Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sahaja Yoga is not done by Adi have to do the job!

So in the left side we have ganas, on the right side we have angels. And translated in Sanskrit language or in any Indian language as devdhoot - means they are the ambassadors of gods.
So now you are the same, you are all angels now.

Only thing: you are not aware that you are angels while they were aware from their childhood.
If you know that you are angels, all your qualities will start shining through, and you'll be amazed that the quality of standing by the truth at any cost is so easily managed for you, because you have been given the right, you have been given the special blessings, the special protection from the Divine that if you stand for the right, and if you stand for the righteous, and if you stand for the truth, all kinds of help to protect you will be given.
  ...aware from their childhood.
But the angels are a special category, they don't take up any problems upon themselves, they just solve them.
 If there's a problem, it's the angels who solve, for the saints as well as for the incarnations. And they are to be told sometimes that "Don't jump in, just now we are working out on the stage now, you will jump when we'll ask you." They're ready standing at the door just to jump in. So anxious! And they are fixed quantities: you can rely on them completely.
you are all angels now. ...
But, Sahaja Yoga is not done by Adi Shakti. She has created these powers in everyone which works out, but Sahaja Yoga is not. Sahaja Yoga [=your realization] works through the innate qualities that are in the Mother Earth and that are in the seed. So I'm here not as Adi Shakti. I'm here as their Mother, as their Holy Mother, and as Holy Mother I've guided them. You can say I'm like the Mother Earth who sprouts seeds, so then another detachment can come in, into you. That these are your powers within you which have been just enlightened by your innate nature of Kundalini.
And that you are empowered yourself. And all this power that is within you, is only told by Me that it is within you, you see for yourself, only like a mirror I'm telling you, "You are this, see for yourself." So how can I take any credit for it?
So you can even have detachment to understand that, the powers that we have are for Sahaja Yoga. As Mother has powers to work for Sahaja Yoga, we too have powers to work for Sahaja Yoga, and as She works, we also have to work.  
But there is attachment like this: "Mother is doing everything, what can we do?"
...It's not that Mother will do
No! You have to do it.
This is a very important detachment which I'm trying to say, that you have to do this yourself. It's not that Mother will do - "After all, Mother is doing everything." It's correct, that is correct in a way, but you are the instrument. Electricity is doing everything here but this instrument has to work.
So the source may be there but the instrument is the one which delivers the goods. And, like Hanumana, you are the instrument, and you have to work, you have to do the job. will do the jobs.
......But you are not aware that you are angels and this is your work. You have to do this and nothing else is important. I hope by today's puja, that enthusiasm, that venture, some nature will vibrate your Pingala, and without feeling any ego about it, in the most humble manner as Hanumana was, you will do the jobs.
1989-04/23: Shri Hanumana Puja, Margate, England

1 comment:

  1. Practice and practice more exercise the body.I love to eat foodfoods; my best dish is banana bread recipe. Also, I love to do yoga
