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...And today is the day of Guru Puja not my Puja but
your Puja
as Gurus.
I appoint all of you as Gurus, and today
I will tell you, what 'I' have bestowed upon you and what great powers you already have within you …. /…Then for a Guru, as you are now,
you have all the knowledge, all the power [=raising the Kundalini, clearing the chakras aso] and everything,
what you lack is the confidence and you have inertia.
I do not know how this inertia is going to get out. Sometimes, people who are that inert,
they also have a use. They are put in the cannons and blasted in the circus, so they can show their feats. They are so inert, that nothing can disturb them.
But you are my children, I have made you after the image of Jesus Christ, of Shri Ganesh. All their powers are available to you.
But this is one point, I fail sometimes, I don't know how to remove your inertia.
Because you have not practiced Sahaja Yoga, you have not gone into any practice. You have got it very easily, cheaply, you do not understand its value and so you just want to have it as a side track.
You have to discipline yourself. Unless and until you discipline yourself, I leave it to your freedom because I have always believed in the freedom of my children because I think that they are not 'that low type', that I should use the freedom on them as a bar, that they should not use their freedom.
You are absolutely free:
-If you want to go to Hell, I will give you a chariot to go there, direct!
-If you want to go to the Heavens, I will provide with you a Viman [aeroplane] to go there.
So, it is for you people to become dynamic and to have confidence within you. You know every Chakra, you know the rising of Kundalini. You know everything, so you can take it upon yourself.
- Guru Puja on Advent Sunday the 2nd Dec. 1979
… But still I find people are busy with other things. They go back into the same circle. You should be busy -I don't say that you should not do something for your living, you have to do it!
This is one thing very important for us to know, that we have to work it out. We have to allow it to grow within ourselves. But I mean if you say that, "Mother, we have all faith in You, that's all." That's not sufficient.
What faith do you have? What do you mean by "faith"? It is such a vague term. What is faith after all? Have you ever analyzed the word "faith"?
Some people think that "we have all faith in Mother. If we sing Her praise, finished!"
For that, one has to reach a certain stage, like Adi Shankaracharya had reached!
Have you got faith in yourself, is the point.
Who is having faith in me - is the one who has no faith in oneself?
You have to have faith in yourself and in all your fellow beings, all these other Sahaja Yogis. I have already told you that Sahaja Yoga is not going to work out individually.
Anybody who thinks that, "I am something greater than the others" is a gone case.
Nobody should work Sahaja Yoga for oneself in that way. You have to work collectively for every one of them.
Any one of you who thinks that you have something higher than the others have, you are sadly mistaken. It's like one eye saying that, "I am higher than the other", or one nose saying, "I am higher than the eyes."
Everything has its own place in the body of Virata, and everybody is so important, as well as, dispensable.
- 1979-1015: How Realization Should ... Develop, Public Program, Caxton Hall, London
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The Guru's Cabin - Andorra, 1987 |
Now, the Guru within you, will be awakened if you are strict with yourself, That's one point is very important. Unless and until you are 'strict' with yourself the Guru will not be awakened within you. People who are lazy lumps, who can not sacrifice anything, who are very fond of comfort, can 'never' be Gurus. Take it from me!
They can be good administrators, they can be anything, but never a Guru.
A Guru should be willing to live the way he has to live. He should be able to sleep on stones, he should be able to sleep under 'any' circumstances, -not that the disciples should force on him, but it should be his own 'nature,' that he can adjust himself. Comfort can not fall on a Guru.
CLEARING : Become a guru by 1984!
... Now? those who want your Guru principle to he awakened, must know that you should not ask for comfort. 'Even for a thing like that -yesterday you saw the dancing- one has to do real tapasya. 'Intensive' tapasya you have to do. You can not learn even a thing like dancing without going into a 'penance' about it.
So clear all the chakras, all the pradeshas [areas ruled by the chakras] are to be established, and
after the establishment of the pradeshas,
you have to establish the 'rapport' with others on the collective level.
Then [comes] a state when you become a complete Spirit at Agnya Chakra.
It's easiest in Sahaja Yoga, and I've told you the reason -because you are such fortunate people. The easiest of easiest is Sahaja Yoga. The essence of Sahaja, Yoga that is the easiest thing to do. And that is why you should take full advantage of that easiest method made easy, absolutely, for you.
This is the blessing of Guru Puja for you, that you all should become Gurus by next year.
Just you have to dedicate and say today in your heart, to promise me, in your heart that :
«- Mother, not only we'll try, but we will be, and thrice you should say-we will be, we will be !»
- 24/03/83 -- Awakening The Guru Principle -- Lodge Hill -- England
SALT… and Guru Principle:
...So first thing is
as the sea spreads its wings and says:
«All right, let the sun take away my water, let me boil, let it become the clouds!»
in the same way, you people have to understand that:
«unless and until I allow the sun -that's the Spirit-, to evaporate this water from me -means to give to others- how will I develop this guru principle within myself?»
You cannot have -s a l t - in the seawater, unless and until you evaporate it. So you cannot become a guru unless and until you allow the evaporation of this water, of this wealth, the money that you have.
But, if you are not matured enough, like the sea, then you will remain at a level that, like mad, [you will go on] collecting all the muck of the world, and ultimately end up in some lunatic asylum. Because all maryadas are lost, all dharma is lost.
Without guru principle, how you can have dharma?
You do not think of anybody else, you do not even think of your father, mother or anyone, you don't think of your collective work, you don't think of the world. That's too much!
So you become small, small, small, small, small.
But when this Lakshmi tattwa starts, that's the first inkling of love, love for others. I know you all love me very much. But it's not complete reflection of your Mother.
You have to love each other, and share everything with each other, with love.
Then, this first light of love Lakshmi starts showing in you.
In that light when you move, you become very deeply generous, enjoy your generosity.
1990-1020: Diwali Puja, Sotto, Italy
2008:Talk after Guru Puja, Cabella Ligure, Italy, 20th July
Some have grown in Sahaja Yoga, some have not. Some are still carrying on with old catches. But now I have to say that quite a lot of you can become gurus -means: teachers- and you should act as teachers. To act as teacher you should know Sahaja Yoga, the theory and the practice of it, thoroughly well, and then you can become a guru. It's a very responsibility, lot of understanding for a guru.
You should not have any ego, first. You should not have any of your chakras catching. You should be absolutely clear all the time, and there the vibrations should be flowing in both the hands. If they are moving in one hand and not in another, you cannot become guru. So you have to be a perfect Sahaja yogi, then, you can be a guru.
I won't be able to go all over, but you have to go to other countries and create new Sahaja yogis. You can do it. To begin with you can use my photograph, but later on you can only put the photograph there, but use your own powers, and give realization. You can do it, and that is how we can spread Sahaja Yoga all over the world.
That doesn't mean you cancel me - no, not at all! I am there with you, and every place you work, you put my photograph. But realization you have to give, and try to give mass realization.
If that doesn't work out, then you should know you are not a guru. If you can give mass realization, then only you are a guru, otherwise you are not.
I said you can use my photograph, but you have to give realization to people. … Now you have mastered Sahaja Yoga, so you should know what is to be done…. Can you imagine all of you, if you become gurus, how many Sahaja yogis we'll have all over the world?
… Tell them how to meditate, how to improve. It's now a very big responsibility.
Actually I have done this work, and you can do this work also. So you all have to become a guru.
This is the day of Guru Purnima, and I bless you that you all become gurus. …
So it's a very big responsibility now. You've got your realization, and so four or five of you should join to form a Sahaja Yoga group, giving realization to people. Try!
Of course my photograph would be there, but still you must try.
Try to understand that now: what is your responsibility. If a position is given, you have to always carry on with the responsibility of that position. In the same way, if you become a guru you have a certain amount of responsibility, that your own behavior should be very good to begin with.
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On stage, talk after the Puja |
[=locally], or whatever you may call, and can work it out.
Now you have the power. You have the right.
But you must have a temperament also. In the beginning you have to be very patient and kind, very kind. ….
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All of you, promise me that you'll try to become gurus.
(2008, Guru puja, on stage)
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