READ after the article TWO reports.
SWAYAMBLOGGER: Please consider that here follows a press article from Ratnagiri. This fact will not change.This is where negativity got one mark! So, the reports about GP by different westerners, have not been done in order to crash the Trustees. They are shocked and are trying to find out how could this happen: about our PUBLIC IMAGE.
No importance that Kalpana-didi cooled down the excessive marks of respect from Indian traditions, no importance the good vibrations in the musical program:
How come that WE have been able to bring a BAD NAME on Sahaj? -is the question.
Department of Health and vartavila food poisoning, it has been estimated surface to the top of the show cause notice has played a ketaringa Driver .
-Google traduction
रत्नागिरी - तालुक्यातील मालगुंड येथे निर्मलनगरीत सुरू असलेल्या मेळाव्यातील शेकडो लोकांना अचानक उलट्या आणि मळमळीचा त्रास होऊ लागला. ही घटना घडल्यानंतर तत्काळ जिल्हा परिषद आरोग्य विभागची आरोग्य यंत्रणा घटनास्थळी दाखल झाली. त्यांनी तिथेच उपचार सुरू केले. प्रथमदर्शनी अन्नातून विषबाधा झाल्याचा अंदाज आरोग्य विभागाने वर्तविला असून कॅटरिंग चालकाला कारणे दाखवा नोटीस बजावली आहे.
Malagunda daravarsipramane nirmaladevi in the last two days of the camp is on.
Past the third day of camp . have been about five thousand .... Some people suddenly start to suffer from vomiting and evening time was malamalanyaca . Camp organizers of the medical there immediately started treatment , but patients could not control the number grew after . The primary health center immediately malagunda food poisoning details of the organizers said.
ही घटना काल (ता. 25) सायंकाळी घडली. मालगुंड येथे दरवर्षीप्रमाणे निर्मलदेवी यांचे शिबिर गेले दोन दिवस सुरू आहे. शिबिराचा कालचा तिसरा दिवस होता. देश-विदेशातून सुमारे पाच हजारहून अधिकजण याठिकाणी आले आहेत. काल सायंकाळपासून अचानक काही लोकांना उलट्या आणि मळमळण्याचा त्रास सुरू झाला होता. शिबिराच्या आयोजकांनी तत्काळ तिथे असलेल्या वैद्यकीय अधिकाऱ्यांमार्फत उपचाराला प्रारंभ केला, परंतु रुग्णांची संख्या वाढू लागल्यानंतर त्यावर नियंत्रण ठेवणे शक्य झाले नाही. त्यामुळे आयोजकांनी तत्काळ मालगुंड प्राथमिक आरोग्य केंद्राला अन्नातून विषबाधा झाल्याची माहिती दिली. येथील वैद्यकीय अधिकारी डॉ. जी. आर. पाटील दहा जणांच्या वैद्यकीय पथकासह घटनास्थळी दाखल झाले. रात्री साडेबारा वाजेपर्यंत रुग्णांची संख्या शंभरहून अधिक झाली होती. त्यांना आरोग्य केंद्रात किंवा जिल्हा रुग्णालयात आणणे शक्य नसल्यामुळे तिथे उपचारासाठी कॅम्प उभारण्यात आला. विषबाधा झालेल्या रुग्णांना तिथेच सलाईन लावण्यात आले. तसेच प्रतिबंधात्मक औषधेही दिली गेली. वेळीच उपचार सुरू झाल्यामुळे त्यावर नियंत्रण ठेवणे शक्य झाले.
आज सकाळपर्यंत सुमारे दोनशे जणांवर उपचार केल्याची माहिती डॉ. पाटील यांनी पत्रकारांना दिली. ही माहिती मिळाल्यानंतर जिल्हा आरोग्य अधिकारी राजेंद्र खंडागळे यांनी रात्री एक वाजता निर्मलनगरीतील कॅम्पला भेट दिली. त्यांनी रुग्णांची पाहणी केली. दुपारच्या जेवणानंतर हा त्रास सुरू झाल्याचे डॉ. खंडागळे यांनी सांगितले. अन्नातून विषबाधा झाल्यामुळे हा त्रास झाल्याचा अंदाज वर्तविला जात आहे. या प्रकारानंतर योग्य काळजी शिबिराच्या आयोजकांनी घेतली. घटनास्थळी वापरत असलेले पाणी, अन्नासाठी वापरली जाणारी कडधान्य व भाज्या आणि उलट्यांचे नमुने तपासणीसाठी घेण्यात आले आहेत. ते प्रयोगशाळेत पाठविण्यात आल्याचे डॉ. खंडागळे यांनी सांगितले. हा प्रकार आटोक्यात आल्याचे उपचार करणारे डॉ. पाटील यांनी सांगितले. यातील सात जणांना शासकीय जिल्हा रुग्णालयात उपचारासाठी दाखल करण्यात आले आहे. ही माहिती मिळताच आरोग्य सभापती अजित नारकर यांनी योग्य त्या उपाययोजना करण्याच्या सूचना जिल्हा आरोग्य अधिकारी डॉ. खंडागळे यांना दिल्या.
पाच विदेशींचा समावेश!
निर्मलनगरीतील या शिबिराला रत्नागिरी जिल्ह्यातीलच नव्हे, तर परजिल्ह्यांसह विदेशातील लोकांचाही सहभाग आहे. विषबाधा झालेल्यांमध्ये पाच विदेशी लोकांचा समावेश होता. त्यांची तब्बेत सुधारत असल्याची माहिती डॉ. पाटील यांनी दिली.
<<...Ok to go - here it is Michel -
I out it in right order this time....
"Ganipatipule was bizzare, bizzare its all built up people selling stuff everywhere , big hotel things, lots of non yogis selling things, wearing fancy outfits.
they did the Puja wrong...
no swastikas or coconut for Mother
only leader men doing the Puja ,
children and women barely could come on stage,
they played only 15 min of Mothers talk.
<<On the day when I am going I should not tell you these things, but when I go away I find these bhoots (*) come back,
and they become the causes,
and the effects are shown.
So I have to make a complete open picture to you to see that you can ascend to the highest of highest, being born on this great land of this country. But you can also go very down, I have seen that. Because you always blame someone, last of all Gavin, and this is the worst thing that you have done.
Let anybody say that to Gregoire – he’ll chop that person off ten times and bring that person to Me in chopped stages. Really, I mean!
He’ll say, “What nonsense! All right, it’s … go ahead.” ... >>
READ after the article TWO reports.
SWAYAMBLOGGER: Please consider that here follows a press article from Ratnagiri. This fact will not change.This is where negativity got one mark! So, the reports about GP by different westerners, have not been done in order to crash the Trustees. They are shocked and are trying to find out how could this happen: about our PUBLIC IMAGE.
No importance that Kalpana-didi cooled down the excessive marks of respect from Indian traditions, no importance the good vibrations in the musical program:
How come that WE have been able to bring a BAD NAME on Sahaj? -is the question.
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"...hundreds of people suddenly started vomiting ... ." |
-Google traduction
रत्नागिरी - तालुक्यातील मालगुंड येथे निर्मलनगरीत सुरू असलेल्या मेळाव्यातील शेकडो लोकांना अचानक उलट्या आणि मळमळीचा त्रास होऊ लागला. ही घटना घडल्यानंतर तत्काळ जिल्हा परिषद आरोग्य विभागची आरोग्य यंत्रणा घटनास्थळी दाखल झाली. त्यांनी तिथेच उपचार सुरू केले. प्रथमदर्शनी अन्नातून विषबाधा झाल्याचा अंदाज आरोग्य विभागाने वर्तविला असून कॅटरिंग चालकाला कारणे दाखवा नोटीस बजावली आहे.
Malagunda daravarsipramane nirmaladevi in the last two days of the camp is on.
Past the third day of camp . have been about five thousand .... Some people suddenly start to suffer from vomiting and evening time was malamalanyaca . Camp organizers of the medical there immediately started treatment , but patients could not control the number grew after . The primary health center immediately malagunda food poisoning details of the organizers said.
ही घटना काल (ता. 25) सायंकाळी घडली. मालगुंड येथे दरवर्षीप्रमाणे निर्मलदेवी यांचे शिबिर गेले दोन दिवस सुरू आहे. शिबिराचा कालचा तिसरा दिवस होता. देश-विदेशातून सुमारे पाच हजारहून अधिकजण याठिकाणी आले आहेत. काल सायंकाळपासून अचानक काही लोकांना उलट्या आणि मळमळण्याचा त्रास सुरू झाला होता. शिबिराच्या आयोजकांनी तत्काळ तिथे असलेल्या वैद्यकीय अधिकाऱ्यांमार्फत उपचाराला प्रारंभ केला, परंतु रुग्णांची संख्या वाढू लागल्यानंतर त्यावर नियंत्रण ठेवणे शक्य झाले नाही. त्यामुळे आयोजकांनी तत्काळ मालगुंड प्राथमिक आरोग्य केंद्राला अन्नातून विषबाधा झाल्याची माहिती दिली. येथील वैद्यकीय अधिकारी डॉ. जी. आर. पाटील दहा जणांच्या वैद्यकीय पथकासह घटनास्थळी दाखल झाले. रात्री साडेबारा वाजेपर्यंत रुग्णांची संख्या शंभरहून अधिक झाली होती. त्यांना आरोग्य केंद्रात किंवा जिल्हा रुग्णालयात आणणे शक्य नसल्यामुळे तिथे उपचारासाठी कॅम्प उभारण्यात आला. विषबाधा झालेल्या रुग्णांना तिथेच सलाईन लावण्यात आले. तसेच प्रतिबंधात्मक औषधेही दिली गेली. वेळीच उपचार सुरू झाल्यामुळे त्यावर नियंत्रण ठेवणे शक्य झाले.
आज सकाळपर्यंत सुमारे दोनशे जणांवर उपचार केल्याची माहिती डॉ. पाटील यांनी पत्रकारांना दिली. ही माहिती मिळाल्यानंतर जिल्हा आरोग्य अधिकारी राजेंद्र खंडागळे यांनी रात्री एक वाजता निर्मलनगरीतील कॅम्पला भेट दिली. त्यांनी रुग्णांची पाहणी केली. दुपारच्या जेवणानंतर हा त्रास सुरू झाल्याचे डॉ. खंडागळे यांनी सांगितले. अन्नातून विषबाधा झाल्यामुळे हा त्रास झाल्याचा अंदाज वर्तविला जात आहे. या प्रकारानंतर योग्य काळजी शिबिराच्या आयोजकांनी घेतली. घटनास्थळी वापरत असलेले पाणी, अन्नासाठी वापरली जाणारी कडधान्य व भाज्या आणि उलट्यांचे नमुने तपासणीसाठी घेण्यात आले आहेत. ते प्रयोगशाळेत पाठविण्यात आल्याचे डॉ. खंडागळे यांनी सांगितले. हा प्रकार आटोक्यात आल्याचे उपचार करणारे डॉ. पाटील यांनी सांगितले. यातील सात जणांना शासकीय जिल्हा रुग्णालयात उपचारासाठी दाखल करण्यात आले आहे. ही माहिती मिळताच आरोग्य सभापती अजित नारकर यांनी योग्य त्या उपाययोजना करण्याच्या सूचना जिल्हा आरोग्य अधिकारी डॉ. खंडागळे यांना दिल्या.
पाच विदेशींचा समावेश!
निर्मलनगरीतील या शिबिराला रत्नागिरी जिल्ह्यातीलच नव्हे, तर परजिल्ह्यांसह विदेशातील लोकांचाही सहभाग आहे. विषबाधा झालेल्यांमध्ये पाच विदेशी लोकांचा समावेश होता. त्यांची तब्बेत सुधारत असल्याची माहिती डॉ. पाटील यांनी दिली.
---- - - - - - - - - - -1/ A REPORT BY MAX ASHTON
You will find a second one, another vision, lower
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Christmas puja 2013 Ganapatipule -Photo by Tanya |
There have been some negative descriptions of Ganapatipule wandering around the internet so I thought I would add my recollections of a wonderful, blissful, peaceful divine 4 days in Ganapatipule. There was a lot of love and care put into the seminar by the Indian Sahaja yogis. It has to be said that Ganapatipule is perhaps the only place with such unique vibrations and the capacity to completely transform our chakras if we approach it in the right way. Here is a quote of Shri Mataji's about Ganapatipule.
"Those who have gone towards Divine have grown upwards, towards the roots. The main root, as they call the taproot, the main root is innocence, is Shri Ganesha, and He becomes Mahaganesha in Ganapatipule. Here He’s surrounded by the Father Principle, the Guru Principle of the sea, the ocean – the Indian Ocean. That is, here He becomes a Guru.......But if you do not try to ascend, then you’ll remain at the same stage even when you grow old. So maturity is the indication. Here, as we see in Ganapatipule, Shri Ganesha is in its complete, matured form, so that we develop also our Mahaganesha within ourselves, and our eyes become pure, powerful and divine. With proper working out, I am sure we can establish that state within ourselves." http://www.amruta.org/1986/01/01/shri-mahaganesha-puja-ganapatipule-1986/
The Havan
Ganapatipule seminar started with a deep and blissful havan on the 23rd December. It was run pretty well. There were a few unnecessary brahmin style mantras at the beginning, but then we all got to say collectively the 108 names of Shri Mahakali which was great. The vibrations were very strong and blissful throughout these 108 names and long after.
Evening music programmes
The music programmes in the evening were very good.
A sahaja yogi from Kalyan (mumbai) called Chandrasekar Wasé, sang Raag Bihag and it was very deep and beautiful.
Nitin Jawalkar (sitting down)- figure number one at the podium |
We had nice sitar/tabla by Aveenendra Sheolikar, and Sandesh Popotkar.
We had beautiful Qawallis by the group that Mother used to invite to GP from Hyderabad.
There was also the Noida group and Nirmal Sangeet Sarita.
The drinking water
Some of the foreign Sahaja yogis got sick by drinking water from the taps. Anyone going next year should not do this even if there is a sign saying "drinking water". Please ignore such signs and please don't blame anyone if you get sick drinking this water, as many people did this year.
There was bottled drinking water available on sale all the time at a price of 15 Rupees (£0.15) per litre. This was also available cooled most of the time. 5 or 6 Indian uncles spent the whole of the 4 days serving us this water and we should be very grateful to them for their dedication.
Shower water
Fortunately the western mens showers always had a plentiful supply of cold water for showering. It wasn't 5 star, but it was what I kind of expect of Ganapatipule. Water has always run out at Ganapatipule because it is a very remote location and water has to arrive in trucks and 10,000 people are using the water. Showers involve cold water, a bucket and a jug.
Shri Mataji has always taught us to enjoy the fun of such inconveniences like water running out. I remember poor Jasbir being covered in soap in the shower in 1993 when the water ran out. I can still remember our laughter when we heard his predicament from a nearby shower cubicle! :) Future attendees should know that, when you put the soap on, you better have enough water in the bucket to get it off!
If we waste the water and it runs out we only have ourselves to blame and not the organisers.
The food
The food was pretty good considering they were cooking for 10,000 people in a very remote location. I think on the last day of the seminar they made some buttermilk for the yogis which presumably was made using water. After this more people seemed to get sick. There was no conspiracy to make us sick and the Indian kitchen staff serving us the food (not sahaja yogis) were very sweet and simple people.
I know for a fact that Ganapatipule organisers are already putting their attention to such problems and I'm sure there will be no repeat of this, next year. We should also take responsibility for our personal cleanliness and everyone should also remember to wash hands with soap before all meals. Paper soap or anti-bacterial gel is a great solution to this.
The Sea
The ocean was beautiful as always. Apart from being the Guru principle, it is highly vibrated as Shri Mataji has explained by washing the feet of Shri Ganesha in Ganapatipule. We all enjoyed swimming and foot-soaking there. Mother has advised us not to go into the water between 11am and 4pm and anyone going next year is advised to follow this.
The meditation room
The Indian yogis have very sweetly created a wonderful little meditation room next to the office. The vibrations in this room are absolutely stunning and at least on a par with the vibrations in Mother's living room at the castle in Cabella. The devotion of the Indian yuva shakti that designed, built and maintain this room and clean and worship there is very apparent.
Puja: VIPs |
Puja: VIP
The puja
From what I could see, the puja on 25th was not run very well according to our expected Sahaja protocols. From where I was sitting, I did not see Mother's feet being washed nor any PanchAmrut in accordance with Her instructions. Contrary to rumours however, there were children on the stage at some point.
There were some songs sung that were either not appropriate to Christmas puja or were solos by certain musicians and didn't have much vibrations. Having said that, when we sang "Ganesh Stuti" , "Namo namo Maria" and "Vishwavandita", the vibrations were simply amazing. Personally, I found the puja to be very strong in spite of the errors.
We saw about 20 minutes of a fascinating talk at the beginning of the puja which I recommend everyone to watch. http://www.amruta.org/1996/12/25/christmas-puja-1996/
Kalpana didi
Shri Mataji's eldest daughter, Kalpana, was at the programmes every evening and although, by her own admission, she is not a Sahaja Yogi, I am led to believe that Shri Mataji asked didi personally to look after organisation of Ganapatipule.
At Kalpana didi's request a Mr Rajiv Kumar from Delhi made an announcement on the stage that - please would people not bow to her or touch her feet nor stand up when she arrives as it is very embarrassing for her and leads to lots of misunderstandings.
Kalpana didi did appear on the stage at one point but only on the side of the stage and at no point did she try to be the centre of attention. She behaved with the dignity and culture that I have come to expect from Shri Mataji's daughters.
Newer and less established yogis would be well advised to put less attention to Kalpana didi (or anyone for that matter) and more attention to their own chakras and the deities, if they are to get the best from Ganapatipule.
Ganapatipule has always been a fairly rustic place and, although there are great plans to redevelop it and make a nice clean kitchen with tiles and to improve and extend the main pendal and living accommodation, the newer sahaja yogis need to understand that this is a rustic place far from the madding crowds and comfort is not the aim of the seminar.
Our indian brothers did provide mattresses for us all to sleep on which never used to happen when Shri Mataji was there in person. The foreign ladies quarters were luxurious with ceiling fans and tiled floors.
All the Indian yogis slept in pendals with mattresses directly on the earth with only a thin cotton cloth covering from the elements and no ceiling fans.
The people complaining about comfort clearly have not ever been on any old India tours with Mother and neither bounced around in one of those red Maharashtra state buses that for some reason are built without any suspension !!
I can imagine the kind of blasting we would have had from Mother if She had been there in physical form and we had complained about the comforts or the food !!!!! We would not have done it again :)
Please consider making plans to attend next year and to go with a positive attitude and to prepare ourselves with deep meditation in the weeks leading up to the seminar. Anyone who has never been cannot imagine how much of a boost this can be to our chakras and our individual and collective ascent. The 4 day seminar cost £40 this year.
I believe that next year's seminar is pencilled in for 5 days from 22nd December to 26th and leaving on 27th.
best wishes,
Max Ashton
link to photos:
Protecting Didi from excessive devotees. |
I out it in right order this time....
"Ganipatipule was bizzare, bizzare its all built up people selling stuff everywhere , big hotel things, lots of non yogis selling things, wearing fancy outfits.
they did the Puja wrong...
no swastikas or coconut for Mother
only leader men doing the Puja ,
children and women barely could come on stage,
they played only 15 min of Mothers talk.
Kalpana Didi kept coming on the stage over and over again, people bowed at her feet
after Puja over 200 yogis got sick in the stomach the water was unfiliterred at the drinking fountain although tit said 'filtered water' I was just drinking bottled water and was fine until after puja:
after Puja over 200 yogis got sick in the stomach the water was unfiliterred at the drinking fountain although tit said 'filtered water' I was just drinking bottled water and was fine until after puja:
i meditated at front of stage next to altar\ where kalpana didi was sitting
and felt reallly bad in my void, then have had diarrhea , throwing up and passing out, being really tired, they put an IV in me a few times.
BIZARRE , so many ppl got sick right after the puja
there were lines of people trying to get to kalpana did at all times
giving her more importance than Mother\ ,
she didnt even raise her kundalini or put her hands out,
many yogis felt their ekadasha rudra go hot just from looking at kalpana didi....
many yogis felt their ekadasha rudra go hot just from looking at kalpana didi....
apparently she went to vashi recently and fired all the staff or tried to
and when they questioned her she said 'im not a yogi'
I got some meds and am a bit better now,... however there were some good moments at ganapati pule when some guys where doing bhajans and qawallis\ felt intense vibrations everywhere\ everyone burst into dance was a really powerful; vibration and joy thing\ also anytime i went in the water i felt completely relaxed and good talk later
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I have no business to criticize the organizers,I know how hard it is (I did it), and nobody there was plotting for setting up a failure, I'm sure.
I am a Sahaji, and I have listened to Mother teaching about "causes". What are the "causes" of this BAD NAME
And we all know that the ultimate cause is spiritual.Not: 'the organization'.
I would enjoy to doubt! But here, I do not doubt that the Spirit will not be the ultimate ruler (=cause)in our Sanghams, as long as we will depend on the fight between the Two Sisters.
Nor will He be the ultimate 'cause' of our actions, nor its "element of success'.
This fundamental crack will only allow more and more negativity to ruin us.
This is the responsibility of the trustees -the decision-makers-, not of the devotees.
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I have no business to criticize the organizers,I know how hard it is (I did it), and nobody there was plotting for setting up a failure, I'm sure.
I am a Sahaji, and I have listened to Mother teaching about "causes". What are the "causes" of this BAD NAME
And we all know that the ultimate cause is spiritual.Not: 'the organization'.
Nor will He be the ultimate 'cause' of our actions, nor its "element of success'.
This fundamental crack will only allow more and more negativity to ruin us.
This is the responsibility of the trustees -the decision-makers-, not of the devotees.
1984 Christmas Puja, Hounslow, at 10'17 |
and they become the causes,
and the effects are shown.
So I have to make a complete open picture to you to see that you can ascend to the highest of highest, being born on this great land of this country. But you can also go very down, I have seen that. Because you always blame someone, last of all Gavin, and this is the worst thing that you have done.
Let anybody say that to Gregoire – he’ll chop that person off ten times and bring that person to Me in chopped stages. Really, I mean!
He’ll say, “What nonsense! All right, it’s … go ahead.” ... >>
(*)Bhoots that are creeping in, not that such or such people are possessed. Everybody can be sincere; though errors are human.
(*)Bhoots that are creeping in, not that such or such people are possessed. Everybody can be sincere; though errors are human.
I hope Indians yogis will realized that we are now playing in negative hands. Who's the real Guru?
ReplyDeleteAfter the puja... KalpanaDidi on the stage...
please explain what did you mean by that?
read the second part of the post
Deletethere is an addition
and your answer
Ok got it...But I realy amazed by the details you shared on this blog as if you were attending this Seminar.Great Coverage..
Deletebut a little bit care should be taken on diet related to Gaanpatipule Climate might have minimised this problem.
The point lies in between the short puja (seems un-protocolish), and the intoxication, AFTER that puja
Deleteas if the water was okay the days before (or food)
kalpana has all the right to be seated somewhere, and Indians have all the tradition to bow down in front of any "superior" (parents, etc); BUT
when you are le head of trustees of LET, you are the responsible of whatever the situation might turn into!