Friday, June 7, 2019

Shri Mataji and Politics.

Hi dear readers!
Nowadays, with  the breaking-down of the Sangha, the fight for trusteeship and Councils, the crave for power has become the new trend in Sahaj collectivities. 
This is the motive for which I am trying a compilation of Shri Mataji's advices on politics. 
First parts will define what a political theory is for, in the human Society. 
Socrates in the game Assassin's Creed, Odyssea


Politics is for benevolence
… the political ideas were started by great people. Like Socrates started it. And Socrates said that, for the benevolence: the king has to be a benevolent king. 
But his disciples, like Aristotle really spoilt it. 
Still, the politics was philosophy-oriented. And then, now, it has become nothing but economics. 
Now, economics itself you understand better in Sahaja Yoga. First is that 'wants in general are not satiable'. So what is satiable there? We have to find out. 
Also science tells you that, how it harms. What will harm you, also science tells you, but we don't listen to it. But with Sahaja Yoga we will. 
So everything gets extremely beautiful and purified.  So the knowledge becomes constructive and nourishing and benevolent.
1990-0725: Press Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria 

Raising the standard of these people who are not having what we are having
Today we are going to worship Raja Lakshmi, means the Goddess which rules the kings. It's a very important thing today to understand that something has basically gone wrong in the working of our political systems and why the people have lost their sense of justice, fair play and the benevolence of the people. Where have we gone wrong that this is being lost? 
It's not only in India, it's not only in Japan or in England, or any other place where we think there is democracy. 
First and foremost thing is that all these countries, even those who have got their freedom, started following those countries which were supposed to be highty  and mighty, and very powerful. Like America, like Russia, like China, England, without understanding how far they have reached in delivering the goods that they are supposed to do.

Thomas Cromwell, (1485 –1540) chief minister to King
Henry VIII of England from 1532 to 1540,
when he was beheaded on orders of the king.
In any case in a country like England, you see the monarchy, the way it has been working is shocking, absolutely shocking. The way they have acted towards their ministers like Cromwell , you feel as if some primitive people are trying to manage something. 

And the Kings so cruel, the Queens so cruel, so character-less, so irresponsible. They had no character to be Kings and Queens. There was no surrendering to the Raja Lakshmi principle of one's Being. 
Then of course, it became independent. And even now I find such stupid things they're doing. Even in France the President has a keep.(*)
They run after money, little money here and there. There are people in every country who are really of very, very low level and who are trying to look after the welfare of the people.

Also if you read the history of Samurai and all those people in Japan you are shocked, they thought no end of themselves, they had no connection with the public and the way they behaved. Then you go to the communist countries also the same sort of thing. There also those who came in power became really like despotic rulers. Then we have on the other side Mr. Hitler who came thinking no end of himself. Spain, as you know was ruined by Franco. One cannot understand how these people without any character, without any higher qualities than the rest of the people, can look after their well-being. Impossible!
.../...  So that [ancient] time, the feeling among the politician was to how to raise the standard of these people who are not having what we are having …./… 
So when the Raja Lakshmi  (Lakshmi that is the one responsible for looking after the benevolence of the people) when She acts, [ruling] people think that they have (not even think,  they do it automatically!), that they are there for benevolence. They don't have to tell themselves, it's just that they feel that it is their job, this is what they have to do, is to look after the people who are to be brought to better levels of life. This is what they think, they don't think like party politics, who is coming up, whom to kill, nothing of the kind.
Under the influence of the Goddess of Lakshmi, which rules the political side, we can say the kingdoms and all that, first thing is generosity. First thing is generosity. 

1994-1204: Shri Raja Lakshmi Puja, New Delhi

Anne Pingeot, (1943 -) was housed and living 'secretly'  in an area of the Élysée with her daughter, born in 1974,  later acknowledged by Pdt Mitterrand (Pdt: 1981 - 1995)

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