"It's the Mother,
She's there,
She's my doctor.
Whether She treats me or not, whether She cures me or not I've nothing to say.
I only know Her.
I don't know anyone else."
It's very logical. The logic is, that Mother is the most powerful thing that you know - logically it's true.
"And if She is so, She'll cure me.
But if She does not cure me, it's Her Power, it's Her whim.
If She wants to cure me, She'll cure me.
If She does not want to cure me, how can I put my will upon Her?"
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Sometimes we think Sahaja Yoga is there for our betterment, for our good health, this, that.
It's not so. It is for the betterment of others.
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So what you have to do is to have self-knowledge. You have to know about yourself. You must have self-knowledge of what you are. If that you don't have, what's the use of opening the Sahasrara?
Self-knowledge is, it doesn't give you any pride, nothing, but gives you the duty what you have to do, what you have to work out. It's not only just for you, that Sahaja Yoga, but you are for the whole world - please try to understand!
Sometimes we think Sahaja Yoga is there for our betterment, for our good health, this, that.
It's not so. It is for the betterment of others.
Your powers are there which you are not utilizing. You are still busy. I get letters saying that "this is wrong with us, wrong with that" - I mean, why can't you correct yourself? If you can't correct yourself, how can you correct others? That's what it is.
I am above all these things. I don't know what are temptations are, nothing! I mean, I'll do whatever I like, it's all my whim. But despite that, I have made myself very normal, and because I must appear before you in such a manner that you understand what is the Statutes.
For me there are no Statutes. I make all the Statutes, isn't it? Because of you I do all these things and teach you every small, small thing, because you are still children.
In the same way, you must remember that, when you are talking to other people about Sahaja Yoga, remember that they will see you all the time, and try to understand how far you are in it.
As I understand you, you try to understand them.
As I love you, you try to love them. I definitely love you, no doubt, but I am Nirmama, I am beyond love: it's a different state altogether.
Under these circumstances you are better off, much better off, because no guru ever goes to that extent.
Apart from that I am the Source of all the shaktis, of all the powers.
So you can have all the powers from me, whatever you like.
I am desireless, but whatever desire you have will be fulfilled.
Even about me you have to desire, look at that: how much I am bound by you. Unless and until you desire my good health, I'll have bad health; it is to that extent.
But to me, what is bad health and good health?
And under these beautiful conditions you should really prosper so well. There should be no problem for you to be gurus.
Now, the Void is to be established. First of all you must know your Guru, and She is on every Chakra working - imagine! What a tremendous Guru you have!
But for that, how far to go is a discretion which one must develop, how far to go? Most important thing is how far you go with yourself.
So now this is the relationship I've told you about, to your children and to your families and other members of your family.
Then the members of your neighborhood also if there is somebody sick, then you can go and help them.
I think you can put up a board here saying "Kundalini Awakening".
Put up a board like that and maybe people may like to come to Sahaja Yoga for good health. Good health and wealth something like that you could put and people would come now to do Sahaja Yoga. That's how they would come round.
I think it would be a good idea to have a big sign board so that people start coming to you and so you can start a school here for the neighbors for their children. We have so many little children and start a little school here that can work out for children and they will have some good company.
It will be very nice.
They meditate for themselves,
they cleanse for themselves,
but never use their vibrations, never give vibrations.
How can that be?
You have to give vibrations.
If you don't give vibrations to others,
if you don't transform other people,
if you don't cure other people,
if you don't teach them how to have pure love,
what's the use of cleansing, coming to Puja, feeling nice, joyous? Finished!
These are useless people, useless Sahaja Yogis.
Ganesha is not happy. How can He be happy?
His puja is to give realization. That is His Puja.
Supposing He is waiting there, say, for you to ask for His blessings. What is His blessing? Is to give realization, to allow the Kundalini to rise. You ask for it and what do you get?
You ask for your health, ask for this, ask for that.
Why not ask, "Shri Ganesh, make us good instruments of Sahaja Yoga. Give us strength to give realization to people and talk about Sahaja Yoga." People don't even talk about Sahaja Yoga. They are feeling shy. Why should you be shy?...
This is absurd.
The contract is between yourself, with yourself.
You have to work it out, all right? This is what it is.
So if the mind is asking questions ask it to shut up now. Mind is the worst thing, it is standing between you and reality.
Let God maneuver you. But how? Supposing I have a brush in my hand, I want to paint something, and the brush I cannot maneuver. The brush is angular, it's troublesome, it's inconvenient to use that, or, you can say it's uncomfortable, it's awkward, it's clumsy. How can you use it?
- Dedication is the easiest way to get rid of all your angularities, all your problems, all your baddhas.
Now watch and see within yourself: are you dedicated?
Those who are fanatically adhering to me are also not correct. There should be no fanaticism about it.
The whole thing becomes a complete logical thing. There is no fanaticism about it.
Like, somebody has to go to a doctor, to see a doctor, then fanatic person might say, "Oh, I'm not going to see the doctor. I'm not going, because Mother has told me that She's going to look after me." And when she gets sick, she'll come to Mother in fright, "Mother You had told me that You'll look after me, and how is it I've got sick?" This is fanaticism.
What is surrendering? Deep down you should say:
"It's the Mother, She's there,
She's my doctor.
Whether She treats me
or not,
whether She cures me
or not
I've nothing to say.
I only know Her.
I don't know anyone else."
Is very logical. The logic is, that Mother is the most powerful thing that you know - logically it's true. "And if She is so, She'll cure me. But if She does not cure me, it's Her Power, it's Her whim. If She wants to cure me, She'll cure me. If She does not want to cure me, how can I put my will upon Her?"…/...
But in Sahaja Yoga, when people come, they do not surrender, but they are nourished, they are looked after.
Their health improves, their wealth improves, their mind improves, their relations improve, every way they feel better, their conditions improve. They are all the time getting the benefit. We have ashrams which are beautiful, which are the cheapest, and the food, every advantage that is available -best possible. Everything is there.
But we don't realize that all this nourishment is for what? All these blessings are for what?
For your higher ascent. For getting out of the mire completely.
Now, you have to adhere, you have to be dedicated, you have to be devoted.
We have reservations, we hide things. We try to be smart. That's a dangerous situation.
You all should, within yourself, try to see what part is so sneaky. What conditioning is keeping you out of dedication? What is making you have reservations? What fright, which ego, what angle still sticking out into the mire? What attachments, what relationships?
You have to get out of it. Unless and until you fully get out of it, it's not going to work out. There's no place for half-way things.
It's question of now or never. Christ has said it. He has said it, "You give your devotion and dedication and leave the rest to Me.
I know who are progressing in dedication and devotion. I have seen people improving so much. You need not face me, you need not see me. In person I need not be there. It's all in the all-pervading Power. That's all my light, which knows each and everything about you. And only through your bhakti, through your devotion and dedication, you can achieve me.
My achievement is the complete manifestation of your Divine power.
It's very simple, made so simple. I'm only pleased by people who are simple, innocent, who are not tricky, who are loving, affectionate to each other. It's very easy to please Me. When I see you loving each other, talking good of each other, helping each other, respecting each other, laughing aloud together, enjoying together each other's company, I get my first blessing, first joy.
Try to love each other, in dedication to me, because you are all my children, created out of my love.
…/…The joy at the Sahasrara is called as Nirananda, since long.
Since ancient times called Nirananda or Nirmalananda. So many call it as Nirmalananda or Nirananda.
That joy is the joy that you enjoy even when you get crucified.
That joy, you enjoy even when you are poisoned.
Even on your deathbed, you enjoy that joy.
That joy is Nirananda.
She's there,
She's my doctor.
Whether She treats me or not, whether She cures me or not I've nothing to say.
I only know Her.
I don't know anyone else."
It's very logical. The logic is, that Mother is the most powerful thing that you know - logically it's true.
"And if She is so, She'll cure me.
But if She does not cure me, it's Her Power, it's Her whim.
If She wants to cure me, She'll cure me.
If She does not want to cure me, how can I put my will upon Her?"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sometimes we think Sahaja Yoga is there for our betterment, for our good health, this, that.
It's not so. It is for the betterment of others.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
So what you have to do is to have self-knowledge. You have to know about yourself. You must have self-knowledge of what you are. If that you don't have, what's the use of opening the Sahasrara?
Self-knowledge is, it doesn't give you any pride, nothing, but gives you the duty what you have to do, what you have to work out. It's not only just for you, that Sahaja Yoga, but you are for the whole world - please try to understand!
Sometimes we think Sahaja Yoga is there for our betterment, for our good health, this, that.
It's not so. It is for the betterment of others.
Your powers are there which you are not utilizing. You are still busy. I get letters saying that "this is wrong with us, wrong with that" - I mean, why can't you correct yourself? If you can't correct yourself, how can you correct others? That's what it is.
2002-05/05: Sahasrara Puja, Cabella
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You have a very supreme Guru, no doubt, but still you must know that those powers of supremacy you don't have. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I am above all these things. I don't know what are temptations are, nothing! I mean, I'll do whatever I like, it's all my whim. But despite that, I have made myself very normal, and because I must appear before you in such a manner that you understand what is the Statutes.
For me there are no Statutes. I make all the Statutes, isn't it? Because of you I do all these things and teach you every small, small thing, because you are still children.
In the same way, you must remember that, when you are talking to other people about Sahaja Yoga, remember that they will see you all the time, and try to understand how far you are in it.
As I understand you, you try to understand them.
As I love you, you try to love them. I definitely love you, no doubt, but I am Nirmama, I am beyond love: it's a different state altogether.
Under these circumstances you are better off, much better off, because no guru ever goes to that extent.
Apart from that I am the Source of all the shaktis, of all the powers.
So you can have all the powers from me, whatever you like.
I am desireless, but whatever desire you have will be fulfilled.
Even about me you have to desire, look at that: how much I am bound by you. Unless and until you desire my good health, I'll have bad health; it is to that extent.
But to me, what is bad health and good health?
And under these beautiful conditions you should really prosper so well. There should be no problem for you to be gurus.
Now, the Void is to be established. First of all you must know your Guru, and She is on every Chakra working - imagine! What a tremendous Guru you have!
1980-07/27: Guru Puja,The Statutes of the Lord, London
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It's not important to be with your relations and be with your family so much. Of course, now we are Sahaja-Yoga-family naturally it is important that we should also be good and we should have very good relationships with each other no doubt!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
But for that, how far to go is a discretion which one must develop, how far to go? Most important thing is how far you go with yourself.
So now this is the relationship I've told you about, to your children and to your families and other members of your family.
Then the members of your neighborhood also if there is somebody sick, then you can go and help them.
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How is it? This is not Sahaj! Oh , yes: nobody listened... |
Put up a board like that and maybe people may like to come to Sahaja Yoga for good health. Good health and wealth something like that you could put and people would come now to do Sahaja Yoga. That's how they would come round.
I think it would be a good idea to have a big sign board so that people start coming to you and so you can start a school here for the neighbors for their children. We have so many little children and start a little school here that can work out for children and they will have some good company.
It will be very nice.
1985-03/02: Children and Other Topics, Perth, Australia
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From a real conversation by Sahajis on Facebook |
they cleanse for themselves,
but never use their vibrations, never give vibrations.
How can that be?
You have to give vibrations.
If you don't give vibrations to others,
if you don't transform other people,
if you don't cure other people,
if you don't teach them how to have pure love,
what's the use of cleansing, coming to Puja, feeling nice, joyous? Finished!
These are useless people, useless Sahaja Yogis.
Ganesha is not happy. How can He be happy?
His puja is to give realization. That is His Puja.
Supposing He is waiting there, say, for you to ask for His blessings. What is His blessing? Is to give realization, to allow the Kundalini to rise. You ask for it and what do you get?
You ask for your health, ask for this, ask for that.
Why not ask, "Shri Ganesh, make us good instruments of Sahaja Yoga. Give us strength to give realization to people and talk about Sahaja Yoga." People don't even talk about Sahaja Yoga. They are feeling shy. Why should you be shy?...
1996-09/15: Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella Ligure, Italy
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Lastly, you see, in Sahaja Yoga people come in, they think it's a sort of a contract with us that we should look after them, their health, their jobs, their everything. This is absurd.
The contract is between yourself, with yourself.
You have to work it out, all right? This is what it is.
So if the mind is asking questions ask it to shut up now. Mind is the worst thing, it is standing between you and reality.
1996-03/10: Talk to Sahaja Yogis in Hong Kong
Let God maneuver you. But how? Supposing I have a brush in my hand, I want to paint something, and the brush I cannot maneuver. The brush is angular, it's troublesome, it's inconvenient to use that, or, you can say it's uncomfortable, it's awkward, it's clumsy. How can you use it?
- Dedication is the easiest way to get rid of all your angularities, all your problems, all your baddhas.
Now watch and see within yourself: are you dedicated?
Those who are fanatically adhering to me are also not correct. There should be no fanaticism about it.
The whole thing becomes a complete logical thing. There is no fanaticism about it.
Like, somebody has to go to a doctor, to see a doctor, then fanatic person might say, "Oh, I'm not going to see the doctor. I'm not going, because Mother has told me that She's going to look after me." And when she gets sick, she'll come to Mother in fright, "Mother You had told me that You'll look after me, and how is it I've got sick?" This is fanaticism.
What is surrendering? Deep down you should say:
"It's the Mother, She's there,
She's my doctor.
Whether She treats me
or not,
whether She cures me
or not
I've nothing to say.
I only know Her.
I don't know anyone else."
Is very logical. The logic is, that Mother is the most powerful thing that you know - logically it's true. "And if She is so, She'll cure me. But if She does not cure me, it's Her Power, it's Her whim. If She wants to cure me, She'll cure me. If She does not want to cure me, how can I put my will upon Her?"…/...
But in Sahaja Yoga, when people come, they do not surrender, but they are nourished, they are looked after.
Their health improves, their wealth improves, their mind improves, their relations improve, every way they feel better, their conditions improve. They are all the time getting the benefit. We have ashrams which are beautiful, which are the cheapest, and the food, every advantage that is available -best possible. Everything is there.
But we don't realize that all this nourishment is for what? All these blessings are for what?
For your higher ascent. For getting out of the mire completely.
Now, you have to adhere, you have to be dedicated, you have to be devoted.
We have reservations, we hide things. We try to be smart. That's a dangerous situation.
You all should, within yourself, try to see what part is so sneaky. What conditioning is keeping you out of dedication? What is making you have reservations? What fright, which ego, what angle still sticking out into the mire? What attachments, what relationships?
From Video "Nirvikalpa" 1985 |
It's question of now or never. Christ has said it. He has said it, "You give your devotion and dedication and leave the rest to Me.
I know who are progressing in dedication and devotion. I have seen people improving so much. You need not face me, you need not see me. In person I need not be there. It's all in the all-pervading Power. That's all my light, which knows each and everything about you. And only through your bhakti, through your devotion and dedication, you can achieve me.
My achievement is the complete manifestation of your Divine power.
It's very simple, made so simple. I'm only pleased by people who are simple, innocent, who are not tricky, who are loving, affectionate to each other. It's very easy to please Me. When I see you loving each other, talking good of each other, helping each other, respecting each other, laughing aloud together, enjoying together each other's company, I get my first blessing, first joy.
Try to love each other, in dedication to me, because you are all my children, created out of my love.
…/…The joy at the Sahasrara is called as Nirananda, since long.
Since ancient times called Nirananda or Nirmalananda. So many call it as Nirmalananda or Nirananda.
That joy is the joy that you enjoy even when you get crucified.
That joy, you enjoy even when you are poisoned.
Even on your deathbed, you enjoy that joy.
That joy is Nirananda.
1982-07/31: Dedication through Meditation, Cowley Manor Seminar, England
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