Monday, January 28, 2013

You have to fight the wrongdoers. Don't try to bear...

In Shri Krishna's own words one can say, that once you are a realized soul and you have reached that highest position in your awareness, to you everything is futile. But just now, what you have to do is to save the dharma.
Not the dharma that people talk about, but the dharma means evolutionary process of human beings which is going on, and if all the good people, those who stand for righteousness are finished, then how will this evolutionary power will be saved?
So you have to save them, and for that if you have to kill, you don't kill anybody they are already dead,
because they are not evolved souls and they don't care for their realization.
So you have to fight them.
You have to fight the negative forces. You have to fight the wrongdoers....

So we have three paths as you know in Sahaja Yoga. 
1) The one is of bhakti. Bhakti is where you sing the praise of God, have devotion, you do all kinds of rituals, everything. And you think that you are very close to God. … How can you have any dedication to God with whom you are not at all connected?
 2) The second one was the karma, that you do your work. You go on doing your work with a detached mind. I mean it's not possible, but that's what they say. And we are doing our karmas, good karmas: we do all kinds of good things, go to various places for our cleansing, meet many great people of spirituality, go to all various places and pray, visit all auspicious places which are being described, all kinds of rituals … So He said, "It's not possible that whatever karmas you are doing could be the karmas which will get you the blessings of the Divine. Karmanye wadhikaraste, phaleshu ma kadachin." He had said it. …
 3) And third one is the discretion, which He calls as the Gyanamarga, is the central path by which you evolve. You evolve into a new state, a new state of your being, by which you become absolutely above every nonsense.
Also you are endowed with power to fight whatever is bad, whatever is corrupting, whatever is killing this one. At that stage you are equipped with a Divine power that you can finish off anything that is negative around you.
This is to be understood that that's a state. That's not just talking, that's not just believing that I'm that, but it's a state. If you come up to that state where you are beyond all these things and you have all the knowledge, pure knowledge, the subtle knowledge of being, this is the Gyanamarg….
When we are one

ananya bhakti
For that, according to Shri Krishna you have to [do various things]. One is you go on praying to Him. He says, "You go praying to Me, and if you give Me flowers I'll take, if you give Me water I'll take. Whatever you'll give Me I'll take." He says clearly, "But, what will you gain out of that is very important… So what should be the state, what should be the condition?
He said, "If you praise Me, if you have bhakti for Me, you are giving Me presents, you are doing all sorts of things, you are very dedicated but, you should do ananya bhakti." Word is ananya.
Ananya means when there is not the other.
"When we are one; when we are connected, then the bhakti you do that time, whatever music you have of devotion, whatever flowers you give, whatever expression you have, it should be ananya." That's the word He said , that do ananya bhakti! "Pushpam Phalam Toryam: whatever you give Me I'll take." 
He'll take everything.He the one who is the only bhokta, means He's the only enjoyer. 
"But, what will you get?" He says. When you do ananya bhakti, means when you are one with Me. That means you are connected with Him. That's how He has explained bhakti, what is bhakti is, very clearly.
But people don't understand. They... they think that bhakti means you go on singing on the street hare Rama, hare Krishna, this and that, it's bhakti, is not. …
And when you are one with God, then what does He give you? He won't give you cheap things, which will vanish in no time, but of some eternal nature. 
So He gives you peace, peace of the heart.
He gives you balance.
Also He gives you a tranquil temperament.
Joy of life.
All these things are there within us, if we have the bhakti which is, after being united, after the yoga with the Yogeshwara. This is what one has to understand.

Karma and discretion
Now this country of yours America, is very karmakandi. [...] goes on doing work work work work work; they're work-oholics. They work so hard, and what do you get? 
You get children who are drug addicts. You get wives who are running here and there. You get broken families, and no peace. You support wars. Only thing is that so far this country is being protected in a way, but also you have destroyed so many aboriginals, so many fundamental things that you should have preserved. …
Apart from anything else He gives us the gift of discrimination. That is His style, I should say, to teach you how to discriminate, and then you'll become experts on discrimination on vibrations. On vibrations you can get everything so clearly, so beautifully. Others may not agree with you, that's a different point, but you know what is right and what is wrong, and that is what Shri Krishna's gift is…

Discretion and collectivity
So the Sahaja Yogis first have the power of satisfaction, tremendous satisfaction. Imagine in this place you are all enjoying so much, you are living here, so happy. Shows what? You are so satisfied. Otherwise nobody would like, they'll say no we want to have some nice place, what is this? 
"We don't want to live here with everyone."
But to live with others, this collectivity also is the blessing of Shri Krishna. He teaches you to be collective, the fun of collectivity, the enjoyment of collectivity.
His collectivity is to be understood because I always say that Shri Krishna is the Deity of America. America is also very collective. …
Discrimination is missing. Unless and until you have that, you cannot use your power of collectivity properly.
Though they (USA) are collective, but what collective work have they done?
Even now they want to say we are separate, we are different. Whatever problems we are facing is our own. So this collectivity has been so much minimized in a country of Shri Krishna itself. Though they have that within themselves, a feeling that they should talk about every country, they should give lead to every country, they should consult every country, but always take a wrong decision about those countries. This comes because they are not discriminating. They should be discriminate….
Do not bear !
Some people think that if you bear up everything is good:-is not!
If somebody is trying to oppress you, don't try to bear it!
Throw it away!
Because if you bear, also you can move to the left, and you can get horrible things like cancer. You can get cancer.
Those who are aggressive, they can get also diseases and those who are very much, I should say bearing-type, also get into trouble.
So you should be in a balanced state: should not accept anything.
Supposing anybody calls you name just keep quite, look at that person, that's all! Know that he's a stupid fool, but don't accept it!
If you accept it and go on crying about it, and weeping about it then you can get cancer.
But supposing, somebody says something, you should know he's a stupid fool, just keep out of it,then nothing can happen. So both ways one has to be careful, because Krishna is playing around and He sees how far you can go.
Now throat, throat is very important, we should look after. Those people who shout, scream, ultimately can loose their power of speech, can become frantic with their problems of the throat. … So when you talk to someone, talk clearly in a sweet manner, but don't shout at a person, never; neither you try to show peevishness in your speech. If you are peevish then cancer can set in.
So both ways you have to be careful as you are Sahaja Yogis.
You have to have this knowledge that you will not do, bear anything nonsensical if somebody speaks, means you should not accept it.
One may say something to you, it's all right.
And sometimes you should tell him off, that you were saying like this it's not so. The best is not to bear it up and to suffer. You are not Christ, you don't have His powers.
Because if you do that, you'll develop cancer. So try to be in a way just in the center, watching everything: if there's aggression or if there's recession, one of the two things.
You must not give in to any of these attitudes, but develop an attitude of standing very firmly on your own grounds.
A m e r i c a
Now America is the Vishuddhi of the whole world.
So it is very important that the people who are in charge here should know all the powers of Vishuddhi, plus how to preserve it, and how to expand it to the whole world.
With these two hands, also are from Vishuddhi chakra, and with that you have to spread Sahaja Yoga. 

Krishna Puja, 2001

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