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"What are their plans?" |
At what time I have come on this earth, where I have to see human beings hating each...?...
All our activities as Sahaja yogis, I never realized were so important.
We have to give so much time, not to bother about nonsensical, frivolous things, but something serious that is within us or without.
That must be taken out.
If I ask you how many people you hate, you may say twenty people...and...[Pause]
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Remorse |
Will you please look into yourself and think what constructive work we are doing and what destructive work we have been doing?
You need a big shock to understand this.
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" a big shock" |
I like the way we have programs and pujas
and all that,
if you ask My Inner Being,
I know it is very,
very, unhappy, very, very sick.
At this time what you have to do as Sahaja yogis, as Sahaja yogis, minimum of minimum, you should put full attention. ... see, the trouble with Sahaja Yoga is that you all start enjoying yourself and then you don't see around what is happening.
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"It is within us" |
Is it a, area, is it a, I don't know what should I say is it within us,
there is still lurking some kind of a weakness that we do not try to fight our behavior.
I would now request you all to meditate on yourself and see for yourself what is wrong. It's a big shock and to reduce this shock, what can Sahaja yogis do?
It's a big lesson now for all of us, to see for ourselves:
"Are we all right or we go on hating others?"
I want to touch the deepest part of your heart,
which should reconcile.
Hebron, Israel, 2014 |
I am sure you all will under-stand the magni-tude of danger that awaits.
Maybe there may not be any human beings left, maybe there may not be any children left, because if this kind of thing is working out, it's very difficult, very difficult [Long Pause]
My whole existence gets shaking, gets shaken up.
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Birthday 2010 |
Whatever I think ...it's not one, it's not two, it's all of us. [Pause]
The fight that I am having is of a serious nature, no doubt. But if you all can fight collectively, how much we can work it out. [Pause]
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2010 Shiva puja, Genova |
You have to build up within yourself the power of love. I'm sure with the opening of the Sahasrara, you will do that. But try to read something, to understand something, with the power of love.

I hope you people have understood what I want you to do. A new generation is coming up.
All of you, all of you are in My Heart and I love you very much and I want you people to come as soldiers to fight with Me.
I am also told that there are some people who are forming groups: Extremely negative attitude!
At this time what we need is a complete solidarity.
So all such people whom you see, tell them to behave themselves.
No use making them Sahaja yogis!
I am sure, it's really heartfelt desire of Mine, that you should become really soldiers of love and peace, because that is why you are here.
You are born here for that.
So enjoy yourself.
Navaratri 2001, Greece.
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