...So they might be intelligent, they might be well read, they might be able to discover something out of matter, but they do not have wisdom. And the wisdom can only come through honest introspection. But it should not be also, "I'm catching on this chakra, I'm catching on that chakra." Not that. But, "Why am I not seeing the point? What's the matter with me? Why can't I understand what is Sahaja Yoga?"
Even when you have become Sahaja Yogis now for years together, still these old nonsensical things stick on to you, these ideas stick on to you. Why? Why do we not have that purity of Divine Discretion, which sees everything so clearly?
So I think we need collectivity first of all, and secondly meditative honesty. Just to meditate, sit down before the photograph, do the meditation - no!
Meditation should act, should work.
If it does not work, something wrong with you. Absolutely something wrong.
If you feel everything is working all right, everything is miraculously showing its presence, presence of the Paramachaitanya, then you are all right.
But if it is not so, if there are problems, then you're not, you're not a Sahaja Yogi. Sahaja Yogi is the one who is completely connected with this Paramachaitanya.
And for that, age is no bar. I have seen girls who are only sixteen, seventeen, eighteen years so wise. Even small little children who were with Guido, I talked to them. I was surprised at their wisdom. So very wise, so beautiful. They understood human nature so well. Small little children about, they were at the most, ten years of age. And nice to talk to them. So that wisdom if they can have at that age, now we are also, all of us are about ten year old Sahaja Yogis, minimum, nothing else. But still we are struggling, ambitious and wrong priorities. There is no need to have any ambition. Ambition is an imaginary thing.
But Sahaja Yoga is reality. Everything works out. Everything sorts itself. Everything plans out. But to feel that if this is so, as I said in a small room there are twelve people, it's something for the good. Why not? We have to be there. If I've lost the way, supposing, then I would say I have to go this way.
This time we made a ticket which was little wrong according to everyone because we had to go through Phoenix. But nice because I felt the vibrations of Phoenix, I had to go that way. I had to see that. So always to find something smooth, the way we want it to be smooth, is not the way of Sahaja Yoga. Whatever we get it, we see the hand of the Divine behind it.
What is our purpose of life?
Our purpose of life is to save people, save the Americans, minimum of minimums. Not the world, but at least start with Americans. That's our purpose of life. That's our identity. While doing that, there is Paramachaitanya which is going to look after you completely.
But first you put yourself before everything else.
"I must have this, I must have that, I must have this." -It won't work out! Then, "I have this problem, I jumped into bankruptcy, I had that problem, I just couldn't manage."
-Because you have put other things before your "self"! "Self" means the Spirit. According to people, "self" means selfishness, but according to Sahaja Yoga, "self" means your Spirit.
So today's lecture should not be that we hear from one ear and goes through the same one, but should we little bit ponder about it and listen to it again and again. I have great hopes for you. I have worked very hard in America, very much. But it has never been that state where I could say, "Now I can trigger something." Even if there are few Sahaja Yogis who are very deep and good, they are pulled down by others - by jealousies, by this, by that. - It's not the number that you are but the quality that you are, first of all.
(1990-05/28: National Puja Camp Marsden, San Diego, USA)
Even when you have become Sahaja Yogis now for years together, still these old nonsensical things stick on to you, these ideas stick on to you. Why? Why do we not have that purity of Divine Discretion, which sees everything so clearly?
So I think we need collectivity first of all, and secondly meditative honesty. Just to meditate, sit down before the photograph, do the meditation - no!
Meditation should act, should work.
If it does not work, something wrong with you. Absolutely something wrong.
If you feel everything is working all right, everything is miraculously showing its presence, presence of the Paramachaitanya, then you are all right.
But if it is not so, if there are problems, then you're not, you're not a Sahaja Yogi. Sahaja Yogi is the one who is completely connected with this Paramachaitanya.
And for that, age is no bar. I have seen girls who are only sixteen, seventeen, eighteen years so wise. Even small little children who were with Guido, I talked to them. I was surprised at their wisdom. So very wise, so beautiful. They understood human nature so well. Small little children about, they were at the most, ten years of age. And nice to talk to them. So that wisdom if they can have at that age, now we are also, all of us are about ten year old Sahaja Yogis, minimum, nothing else. But still we are struggling, ambitious and wrong priorities. There is no need to have any ambition. Ambition is an imaginary thing.
But Sahaja Yoga is reality. Everything works out. Everything sorts itself. Everything plans out. But to feel that if this is so, as I said in a small room there are twelve people, it's something for the good. Why not? We have to be there. If I've lost the way, supposing, then I would say I have to go this way.
This time we made a ticket which was little wrong according to everyone because we had to go through Phoenix. But nice because I felt the vibrations of Phoenix, I had to go that way. I had to see that. So always to find something smooth, the way we want it to be smooth, is not the way of Sahaja Yoga. Whatever we get it, we see the hand of the Divine behind it.
What is our purpose of life?
Our purpose of life is to save people, save the Americans, minimum of minimums. Not the world, but at least start with Americans. That's our purpose of life. That's our identity. While doing that, there is Paramachaitanya which is going to look after you completely.
But first you put yourself before everything else.
"I must have this, I must have that, I must have this." -It won't work out! Then, "I have this problem, I jumped into bankruptcy, I had that problem, I just couldn't manage."
-Because you have put other things before your "self"! "Self" means the Spirit. According to people, "self" means selfishness, but according to Sahaja Yoga, "self" means your Spirit.
(1990-05/28: National Puja Camp Marsden, San Diego, USA)
Today, your SwayamBlogger allows himself, if not comments, at least questions, just in order to "ponder about it". May I be forgiven by the readers if this sounds quite school-like.
- How do we know that our meditation is not " all right"? - or is all right?
- Under which conditions does the Paramchaitanya look after you?
- What is the meaning of " while doing that"?
- Can a Sahaja yogi be pulled down?
- Do those teachings have anything to do with the situation that we are witnessing those days, n America and in the rest of the world?
SwayamBlog comments
But to whom is he going to pay his contribution?Which seminar is he going to attend at Christmas? Do we not have some kind of paper or badge for an affiliation? This is what has been happening in Russia. discrimination against who was supporting the other group, and many people remained vetoed from attending the official programs.
After the "Arab Spring", after the "Indignados", after "Occupy Wall Street", after the "Anna Hazare Movement", shall we witness some "Sahaj Spring"? ( this is just a question)