Saturday, May 31, 2014

Indian Trustees are giving lessons in COLLECTIVITY: how ironic !

1/ ""You are debarred from attending...""
2/ Shri Mataji still ""appoints Trustees"" through Vibrations
3/  Any dissent from the "Trustees" is ""creating a division"".

news from Chandigarh
Go to:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Become the ideals.../...that cowardliness, they think is their silent process...

By Sahaja Yoga now you have the method, you have the possibility, that
you can become the ideals.
The ideal has to first to be understood through your brains, in the West specially. What are the ideals we have become or we have to become, what we can achieve, this idea you must have. 

 - And secondly you must have a capacity to deepen your meditative power so that these ideals go and settle in your heart as a part and parcel of your being, that you can't live without these ideals. We can take an example say of Christ. For Christ He and His ideals were the same, there's no difference between the two. He did not talk of one thing, did another thing and executed the third thing.
This will be the difference between the Sahaja Yogis and non Sahaja Yogis, that whatever are your ideals, 
they have to be expressed in your life every moment,
because you are that
If you are gold, then gold is gold all the time. It is not gold sometime then sometimes iron and sometimes mud, it is gold all the time. 
Only human beings are like that, that sometimes they can be snakes, lions and could be foxes also. But as Sahaja Yogis you become pure human beings and this is what we have to know. It is not difficult to strive for it, it's not difficult because now you have the power to deepen your roots to your heart..../...
...So the brain must be used to understand clearly what are the ideals of a Sahaja Yogi. What are the things that a Sahaja Yogi should do, how he should behave in life, what methods he should follow?
And then he has to bring it to his heart through meditative processes, through surrendering. ...
So you are very different from all others because a Spirit has given birth to your Spirit. You have been cleansed by the Spirit.
So you cannot live like that, like all other human beings are living.
All the clashes, all the problems of human beings are because they are not what they talk, ideals are out, out of their life. 
That is how a Sahaja Yogi will show himself off compared to anybody else.
Take an example, say, of Abraham Lincoln, all right? Abraham Lincoln believed that everybody must have freedom and the government should be for the public, for the people. Whatever He talked He practised it. Whatever He believed in He worked it out and gave His life for it, that's why He's a great man. 

Think of Mahatma Gandhi, they were not like Christ - incarnations. Think of any great man, think of Shivaji Maharaj, any one of the saints - they were human beings. 
But once they knew this is the principle on which we have to live, they become one with the principles, they do not compromise.
So what Sahaja Yogi has to be, that we should understand.
A Sahaja Yogi is a person who has got Realization through the Kundalini, and Kundalini is the motherhood in you, is the caring, nourishing power within you.
But a mother will never compromise with the son; if he wants to kill somebody she'll say: "No!" I mean: a real mother! 
She will even shoot that son who tries to do wrong things!
In the same way if you become the mother of yourself, then you have to look after yourself, in the same manner that you nourish yourself and all others also, you have to nourish them, care for them, and do not compromise with wrong doings, unrighteousness things, absurd things.
If you become the ideals, the power of ideals itself, will make you so dynamic that you don't need to consult anybody, you become the ideal. They are like torches. Your ideals themselves will be enlightened.
So the first attitude should be: "How do we deepen ourselves?" That should be first attitude. Now, say, a husband-wife are quarrelling morning till evening: they cannot be Sahaja Yogis. Absurdities!
If they are quarrelling they are not Sahaja Yogis, take it for granted!
Vashi/ Bhelapur
Now what you have to do, if two persons are quarrelling, the one who is a Sahaja Yogi will leave that wife: "I have nothing to do with wife, I have no wife nothing." 
Keep out, detach completely from within! Just don't talk to that wife! Don't discuss, don't bother about it, just detach!
If the son is like that,just detach, up to a poin,t but no quarrelling, no argument, nothing!
Complete silence, a silent protest, must be developed.
But in that silence you should not be a cowardly person.
So many people are cowards, and that cowardliness, they think is their silent process. 
A person who is really powerful will not deter, will not be aggressive, but will not also take aggression.
[deter: VERB - put off, discourage, dissuade, scare off; warn, caution; dishearten, demoralize, daunt, make worried/nervous/anxious, frighten, unnerve, intimidate. Ex:"the high cost has deterred many from attending"]
So in your meditations you have to sit down. 
Now what do you say in meditation?
Try to see all the chakras! What chakras are catching, face it yourself! These might be from your past life. Some chakras are weak. Try to make them all right, try to strengthen them! 
Because ideals have to be worked out the instrument has to be all right. If the instrument is a crazy one how will you do?
Everybody's improving but it's rather slow.
It can be very fast if you meditate, that's very important. You have to know how to make your chakras all right.
Your mantras are to be siddhis. Mantras are to be such that they should not be mechanical, just saying something mechanically. You should say it from your heart. Again, if you do not say mantras through your heart, mantra is not siddha - means you may go on saying hundred times, it will have no effect. Siddha mantra is that, that: you say that, it has an effect, it works.
"Your mantras are to be siddhis"
If it does not work then your mantra has no meaning!
So the development has to be within and without and you have to certify yourself. Nobody else going to certify you. 
If you want to give yourself a false certificate go ahead! 
If you want to cheat yourself go ahead!
It's not going to help anyone. But if you want to really have the joy and the bliss of the grace of Heavenly Father, then come out of it! Many misidentifications that are there have to be given up to enjoy that beauty..../...

1983-1106: Diwali Puja, Hampstead, UK

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What I said to the CC, sat 3rd of may 2014 -what followed

Central Committee would like to invite you to an exchange to take place at the salon of the Cabella castle,
on Saturday the 3RD May 2014 at 11 AM.
We invite representatives of countries, members of sahaja institutions and interested yoginis/yogis gather to provide feedback and advice according to the following agenda:

1. Past experience, the CC charter, where does the CC come from, state of the collective.

2. Where does the CC go, how to serve the sangha, a shared vision for the years to come.


Many will emphasize the number of realizations given here and there.
Though, till Her last 2008 speech, Shri Mataji spoke about how to become, and to make become "gurus". «Men of God» used She to say, quoting W. Blake, in a perfect continuity, since early 80'es.
Where are the follow-ups? -No pedagogies have been set.
No real books in real bookshops. No HQ-DVD. No initiative. Everything is left to individual countries (some are poor, some without any elder).
No networking, no sharing of the resources.
No discussion in Cabella, no forum.
Nothing has been asked for, no project, no call.

Since 2003, none of our problems should have happen if the meditation level was what Mother expected it to be:
«.. After Self Realization you can judge people on their vibrations. You don't have to use your brains for that, just on your vibrations immediately you know what's wrong with yourself and with others.» (Saharara 1998).
Hence, CP, Guido, Vashi, ISPS (you name it!) yogis should have been in capacity to understand who is who. Obviously, such has not been the case. After insisting I was answered by one prominent CC member "Those people here do not even have Nirvichara, no way to talk to them that they have to have Nirvikalpa or feel the Joy!"
A full book about the teachings of Shri Mataji on Meditation was ready and checked when the Wcasy disappeared. I had to take alone the initiative to put it on the WEB. So many visits have been counted since.
If a single individual can reach that number, what could have done the CC, if only?

«So to have a separatist idea itself is against Sahaj/ That is only because people don't meditate.» ( Sahasrara, 1988).
In Nice, we have Russian and Indian newcomers. How can we recommend choosing one trust, and avoiding the other? Sahaja meditation, or Sahaja yoga?
The yogis should have been properly informed, and put in situation to decide! This is how we have completely lost Bolivia, Russia!

Many yogis are dissatisfied with the pujas in Cabella. Often, Vibrations are better in national or local seminars.
I personally proposed a solution which was approved by many, but impossible for "institutional reasons"
Which means that no control, no sharing, and no listening do exist. Hence, …

«Shri Mataji:  I mean if there is any problem or anything, so you can attend ...» (On the stage, Guru 2008)
The CC has systematically refused to attend the problems. Of course, insisting that the Collective had to be informed. I received that answer:" do not blame us for not sharing the ugliness of it with everybody."
How can the Sangha take the proper attitude, if the basics of the Institutions he is supposed to finance and support, are hidden?
Who is the owner of the hangar premises? Daglio? School?
What is the "nabhi money" in the Foundation? Where did²the first 450 k€ go, in Devi productions?

2  - VISION for the Future
The key word is: HEALING. Healing Sahaja Yoga.
Make sure decisions are taken by Yogis, not heirs that do not meditate. 
Focus on meditation.
Restore the unity of the sangham.
Transparency in the management.  Openness and listening to the collective..
 Be clearcut towards the deviations and negativity.

Michel Sadashiva. (Nice, France) - ex Colombia)  (91 000 visits)   (18 000 visits)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The session was not meant to be a "debate", and I personally prefer that people share their points of view, rather that entering in accusations and defenses. This will come, next year, when the CC finishes its 4 years term.
  • The CC (Philip)insisted on their methods: to be as "high yogis" as Mother would expect, to stay back, try to set a gentle communication with the countries, try to get « slowly, slowly» recognition, and mediate when they are called. The CC «deals with the problems without taking action».
  • Though, they recognize that they are not sure that their "communications" are translated and are reaching all the Sahajis.

Two changes followed this meeting - for me
  •  1) Ezio, Horatio and other members of the Foundation came to me after, and tried to make sure that I voice those 5 informations:

 a/Daglio, the Castle, the Hangar, Centrassi and Calzaforte belong to the WORLD FOUNDATION, with all the objects (furniture, etc) that where inside the buildings. Signed by Shri Mataji, Sir CP, before notary, and duly registrated.
b/ Sadhana-didi does not interfere.The WF is alone to pay for all the expenses, the 'Family' does not contribute, 80% go to the school.
c/ If any money has been passed to Mongiardino, it should come from VND-Italia, not from the World Foundation.
d/ Since the new team is there, no double accounts is to be seen.
e/ (and to my biggest surprise) they discovered all of a sudden the meaning of "accountability"(*)
  • 2) Cabella is left to private / individual initiatives, nobody feels able to control. Why not have a stand on meditation next Guru Puja?
  • Though, everybody was surprised when I told that some official centers were using visualization for meditation, among other a-sajhaj deviations. Obviously, not only the CC is not attending the problems, but the problems are not exposed to them.
This was a open debate, and not a parliamentary session, trying to find any majority. Let us see whether the CC understands the situation.
I leave it to the readers and their own sources, to confirm, or contradict, the affirmations from the Foundation.(**)
The common MOTTO was like that: "The hard times are over, let us love each other and accept us as we are, and let's move on again!" 
Personally, I fear this is only another denial of the reality, and self indulgence.

(*) Cambridge Dictionaries Online:
Someone who is accountable is completely responsible for what they do and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for it:
""She is accountable only to the managing director.""The recent tax reforms have made government more accountable for its spending.""Politicians should be accountable to the public who elected them.(**) check here:  -"who we are"

Friday, May 2, 2014

One single and heavy critic on English Puja Booklet

Many old friends of mine, among them some Indians,children of early yogis from Bombay, Kholapur etc, brought up in the 70'es in the proximity of Mother, were telling me that sometimes, pujas in Cabella have NO Vibrations, or that the same happened  in Ganapatipule this Christmas 2013.
The reason lies here, in clear words. Forgetting this that is a heavy  mistake! -Jesus Puja, Hounslow, 23/11/1984:
<< Somebody offered at the altar. He said:
"- What are you to offer at the altar? Have you reconciled with your brother?"
Have YOU reconciled? First reconcile, and then bring flowers to Mother!>>

Think of LET, Nat Trust, etc, worldwide, and even at the small scale of a single town, and you will understand why ritualism has got such a success, and why Vibrations are not always there. Or garlands do break. Or the River gets loose. Or hundreds get sick.

No wonder that, in the English Booklet they issued at Shiva Puja, I find… it is nowhere to be found. 
And in some places sometimes, Vibrations are nowhere to be felt.
Instead, we suffer growing ritualism
Now, about ritualism, three (natural) trends  have been moving at the same time
1. During the Last Years of Shri Mataji, they tried to please her celebrating many Indian traditions. That was also the opportunity for more people to come closer to Her in her apartments, for such celebrations. 
2. While Shri Mataji was speechless and motionless on the stage, they tried to replace Her (lost) indications with a more formal protocols.
3. In India, the call to Brahmins and experts in Sanskrit is surrendering the Pujas to specialists. The same trend is followed in Cabella and other places, where westerners let the protocol into the hands of Hindu Brothers
At least eights years have been creating conditionnings. 

Link to leadership: