Demonocracy, people and popularity
Then at Nabhi point, what becomes, is dharma. You enjoy your virtues. You enjoy it, enjoy to be virtuous. And then, you become swadha [ Sanskrit: self-position, self-power, inherent power ]. Later, it becomes a guru. You go to the heart. Then you become compassion. Expands, it expands. Why? The downward movement makes you smaller, smaller, smaller, till you become a sex point and then : to hell ! Then, it expands your heart, then it expands your heart. You become compassion, love, generosity.
Then : janah - janah is higher. [Sanskrit: living being, man, people -related to the Vishuddhi chakra] Now the same awareness, human awareness, when it goes on its own, it becomes political orators, political this, political that, is janah, is going to the public. Janah is here, because he’s Virata.
So you become attached to things where you have a popularity, which is very cheap type. There’s nothing deep in it, you see.
Like Mrs. Thatcher is coming now - Thatcherite and Thatcherism and all kinds of things - are coming out. Then another is this Edward Heath [former Prime minister, during the 1981 Conservative Party conference, openly criticised the government's economic policies – namely monetarism,].
I mean, not only in this kind of, Reagan, this, that : all of them are horrible!
So that happens. That is trying to solve some issues: "this should not be done; that should not be done".
But there’s no peace. Peace has to be established. That cannot be established by thiese. So that also, such people who are politically motivated, they also go down, up to Vishuddhi chakra.
Shri Mataji: Very little. But nobody can beat India .../…
Shri Mataji: That's what I told you. There's no place for such people there just now. Our Rajesh Shah, I told him, that: "You go and attend one of the meetings of these politicians". His father is a politician.
Next time I met him, he just prostrated himself. "Mother tell me anything. I can jump into the sea. But don't tell me to go to meetings of these politicians! I just went mad with them."
He said they started arguing on some point. Now, they're such fanatic people, that Rajesh tried to pacify them and tell them: "It's not so bad." They said: "Tomorrow you don't know what will happen to you! This will happen, that will happen." He said: 'No, it will not happen. I know this -, it's not that bad'. "
So fanatic! Hatred for each other! And then money comes in, so they join the other party. No principles, nothing!
Even America has no principles of any kind. They'll support Argentina [dictators]. I mean, they do anything! Where there has to be some rigidity in character, that's why it's lacking.
[About Shri Krishna] … in Hastinapur where they had a war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. So we can say: if - in the grossest way- [Hastinapur] is this world and America is the Vishuddhi Chakra, then, if India is, in a subtler way, it is Hastinapur, where Vishuddhi Chakra was. If you see the history of America you'll see there's a fight going on from the very beginning. George Washington came up, there was a big fight. [later, ] Black and the Whites, Left and the Right, fighting. Then you find Abraham Lincoln, a great orator, great personality, talking of collectivity, that is, democracy, developing it to this stage.
I don't know what it is now, whether it is democracy or demonocracy. It has reached another stage now which we cannot describe in the divine language and when the challenge to the Divine starts, we start doing just the opposite of what we are not supposed to do.
So the main principle of Krishna was collectivity - Raasa - everybody one with the energy; energy circulates through everyone, and just the opposite that the country developed into individualism, and everything was to create something that collective was not.
Individualism, when it is not connected to the mains, is destruction. Like all these trees you see, they are individuals as you see them separate, but inside they are fed by the same mother. They have the same sap running in them.
When this connection is broken, then all this individualism is nothing but destruction and that's how in America the connection with the collectivity was broken by every sort of funny methods -that one cannot conceive how human beings can go to that level!
On the way if you see Americans tried to do everything in a different way as you see the plugs are other way round. The whole world has the plugs one way, they have another way. They have the gear in the other way round, I mean, it's very dangerous to come to this country. If you don't know how you land into and everything they tried to do it in a way that was just the opposite of what everybody was doing in the whole world.
And that is one of the things very, very surprising that people accepted that kind of a nonsense.
Another side which I have left over is the political side - on the right side, you see. Even in politics, the growth becomes subtler and subtler.
Like in, we can say, in Russia, when it was such a power-oriented thing [USSR]. It's not money-oriented. The Communism was so power-oriented, it reached a place that a person like Gorbachev was to be born who would put it in a proper sense, and he came on a central path. He didn't want complete democracy as it is in America, it's a demonocracy, but he wanted a balanced thing.
So far he has not been able to manage, but I'm sure one day that will be managed. But he will be known all over the world for his great, great thought and great work of reducing the pressure between the two great [powers, the Cold War] , or, say, between the two ideologists. And he's done such a good thing that now there's no war, going to be no war.
As, I mean ,not a very big world war but could be little bit here and there. That also is coming up which is a problem of fundamentalism, is not due to political but fundamentalism. So now the problem today is fundamentalism , and that also comes from the right side, absolutely. Fundamentalists are all right-sided people and this right-sidedness takes them to any extreme of violence could be or, in some cases, it's really crazy and madness.
I mean, what do you say to a person who has three thousand shoes - I mean, pairs of shoes? Must be mad!
So this is the curse of money on human beings, which is to be understood, that freedom without wisdom is the most dangerous thing to use. It is better not to be free if you have no wisdom, because God knows what you will do if you have freedom and no wisdom.
All these politicians and all these so-called presidents of all these countries are beggars. All the time "give me this, give me this ! " like greedy : people going around are beggars, they are not the people who can rule. Hankering after things.
Now what about today's politicians anywhere? They even shoot people, they kill people, they arrest them, they put them into trouble, I mean: all kinds of things they are doing. Such people have no right to call anybody as criminals. But we accept. As in Hindi we say, "Aaj kal ka jamana he aisa hai." We accept it, all such people as our gurus" !
Then Raja Lakshmi is the one who stands on dharma. She stands on dharma. If there is some adharmi, then She will not bless that person.
If a King does not have that Divine discretion, then he can punish the good [people] and he may help the bad people. But this Divine discretion disappears when you are self-centered. That's the main point, is a complete detachment about the power should be there. Complete detachment. Why should Raja Lakshmi care for anything? What does She care?
But now, there are some who will pamper a person with this and that, and then they feel "ah ha we're on top of the world!". They just pamper, pamper and pamper the ego of a politician, and he thinks he is a very big man. Then, in the election he doesn't understand why he is [fallen) on the ground.
So with this self-dignity, self-knowledge, you know what you are: "whatever you may tell me, whatever you may say to me, I'll listen, all right- all right -all right,!- but I don't accept anything as something great. Because if I am that, what is there to be great?"
So what a politician has to understand: that he has not to make money, he does not have to have a big show about himself, he does not have to do anything that is like laundering the money from the country. He does not have to kill others who oppose him, he doesn't have to shout at those who trouble them. But what has he to do?
He has to remember that: "I'm here for [earning]the fame of a good man." He should worry about the fame he'll be leaving after his death. He should see to it that his fame is safe. For example, see Shri Rama who was a King of benevolence, no doubt about it, but His own wife, when somebody challenged that "She has lived with Ravana and how can She be pure? ", He knew that She was pure, still He decided that He will ask Her to go, because to keep the show, to keep the whole image of a King and He sent Her away.
But nowadays you find somebody's brother employed in America, sister employed there, and his uncle has made a big house, and his wife has accumulated so much money. It is all going on. Everybody will talk like that about that person, that he is just money-oriented, he just spends money on nonsensical things, and he is just exploiting us. Everybody will talk, but nobody will tell him on the face.
So what you have to worry, is about absolute correct character. These days this is another point: every politician must have three, four keeps, otherwise he is not a politician.
1994-1204: Shri Raja Lakshmi Puja, New Delhi
Good readinglistening :
Then at Nabhi point, what becomes, is dharma. You enjoy your virtues. You enjoy it, enjoy to be virtuous. And then, you become swadha [ Sanskrit: self-position, self-power, inherent power ]. Later, it becomes a guru. You go to the heart. Then you become compassion. Expands, it expands. Why? The downward movement makes you smaller, smaller, smaller, till you become a sex point and then : to hell ! Then, it expands your heart, then it expands your heart. You become compassion, love, generosity.
Then : janah - janah is higher. [Sanskrit: living being, man, people -related to the Vishuddhi chakra] Now the same awareness, human awareness, when it goes on its own, it becomes political orators, political this, political that, is janah, is going to the public. Janah is here, because he’s Virata.
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French Pdt F.Hollande, 2012-2017 |
Like Mrs. Thatcher is coming now - Thatcherite and Thatcherism and all kinds of things - are coming out. Then another is this Edward Heath [former Prime minister, during the 1981 Conservative Party conference, openly criticised the government's economic policies – namely monetarism,].
I mean, not only in this kind of, Reagan, this, that : all of them are horrible!
So that happens. That is trying to solve some issues: "this should not be done; that should not be done".
But there’s no peace. Peace has to be established. That cannot be established by thiese. So that also, such people who are politically motivated, they also go down, up to Vishuddhi chakra.
1986-0303: Brompton Square Talk, London
No principles - India
Australian Yogi: I think there's a certain amount of corruption at every level [in Australia].Shri Mataji: Very little. But nobody can beat India .../…
Shri Mataji: That's what I told you. There's no place for such people there just now. Our Rajesh Shah, I told him, that: "You go and attend one of the meetings of these politicians". His father is a politician.
Next time I met him, he just prostrated himself. "Mother tell me anything. I can jump into the sea. But don't tell me to go to meetings of these politicians! I just went mad with them."
He said they started arguing on some point. Now, they're such fanatic people, that Rajesh tried to pacify them and tell them: "It's not so bad." They said: "Tomorrow you don't know what will happen to you! This will happen, that will happen." He said: 'No, it will not happen. I know this -, it's not that bad'. "
So fanatic! Hatred for each other! And then money comes in, so they join the other party. No principles, nothing!
Even America has no principles of any kind. They'll support Argentina [dictators]. I mean, they do anything! Where there has to be some rigidity in character, that's why it's lacking.
1992-0213: Picnic with Yogis, Black Mountain Peninsula, Canberra
No principles - America
[Pdt Reagan in Germany had visited a cemetery and concentration camp] One should not give importance to bhoots [by which he could get possessed] , then their life itself will be weak. But this is too much, to go to these SS-camp because that shows such a "compromise". This politics is nothing but a compromise. And then it is so mean, so filthy, that tomorrow if Hitler comes in, Reagan will go and garland him, just to give a balance. And it is such an action and reaction that you just cannot say
Like some people told me that, "After all the Americans also went and killed the Japanese so they are equally the killers."
So under these circumstances, only one can say that all these are wretched people. They have no sense of proportion at all. They compromise with evil, compromise with wrong doers and compromise at any cost, just to have an election. Sometimes you start decrying democracy because it becomes ademonocracy.
So one could say, that one should have the desire and the prayers to God that, "Oh God, make Sahaja Yoga so successful that people enter into the kingdom of God where there is not such filthy things." I mean, this is the politics of the gutters. I feel the way it is, it's very, very low level. Everything is so low level.
1985-0502: Nirananda, Talk in Vienna
Demonocracy now in America
G Washington, 12 t marble statue-click for description |
I don't know what it is now, whether it is democracy or demonocracy. It has reached another stage now which we cannot describe in the divine language and when the challenge to the Divine starts, we start doing just the opposite of what we are not supposed to do.
So the main principle of Krishna was collectivity - Raasa - everybody one with the energy; energy circulates through everyone, and just the opposite that the country developed into individualism, and everything was to create something that collective was not.
Individualism, when it is not connected to the mains, is destruction. Like all these trees you see, they are individuals as you see them separate, but inside they are fed by the same mother. They have the same sap running in them.
When this connection is broken, then all this individualism is nothing but destruction and that's how in America the connection with the collectivity was broken by every sort of funny methods -that one cannot conceive how human beings can go to that level!
On the way if you see Americans tried to do everything in a different way as you see the plugs are other way round. The whole world has the plugs one way, they have another way. They have the gear in the other way round, I mean, it's very dangerous to come to this country. If you don't know how you land into and everything they tried to do it in a way that was just the opposite of what everybody was doing in the whole world.
And that is one of the things very, very surprising that people accepted that kind of a nonsense.
1984-0818: Shri Krishna Puja, New Jersey
Another side which I have left over is the political side - on the right side, you see. Even in politics, the growth becomes subtler and subtler.
Like in, we can say, in Russia, when it was such a power-oriented thing [USSR]. It's not money-oriented. The Communism was so power-oriented, it reached a place that a person like Gorbachev was to be born who would put it in a proper sense, and he came on a central path. He didn't want complete democracy as it is in America, it's a demonocracy, but he wanted a balanced thing.
So far he has not been able to manage, but I'm sure one day that will be managed. But he will be known all over the world for his great, great thought and great work of reducing the pressure between the two great [powers, the Cold War] , or, say, between the two ideologists. And he's done such a good thing that now there's no war, going to be no war.
As, I mean ,not a very big world war but could be little bit here and there. That also is coming up which is a problem of fundamentalism, is not due to political but fundamentalism. So now the problem today is fundamentalism , and that also comes from the right side, absolutely. Fundamentalists are all right-sided people and this right-sidedness takes them to any extreme of violence could be or, in some cases, it's really crazy and madness.
1992-0223: Mahasaraswati Puja, Auckland, New Zealand
Demonocracy, and greed
So what rules is the ego, this ego which thinks it is free. It doesn't know it is bound by all kinds of enemies of very horrible types. At the time of Shri Krishna, He said that the worst enemy human beings have is anger, but I think in modern times the worst enemy human beings have is greed and jealousy. Greed has no meaning these days.A volunteer cleans shoes of former Philippine First Lady Imelda Marcos |
So this is the curse of money on human beings, which is to be understood, that freedom without wisdom is the most dangerous thing to use. It is better not to be free if you have no wisdom, because God knows what you will do if you have freedom and no wisdom.
1997-0608: Freedom Without Wisdom is Dangerous, Shri Krishna Puja, New Jersey, USA
All these politicians and all these so-called presidents of all these countries are beggars. All the time "give me this, give me this ! " like greedy : people going around are beggars, they are not the people who can rule. Hankering after things.
Now what about today's politicians anywhere? They even shoot people, they kill people, they arrest them, they put them into trouble, I mean: all kinds of things they are doing. Such people have no right to call anybody as criminals. But we accept. As in Hindi we say, "Aaj kal ka jamana he aisa hai." We accept it, all such people as our gurus" !
Then Raja Lakshmi is the one who stands on dharma. She stands on dharma. If there is some adharmi, then She will not bless that person.
If a King does not have that Divine discretion, then he can punish the good [people] and he may help the bad people. But this Divine discretion disappears when you are self-centered. That's the main point, is a complete detachment about the power should be there. Complete detachment. Why should Raja Lakshmi care for anything? What does She care?
But now, there are some who will pamper a person with this and that, and then they feel "ah ha we're on top of the world!". They just pamper, pamper and pamper the ego of a politician, and he thinks he is a very big man. Then, in the election he doesn't understand why he is [fallen) on the ground.
So with this self-dignity, self-knowledge, you know what you are: "whatever you may tell me, whatever you may say to me, I'll listen, all right- all right -all right,!- but I don't accept anything as something great. Because if I am that, what is there to be great?"
So what a politician has to understand: that he has not to make money, he does not have to have a big show about himself, he does not have to do anything that is like laundering the money from the country. He does not have to kill others who oppose him, he doesn't have to shout at those who trouble them. But what has he to do?
Shri Sita with sons Luv and Kush, on exile in the forest |
But nowadays you find somebody's brother employed in America, sister employed there, and his uncle has made a big house, and his wife has accumulated so much money. It is all going on. Everybody will talk like that about that person, that he is just money-oriented, he just spends money on nonsensical things, and he is just exploiting us. Everybody will talk, but nobody will tell him on the face.
So what you have to worry, is about absolute correct character. These days this is another point: every politician must have three, four keeps, otherwise he is not a politician.
1994-1204: Shri Raja Lakshmi Puja, New Delhi
Good readinglistening :
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