is that the way He has created this universe and you, in a mood of play. You have to see His play. So a kind of mood that is cheerfulness should be really bubbling through you. (.../...)
So first of all, we have to know that we must be attentive and alert that if we do not maintain ourselves, we'll be destroyed. Because maintenance is not for maintenance sake, it is for stopping the destruction of your Guru Principle. When we are negligent or lazy about it, we are responsible for destroying our Guru Principle. (.../...)
The very first ones, around 1976
The wisdom or the essence of Guru Tattwa is a balance. (.../...)
You are placed under the most fortunate circumstances, that you are realized souls before your Guru Tattwa is fully established. You have all the powers that any guru can aspire, without having the establishment of Guru Tattwa.
Mother's love ..
Specially, you are under the complete blanket of the clouds of your Mother's love.
But in no way Mother's love is going to allow you to destroy your Guru Principle. (.../...)
Some people have an idea that once you become a guru you need not maintain everything, it is maintained by itself. It is not. (.../...) So till we have completely become the spirit, there is always a chance of this destruction working it out. 
Now this awareness has to become the awareness of the spirit.
But the balance...
That has happened to you - you have felt the spirit. is not there as yet. (.../...)
First of all you have to be austere with yourself:
Just separate yourself from yourself! Separate yourself as a spirit, and look at your ego and superego. Now you start watching: you start watching the ego and superego. Do not maintain it - they are the destroying forces!
Now, when you see the play as a witness of these destroying forces, you will know how to also maintain yourself better. To separate yourself is easier when you take to austerity. (.../...)
Sofia, 1990

A man who is an avadhuta, the one who is a great master, can never be hanged up by any hangs-up. He cannot be ruled by any ideas that "I like this." (.../...)
Your Mother is good at speaking and She speaks to you, but it should not be your mental attachment. 
Morocco, 2006: becoming...
Like "Yes, Mother says so," and everybody discusses with such great enthusiasm: " this is that!" - but it's not become part and parcel of your being.
But is a very common attachment nowadays, with all the people knowing about everything and having nothing. This mental attachment is to be really attacked.
Becoming is seeing, becoming is experiencing ...

FROM: 4 july 1982, Nightingale Lane, London 

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