So all these things are very, very... confusing, but we don’t understand how confuse we are about it. And we don’t understand how our VIBRATIONS can mislead us.
Because VIBRATIONS are there, alright. But sometimes, even if they are missing, just to justify yourself, you will say: “We have VIBRATIONS and we feel that it’s very good, excellent”, and later on, you will discover that it is not so.
So, even now when we are realized souls, we should know what is encompassing us, which is around us, what is that which makes us feel that it’s alright, it is good, we should have it.
Once we start understanding that VIBRATIONS of pure knowledge are of a very different nature, then you are not attached to that person, you are not attached to that family, you are not attached to that country, nothing! But what you feel is the pure VIBRATIONS coming to you.
This is the point which is very confusing, when you say: “My VIBRATIONS are good, I like those VIBRATIONS.” - And why you jump into the ocean of filth?
Many people have asked Me: “Mother, why is it sometimes we make mistakes?” You do not make mistakes, it’s your ignorance which is darkness and that’s why, whenever you plunge into it, you fall into trouble.
So, even now when we are realized souls, we should know what is encompassing us, which is around us, what is that which makes us feel that it’s alright, it is good, we should have it.
Once we start understanding that VIBRATIONS of pure knowledge are of a very different nature, then you are not attached to that person, you are not attached to that family, you are not attached to that country, nothing! But what you feel is the pure VIBRATIONS coming to you.
This is the point which is very confusing, when you say: “My VIBRATIONS are good, I like those VIBRATIONS.” - And why you jump into the ocean of filth?
Many people have asked Me: “Mother, why is it sometimes we make mistakes?” You do not make mistakes, it’s your ignorance which is darkness and that’s why, whenever you plunge into it, you fall into trouble.
(…)The knowledge, as I told you, pure knowledge, is that which gives you a pure light. A pure light means pure VIBRATIONS.
Now VIBRATIONS can be misleading, as I told you, or, could be, the quantity of VIBRATIONS can be less or more.
Another way to see, is to see for yourself why you want to do a particular thing. Mental also you can use, parameter of mental understanding: “Why do I want to do it? What is the gain for all?” If you start thinking from that angle: “What is the gain for others? What will they gain by this? Why should I do it?”, you’ll be amazed, you’ll get the real picture of all this.
So you must keep yourself all the time in a state where you witness yourself. You see yourself that: “Why am I doing this? What is the purpose?” Sometimes this could be some conditioning, it could be some sort of a psychological thing, it could be anything. But if you start watching carefully: “Why am I doing it?”, you’ll be amazed that your VIBRATIONS itself will start telling you on your finger tips. But sometimes the VIBRATIONS are so superficially coming: “Aah, I got the VIBRATIONS, I’m this, I’m that!”
For this reason, I am saying again and again, though you are such a nice family of Mine, and we are all so much blessed and we have so much of knowledge with us, we should be very wise. If there is no wisdom, if there is no wisdom, we can never understand what we are doing.
Now to develop this wisdom, what have you to do?
Now VIBRATIONS can be misleading, as I told you, or, could be, the quantity of VIBRATIONS can be less or more.
Another way to see, is to see for yourself why you want to do a particular thing. Mental also you can use, parameter of mental understanding: “Why do I want to do it? What is the gain for all?” If you start thinking from that angle: “What is the gain for others? What will they gain by this? Why should I do it?”, you’ll be amazed, you’ll get the real picture of all this.
So you must keep yourself all the time in a state where you witness yourself. You see yourself that: “Why am I doing this? What is the purpose?” Sometimes this could be some conditioning, it could be some sort of a psychological thing, it could be anything. But if you start watching carefully: “Why am I doing it?”, you’ll be amazed that your VIBRATIONS itself will start telling you on your finger tips. But sometimes the VIBRATIONS are so superficially coming: “Aah, I got the VIBRATIONS, I’m this, I’m that!”
For this reason, I am saying again and again, though you are such a nice family of Mine, and we are all so much blessed and we have so much of knowledge with us, we should be very wise. If there is no wisdom, if there is no wisdom, we can never understand what we are doing.
Now to develop this wisdom, what have you to do?
27/09/98 -- You All Should Depend On Param Chaitanya -- Cabella -- Italia
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Now the intelligence cheats again:
Mother said that if you feel VIBRATIONS then it's alright ; and I'm feeling the VIBRATIONS, I'm alright".
-Again cheating! You are cheating yourself ! What is the reason?
The reason is very interesting.
I've seen that ordinary human beings-in the West specially-are very much against themselves. Like, I'll give you an example: You tell somebody that if you have to go to the station, take this road and you'll go straight to the station. But immediately he'll say, "But the problem is that how can I go straight ? My back is towards the station. If I walk straight I'll go in the opposite direction". Such stupid things! But they say it, all the time.
Mother said that if you feel VIBRATIONS then it's alright ; and I'm feeling the VIBRATIONS, I'm alright".
-Again cheating! You are cheating yourself ! What is the reason?
The reason is very interesting.
I've seen that ordinary human beings-in the West specially-are very much against themselves. Like, I'll give you an example: You tell somebody that if you have to go to the station, take this road and you'll go straight to the station. But immediately he'll say, "But the problem is that how can I go straight ? My back is towards the station. If I walk straight I'll go in the opposite direction". Such stupid things! But they say it, all the time.
30.9.84 Meudon
It's a tremendous dynamic force which is working it out. But if you have no faith, then the same VIBRATIONS know that you have no faith. They know you out and out, absolutely out and out, they know you too well. It is they only who play around with you and put you into problems, so that you realize that you have been trying to cheat yourself. You are cheating your own Spirit. You are not truthful to yourself and it would be like taking a dagger and putting it through and being very happy, 'Oh how I have cheated myself.' It's that foolish and stupid I tell you. They know you too well. And they just take you round and put you into a problem to realize, that do not cheat anymore.
These dangers are there for all the people who get realization.
1980-0908: The Dangers We Face, Public Program, Caxton Hall, London
This happens with the individuals.
It can happen in the collective also. I have seen in the collective people are so much misled, and one negative person immediately knows who is the other negative, and then he gets hold of that negative and they start working together. So you have to be extremely cautious that you have got your Realization, you've got everything, you've got also lot of money in Sahaja Yoga.
With all that, you should know it's a very, very good sign for thieves to walk in. So you should be very careful and don't get charmed by all these nonsensical things. That's what is the protection from your Mother, that She wants to protect you in this way.
Our whole attitude towards life has to be that of a witness - you see everything clearly. Gradually this seeing will become so very sharp, so clear-cut, so understanding that you will be amazed. Then you will be using something in the air, anything you are using. Then you don't have to think, only you have to know the VIBRATIONS: what are the VIBRATIONS are, what do the VIBRATIONS say, because they are there to guide you.
It can happen in the collective also. I have seen in the collective people are so much misled, and one negative person immediately knows who is the other negative, and then he gets hold of that negative and they start working together. So you have to be extremely cautious that you have got your Realization, you've got everything, you've got also lot of money in Sahaja Yoga.
With all that, you should know it's a very, very good sign for thieves to walk in. So you should be very careful and don't get charmed by all these nonsensical things. That's what is the protection from your Mother, that She wants to protect you in this way.
Our whole attitude towards life has to be that of a witness - you see everything clearly. Gradually this seeing will become so very sharp, so clear-cut, so understanding that you will be amazed. Then you will be using something in the air, anything you are using. Then you don't have to think, only you have to know the VIBRATIONS: what are the VIBRATIONS are, what do the VIBRATIONS say, because they are there to guide you.
Those who are not yet very good at VIBRATIONS should try to establish themselves.
If you are not good at VIBRATIONS that means you will not judge people rightly, nor will they have knowledge properly. So first you must get your, all your VIBRATIONS corrected and also chakras corrected.
After that you can see what are your associates, who are they? See actually, your mind now is so enlightened that you can straightforward see everything before you. But if you don't use that enlightened mind you will be amazed, there are some forces of negativity, and once these forces start...
If you are not good at VIBRATIONS that means you will not judge people rightly, nor will they have knowledge properly. So first you must get your, all your VIBRATIONS corrected and also chakras corrected.
After that you can see what are your associates, who are they? See actually, your mind now is so enlightened that you can straightforward see everything before you. But if you don't use that enlightened mind you will be amazed, there are some forces of negativity, and once these forces start...
So this is how we have to come back to this horrible night of Kali Yuga through Diwali. This is what we have to do, to be humble and to find whether you are all right or not, whether you are going in the right direction or not. It is you only who can decide. With VIBRATIONS you can immediately know that you are catching, or you may know you are right. Whatever decision has to be taken, you have to use your hands fully. It's not talking that is going to help, it's not giving lectures that is going to help - no. It is through experimenting, through understanding, through the feelings of the deep, I should say the deep impact of everything that will communicate to you what sort of a people they are, what they are talking about, what you should do. This could be a little mental, but later on it becomes absolutely beyond a mental activity.
1999-1107: Diwali Puja, Greece, Delphi
All this thinking and all kinds of decision making and having a big conference for decisions and all that, is not needed. In day-to-day life also, you have to be like that. Also in every political life, economical life, or any other life you have to lead, you have to be very spontaneous.
How do you become spontaneous? What quality you have got? What is the weapon you have got to know what decision to take? Do you know? You have got VIBRATIONS. You have the feel of the VIBRATIONS. And you know what VIBRATIONS are, you know what VIBRATIONS tell you and convey and communicate to you. They speak to you. So, through your VIBRATIONS, you should know, in a second, what should you do.
For example now, somebody told Me that: “Mother, when I came to Cabella, I felt tremendous VIBRATIONS.” It’s a fact.
But how many of you feel that way? Because your sensitivity is not yet developed.
You have to be sensitive about your VIBRATIONS. You should know, looking at anyone, sitting next to anyone, even shaking hands with anyone... you should know what sort of VIBRATIONS that person has. This kind of sensitivity if you develop, then will definitely take a very spontaneous decision.
You know I’m very good at it: I bought this Cabella in five minutes.
How do you become spontaneous? What quality you have got? What is the weapon you have got to know what decision to take? Do you know? You have got VIBRATIONS. You have the feel of the VIBRATIONS. And you know what VIBRATIONS are, you know what VIBRATIONS tell you and convey and communicate to you. They speak to you. So, through your VIBRATIONS, you should know, in a second, what should you do.
For example now, somebody told Me that: “Mother, when I came to Cabella, I felt tremendous VIBRATIONS.” It’s a fact.
But how many of you feel that way? Because your sensitivity is not yet developed.
You have to be sensitive about your VIBRATIONS. You should know, looking at anyone, sitting next to anyone, even shaking hands with anyone... you should know what sort of VIBRATIONS that person has. This kind of sensitivity if you develop, then will definitely take a very spontaneous decision.
You know I’m very good at it: I bought this Cabella in five minutes.
People will tell Me, "Mother, his VIBRATIONS are not all right, this house has no good VIBRATIONS, that has no good VIBRATIONS", and the fellow himself is shaking before Me, you know, like this.
And I said, "What about your VIBRATIONS?" "-Oh, I am getting too much." -But I am also getting too much, so -please!
The problem with Sahaja Yogis sometimes is that they don't know the importance of what they are. They are not aware. If their ego was correct, in that Ahankara - ego, the essence of it is Ahambawa, is that, "I am a Sahaja Yogi. I am a Sahaja Yogi."
And I said, "What about your VIBRATIONS?" "-Oh, I am getting too much." -But I am also getting too much, so -please!
The problem with Sahaja Yogis sometimes is that they don't know the importance of what they are. They are not aware. If their ego was correct, in that Ahankara - ego, the essence of it is Ahambawa, is that, "I am a Sahaja Yogi. I am a Sahaja Yogi."
Now keep the point of honesty with it. "Honestly, I'm a Sahaja Yogi and I'm a follower of a religion, which is a universal religion, which is innately built in myself." There's no hanky panky about it. "Is my experience, and I believe in it fully, and is innately within myself." This is the Ahambawa.
I don't know what is it in the English language, is could be "I-ness", "I-ness". Then:
"I am on this earth now, this life is for the work of God. And for that I have to be a pure person, because I belong to Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. I have to be pure, I have to achieve my purity through meditation through every way watching myself. I have to be a pure person. And if I am a Sahaja Yogi, if I am united with that all pervading power of love, I should be the medium to give that love to others, and compassion. I have no time for other things. Other things are of no value. My attention has to be pure. My life has to be pure."
I don't know what is it in the English language, is could be "I-ness", "I-ness". Then:
"I am on this earth now, this life is for the work of God. And for that I have to be a pure person, because I belong to Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. I have to be pure, I have to achieve my purity through meditation through every way watching myself. I have to be a pure person. And if I am a Sahaja Yogi, if I am united with that all pervading power of love, I should be the medium to give that love to others, and compassion. I have no time for other things. Other things are of no value. My attention has to be pure. My life has to be pure."
"-I say one thing, do another thing. I cheat myself morning till evening, then I have no "I-ness", I have no self respect. If it is possible, why not manage something free?" Say, "If Mother has a house, let's go and have some nice time there. After all it's Nirmala House, so we can have something free." No self respect. "Let us save some money, if possible here and there."
No self respect.
No self respect.
1989-05/21: Shri Buddha Puja, Barcelona
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Shilpa A. B./
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Shilpa A. B./
UK council chooses coordinators like this through vibrations : Very recently a senior member of National Trust-India who takes seminars and meditations all over india and international pujas, went to merrut,up centre for seminar.
After seminar he said we are going nominate coordinator for you. Collective said why u tell us, we shall have our own.
But he insisted, then collective gave him 5 envelops to decide on vibrations.
He kept them, and said will send the message from Delhi. This time collective insisted, he had no choice left.
He checked, can anyone guess results...{from best cool to less}
1. Sahaja yogi
2. Sahajayogi
3. Empty envelop
4. Shri mataji
5. Sahaja yogi.
He was almost pushed out of centre,though he again goes to Nargol and conducts puja.