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Christ of the Last Days, Cathedral of Auxeres, France |
1/ How and from whom Shri Kalki is born
2/ When will His powers become active
3/ How to fall down again.
So, one will find the answers.
**En Français, cliquez ici
1979 - WHAT is Shri KALKI?
Now, this incarnation has been described in many Puranas and will be coming on this earth on a white horse, in a village of Sambhalpur, as they call it. It is very interesting how people take everything literally. The word Sambhal means-'Bhal' is Forehead, means at that stage, that means Kalki is situated on your Bhal. Bhal is the forehead and here He is going to be born that is the real meaning of the word.For us, in between Christ and this destroying incarnation of Mahavishnu called as Kalki, there is a time given to human beings to rectify themselves, for them to enter in the kingdom of God, which in the Bible is called as the Last Judgment. That you will be judged, all of you will be judged on this earth.
The population of the world is maximum, say, because all those, practically, all those who have aspirations to enter into the kingdom of God are born in the modern times and are going to be born very soon.
This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment.
…/… When we talk of 'Kalki,' we have to remember that between getting our realization, and entering into the kingdom of God, we can falter very much. This is called as 'Yoga Bhrasta Sthiti':
People take to yoga, enter into the yoga, and are still enchanted by their Pravaruttis :-e.g. an ego oriented man, or a money oriented man who wants to dominate, can form a group of people, whom he will dominate by his ideas, can go in for a fall and the rest of the people will also go with him, in Sahaja-Yoga itself. This has been happening in Bombay very often. This has been a common thing that is going on, but this is known as "Yoga-Bhrasta", where a person fails from his Yoga, comes down from his Yoga because Sahaja Yoga gives you all the freedom, whether to fall or to come up.
…/… Because when Kalki will come, He will slaughter all these people, without any compassion. He is devoid of any compassion. There are 'Eleven Rudras' in Him means there are eleven destructive powers, absolutely powerfully settled in Him.
When I see all that, because I can see all that, and this emergency grows into me and I tell you:
"Beware of Him! Don't play fool with Him! Don't take it easy and do not compromise with these nonsensical people. Stick on to the right!"
Otherwise, the day is very near when Kalki is going to come.
… Whatever is wrong, is wrong ! Whether it is today, tomorrow or yesterday or thousands of years back whatever is wrong for your Dharma or sustenance is wrong. The New phase is "-What's wrong in this ? What's wrong in that ?"
This question will be answered by Kalki only. I am just telling you that it is wrong. It is extremely wrong. It is against your Ascent. It is against your being, and then you will not have any time to repent, and will not have any time to ask this question "what's wrong "? You will be chopped off. That is what is the Kalki Incarnation. He is going to come on a white Horse, they say, it's a tremendous thing that is going to work out.
Every Human Being is going to be sorted out and nobody can then claim, see, every thing has been advertised, everything has been published.
… One has to understand that such an Incarnation is imminent, and Shri Krishna's Powers are given to Him, which is only Hanana Shakti [=destruction, killing]. Brahmadeva's Powers, which are only Hanana Shakti are given to Him. Shiva's powers, which are also Hanana Shakti, i.e. a part of his 'Tandav' is given to Him. Similarly, Bhairava's Khadaga, [sword]; Shri Ganesha's Parashu, [axe] Shri Hanumana's Gada [mace]and the Siddhis which are going to destroy - are given to Him.
Buddha's forgiveness and Mahavira's Ahimsa, are going to turn upside down.
All these Eleven powers are going to come on the top of us, when we will be finished with Sahaja Yoga; when we will be absolutely sorted out, and the last killing will be done by Him.
I wish it is just a killing! It is not going to be ordinary Hanana, like even the Devi has done. Devi has killed all the Rakshasas, thousands of year back, but they are back in the seat again.
Now the problem is very different, at the present moment, which you should try to understand that in the olden days, till the Krishna’s time, when He said:
“Yada yada hi dharmasya, glanir bhawati bharata. Vinashaya cha dushkruthaam panitra na echa saguna.” [Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4, Verse 7-8]
These two words you must understand. To destroy the Dushkruthaam, means the, cruel people or the negative forces, and to save the saints. “Sambhavami yuge yuge”, “I’m going to come again and again”.
…/… Kalki is a very big subject. If you see Kalki Purana, it is such a big book.
When is the time coming? If this is a living process: -when the work will be finished! When you see that there is not more chance of having any more people coming in this time, Kalki will come down. Let us see how many come in! But for that [number], there is a limit also.
So I will request you to go out in the world, call your relatives, call your neighbours, all of them!
1979-09/28 Navaratri Celebrations 1979: Kundalini and Kalki Shakti
They say that you have to ask for three things called salokya, samipya, sanidhya from God. Meaning : to see God, salokya - samipya, the closeness with God - and sanidhya is the companionship of God. But you have got tadatmya - is oneness with God - which is not in the concept of any one of the yogis and the saints and the seers who have been [living] before.
And this tadatmya you have when you are outside my body [shri Adishakti body], while they have this tadatmya when they are inside my body [= when] they are no more!
So you should understand the time limit.
You must understand your greatness and you must understand how you people are chosen for the highest work in this creation.
So now there's no time for lethargy. Now you have to rise and awake!
Today is the day when I hope you have to jump into Nirvikalpa. But only by effort you will stay there, otherwise you will again slip down. So, go through this lecture again and again, and do not think about it! Don't think that it is for somebody else, it is for you. For all of you, each of you, and you must know yourself how far you are going every day.
1986-05/04 - Sahasrara Puja, Alpe Motta, Italy
Is a great blessing of Shri Ganesha, because it is He who creates the child within the mother's womb.He selects the face, the color, everything. With His magnetic power He manages to attract the right type of genes. He does all such important things for you. All the time busy, never rests.
So full of joy and hard work. Never complains. He is such a support to your Mother!
That's why it is said that it is the support of the Kundalini. Also when Christ was created, it was said that: "You will be the support of the universe." You are all my support too. But you have to be strong supports because I am a massive person. So to support me you have to be extremely strong, and straight; because I have made you in the pattern of Shri Ganesh.
1984-0902: Shri Ganesha Puja, Zermatt /Matterhorn, Switzerland
We are all born like Christ, because we are born without a father, by the Holy Ghost, just like Christ was born.But look at Him and look at yourself, born the same way as He was born!
So you must respect yourself as He respected Himself and the way He worked out His resurrection. In the same way, you all have to work out your resurrection, and that is very important
1987-12/25: Tapasyas, Christmas Puja, Pune, India.
Shri Ganesha was made with Immaculate Conception, you are also made the same way. Your kundalini was raised, was given you the realization
and you got your second birth, and now you are Sahaja yogis. … Of course you must be having something, you know, otherwise I could not have made - that's also true!
Supposing the kundalini was missing, now what could I have done? If not missing, if it was absolutely crooked; if not crooked, supposing there were some chakras which were horribly damaged. So, you were also people just ready to have your Realization, that you were seeking it truly, that you had the pure desire to become Sahaja yogis, no doubt.
1992-08/30: Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella
Rudra is the destructive power of Shiva, of the Spirit. Now one power, which is His nature, is forgiveness. He forgives because we are human beings, we commit mistakes, we do wrong things, we get tempted, our attention is disturbed, so He forgives us.But every action has a reaction, and when He forgives, He thinks that He has given you a big grace mark, and that reaction builds up something within Him as a wrath against those who are forgiven try to do greater mistakes.
So in the balance the forgiveness starts reducing and wrathfulness starts increasing. So by one force he protects, by another force He throws away.
But His destructive forces, when they are built up too much, then we call it now the Eka Desha Rudra is active.
Now this Eka Desha Rudra will be expressed when the Kalki itself will start acting...means the destructive power which will destroy all that is negative on this earth and save all that is positive.
So it is very necessary for sahaja yogis to expedite their ascent, not to be satisfied with the social life, or married life, or with all the blessings that God has bestowed upon you. We always see what God has done for us, how He has been miraculous to us, but we have to see what we have done to ourselves.
What are we doing about own ascent and growth?
Ekadesha Rudra Puja, 1984, Italy
You’re not alone, you are in the body of the Collective Being.If there are stupid people, if there are idiotic people, Sahaja Yoga is not meant for such people – in Sanskrit language they are called as “murkhas.”
Neither this is meant for people who are over-smart and trying to cheat themselves – intelligence has that capacity – and to indulge into things which are not Sahaj, slowly you will find your vibrations will disappear, you’ll become sick, you’ll have problems and you’ll be in trouble.
This is not a kind of a warning but a request, because you are in my body, and whenever anybody tries to be troublesome in my body, I have to bear it up, and I suffer a lot.
It’s a funny type of a crucifixion, when every moment you are hanged onto a cross by anyone who wants to do it.
Sahaja yogis have all the laws in their hands to torture my life, to trouble me if they want to.
But they have also such a capacity, such a caliber, such a potential, that they can reside in my heart forever. Open your hearts, that’s the thing I will say.
1987-05/03 Sahastrara Puja Talk,Thredbo, Australia
So, peace with your friends, peace with Sahaja Yogis!If you cannot be peaceful with Sahaja Yogis, then you are no good, absolutely no good.
When you meet another Sahaja Yogi, you can't bark like dogs at each other, can you? You leave three Sahaja Yogis together; they end up with a big barking system! They can't manage within themselves. If there are hundred then it's all right, but you can't leave three and four, here and there.
So the peace should be with your brothers and sisters.
They are all born out of my Sahasrara, and nobody has a right to insult; to be sarcastic, saying things which are harmful, that's no friendship, that's no friendship!
It's a kind of a very subtle enmity that you are carrying on in your hearts.
1985-02/07: The Culture of Universal Religion,
Talk before Puja Bordi, India
But I must warn you there are some Sahaja Yogis who will try to have their own party. They are very power-oriented. They will have an exclusive party - it is a dangerous sign - it's a cancer.Everything should be collective.
Anybody who does that kind of thing, you should know is a possessed person, and you will be harmed if you follow such a person.
We are all collective - we have to know everything among each other, and we have to live like one family - not only in Russia but all over the world.
Once you develop that kind of a love for everyone, then you will be surprised you have become a great personality. That means a drop becomes the ocean.
1996-07/16: Mahalaxmi Puja, Moscow
I must tell you, we had a meeting of the leaders and they came out and sat in the drawing room. As soon as they assembled, I had such a severe pain in the stomach, and I had such a bad diarrhea that you can't believe!Now, who has got those problems, I don't know. Who has brought these problems, I don't know. But as a Mother, as a Mother, I don't mind anything, as long as you all get well and purified. Just like as the Mother Earth cares for you, I also care for you. And just like as the Mother Earth loves you, I also love you, whether you are bad or good, is not the point.
But to be kind to me, if you could try to be really good Sahaja Yogis, not show-offs, not business-like, not only thinking- type, not argumentative, not criticizing others; if you just try to meditate every day ten to fifteen minutes, I tell you, my health will be first class! Because I have taken your injections inside, and they start torturing my life for nothing at all. You see. So now, it's a risk I have run, and I am sure you are all very sensible people,and you will understand that your Mother shouldn't suffer.
This is every day crucifixion for me sometimes you know, and I don't know what to say.
1997-05/25: Shri Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella
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But at the same time there's another work going on of the same incarnation, is the resurrection of the people. Such people can never be hurt. Nothing can happen to them. They'll be always saved, everything will be saved for them, because they are under the protection of their Mother.
2000-03/05: Shivaratri Puja, Pune
You have to go on talking about Sahaja Yoga, spreading Sahaja Yoga.Unless and until you do it, it won't become collective, and all the disasters which are due to collective nonsense - you get it! You are saved from so many things. Say, even if there's pollution, for Sahaja yogi it won't matter.
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Fukushima Tsunami + Link to 2016 |
But why not save the whole world?
Calamities after calamities are coming, and if you have compassion you must think of the people who can get into any calamity or into any trouble! Of course, I can cure many people, no doubt; but I don't know how to make Sahaja Yoga very collective.
Now, you are so many people here, you all can start giving realization to at least hundred people. Go everywhere, talk about Sahaja Yoga, sing the praise of the Divine, and you will save the whole world!
It's not by saving some few people you can have the great Satya Yuga
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So you have to be courageous and get into these places, talk to people and make it collective.
Otherwise you cannot save, save this world from the wrath of God. God is wrathful, no doubt. For you, He'll save you - but what's the use?
We have to save, save this Mother Earth, and for that you have to be prepared, you have to work it out. At wherever you get a chance you must spread Sahaja Yoga.
2000-07/23: Guru Puja, Cabella
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