Thus at the first stage when you come, is the 'Chitta' stage. You touch the 'sat' means start seeing the reality, is one thing you feel, is flowing. The ego and the super-ego are still there, but your attention has come up and you feel the 'Chitta'.
There is also a part of little enjoyment, and, the Joy or Anand, that is the joy of enjoying another human, being starts.(*) These are the feelings; this is how you enjoy Nirvichar samadhi. Samadhi does not mean going into unconscious, but the unconscious becomes the conscious. The universal unconscious becomes the conscious.
In the second stage
you become Nirvikalpa where there is no 'Vikalpa' (doubt).
At this stage the collective consciousness becomes subtler and subtler. You can understand very deep significance of things, when the reality starts becoming clearer.
You need not put your hand towards the person: by sitting down you know where it is, what is happening where he is catching, what is the problem, what is the collective problem.
You have no doubts about Sahaj Yoga, nor about Kundalini not about anything else. At that time you start experimenting about it and you start using it.
Mastery of Kundalini starts. The 'Chitta', the consciousness becomes subtle. Such Sahaja yogis are care free and live in a big way. They are not touchy. They have no time for outside gross matters, so their attention is always deep into the subtle part. They are the satisfied souls.
But such a man gets into a terrible temper if he sees somebody misbehaving with me and cannot bear it.
After 'Nirvikalpa'
- the Ganesha becomes really "Jagrut' (awakened).
Such a person is not tempted by any woman. No temptation for another woman will exist, except for his own wife where he goes on living like a celebrated husband, because husband and wife are united in a bond of matrimony. Otherwise he is a satisfied house-holder. The stomach becomes the Dharma itself. At this stage the subtle style of things starts. Your 'Mooladhara' becomes the chastity itself.
- When you get into the Nirvikalpa stage 'the Anand' starts settling in you. Your consciousness becomes 'Anand'. There is chaitanya all around us which thinks, which understands, organises, and loves us. All this you come to know -the knowledge part of it. Then the Anand, which is the Hriddaya (Heart), starts emitting it.
Later on
what you get is 'vilaya' (dissolved) into Anand.
At that stage complete Self-realisation takes place.
At that stage you can control the Sun, you can control the Moon, you can control every element.
Beyond that, there is God's realisation.
Sometimes when we are shallow, we don't act from the heart.
Sometimes when you say a mantra, you are just saying it outwardly, you are clearing out outwardly, you are meditating outwardly. But when you say that, you are just using your right side or your left side, but not your heart.
So, what you have to do is to balance it. When you say something, say it with devotion, with dedication, with understanding and try to put it in your heart that whatever I am saying is a mantra given to me by Adi Shakti Herself, and is a mantra, very powerful. We must establish our 'Ishwara Pranidhan' ...
Ishvara Pranidhana – ईश्वर प्रणिधान – is the last of the five Niyamas given by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.
The word "pranidhana" means total surrender or letting go of the individual ego in favor of a higher Self. The word Ishwara has been defined by Patanjali in sutra 1.24 as " Ishvara is the supreme Purusha, unaffected by any afflictions, actions, fruits of actions or by any inner impressions of desires." When loosely translated, Ishwara means God. However, we need to constantly keep Patanjali’s definition in mind while we are discussing the sutras related to Ishwara Pranidhana.
In the Yoga Sutras, reference to Ishvara Pranidhana has been made in four different sutras:
Sutra 1.23 ईश्वरप्रणिधानाद्वा॥२३॥ IshvarapraNidhaanaat vaa
There is also a part of little enjoyment, and, the Joy or Anand, that is the joy of enjoying another human, being starts.(*) These are the feelings; this is how you enjoy Nirvichar samadhi. Samadhi does not mean going into unconscious, but the unconscious becomes the conscious. The universal unconscious becomes the conscious.
In the second stage
you become Nirvikalpa where there is no 'Vikalpa' (doubt).
At this stage the collective consciousness becomes subtler and subtler. You can understand very deep significance of things, when the reality starts becoming clearer.
You need not put your hand towards the person: by sitting down you know where it is, what is happening where he is catching, what is the problem, what is the collective problem.
You have no doubts about Sahaj Yoga, nor about Kundalini not about anything else. At that time you start experimenting about it and you start using it.
Mastery of Kundalini starts. The 'Chitta', the consciousness becomes subtle. Such Sahaja yogis are care free and live in a big way. They are not touchy. They have no time for outside gross matters, so their attention is always deep into the subtle part. They are the satisfied souls.
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....a terrible temper |
After 'Nirvikalpa'
- the Ganesha becomes really "Jagrut' (awakened).
Such a person is not tempted by any woman. No temptation for another woman will exist, except for his own wife where he goes on living like a celebrated husband, because husband and wife are united in a bond of matrimony. Otherwise he is a satisfied house-holder. The stomach becomes the Dharma itself. At this stage the subtle style of things starts. Your 'Mooladhara' becomes the chastity itself.
- When you get into the Nirvikalpa stage 'the Anand' starts settling in you. Your consciousness becomes 'Anand'. There is chaitanya all around us which thinks, which understands, organises, and loves us. All this you come to know -the knowledge part of it. Then the Anand, which is the Hriddaya (Heart), starts emitting it.
Later on
what you get is 'vilaya' (dissolved) into Anand.
At that stage complete Self-realisation takes place.
At that stage you can control the Sun, you can control the Moon, you can control every element.
Beyond that, there is God's realisation.
Sometimes when we are shallow, we don't act from the heart.
Sometimes when you say a mantra, you are just saying it outwardly, you are clearing out outwardly, you are meditating outwardly. But when you say that, you are just using your right side or your left side, but not your heart.
So, what you have to do is to balance it. When you say something, say it with devotion, with dedication, with understanding and try to put it in your heart that whatever I am saying is a mantra given to me by Adi Shakti Herself, and is a mantra, very powerful. We must establish our 'Ishwara Pranidhan' ...
Nirmala Yoga 21- Shri Mataji's Advice
Ishvara Pranidhana – ईश्वर प्रणिधान – is the last of the five Niyamas given by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.
The word "pranidhana" means total surrender or letting go of the individual ego in favor of a higher Self. The word Ishwara has been defined by Patanjali in sutra 1.24 as " Ishvara is the supreme Purusha, unaffected by any afflictions, actions, fruits of actions or by any inner impressions of desires." When loosely translated, Ishwara means God. However, we need to constantly keep Patanjali’s definition in mind while we are discussing the sutras related to Ishwara Pranidhana.
In the Yoga Sutras, reference to Ishvara Pranidhana has been made in four different sutras:
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Ramana Maharshi |
Sutra 1.23 ईश्वरप्रणिधानाद्वा॥२३॥ IshvarapraNidhaanaat vaa
Or [samadhi is attained] by devotion with total dedication to God [Isvara]."Sutra 2.) तपःस्वाध्यायेश्वरप्रणिधानानि क्रियायोगः॥१॥ apaHsvaadhyaayeshvarapra
"Accepting pain as help for purification, study of spiritual books, and surrender to the Supreme Being constitute Yoga in practice."
Sutra 2.32 शौचसंतोषतपःस्वाध्यायेश्वरप्रणिधानानि नियमाः॥३२॥ shouchasaMtoShatapaHsvaadhyaay
eshvarapraNidhaanani niyamaaH "Niyama consists of purity, contentment, accepting but not causing pain, study of spiritual books and worship of God [self-surrender]."
Sutra 2.45 समाधिसिद्धिरीश्वरप्रणिधानात्॥४५॥ samaadhisiddhirIshvarapraNidhaanaat
eshvarapraNidhaanani niyamaaH "Niyama consists of purity, contentment, accepting but not causing pain, study of spiritual books and worship of God [self-surrender]."
Sutra 2.45 समाधिसिद्धिरीश्वरप्रणिधानात्॥४५॥ samaadhisiddhirIshvarapraNidhaanaat
"By total surrender to God, samadhi is attained."
(*)This kind of "little" enjoyment can be felt in Sahaj gatherings, kundalini awakening programs, and sahaj music and dance programs, as produced by the melting with other yogis, persons. (Swayamblogger)
(*)This kind of "little" enjoyment can be felt in Sahaj gatherings, kundalini awakening programs, and sahaj music and dance programs, as produced by the melting with other yogis, persons. (Swayamblogger)
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