Not secret, but hidden :
1979: «till 1979 this work has to be done»
- I am going to retire as a guru...I am the One who is Adishakti,
- I anoint all of you as Gurus
1989: « You have to work it out»
- You have to work it out, not Me. I have done My level best.
- You can say: "We think She is the Holy Ghost."
- ... we can change the whole world. In ten years ( = 1999) , but you ...
1999 : «Satya Yuga will get fully matured.»
= Shri Mataji followed quite precisely the agenda She announced Herself in 1975. The Work had to meet success by 1999.
That till 1979...
and by the year 1999...
- I am going to retire as a guru...I am the One who is Adishakti,
- I anoint all of you as Gurus
1989: « You have to work it out»
- You have to work it out, not Me. I have done My level best.
- You can say: "We think She is the Holy Ghost."
- ... we can change the whole world. In ten years ( = 1999) , but you ...
1999 : «Satya Yuga will get fully matured.»
2000: «What is lacking in Sahaja Yoga? That, I have to tell you.»
= Shri Mataji followed quite precisely the agenda She announced Herself in 1975. The Work had to meet success by 1999.
It did not. And, after 2000, She warned us. Later, from 2003 to 2011, we know what happened.=
Is it difficult. Those who are detached… If you are doing something for Sahaj Yoga, you are doing for yourself. (...) I worked so hard. Whatever you worked hard, whatever you did, it is for yourself, isn’t it? Not for anyone else.
You have seen, that whatever you have done till now, you are enjoying the benefits of it.
There were not many people, till now in this world, who could achieve [that]. One or two were there in every Yuga [era] you have met, seen and known; [there are] so many people in this world, [but] how many are realized? Very few, you will find!
And today it is great naad [sound] of Kali Yuga…
There are so many animals today, the animals without tails. But in this Kali Yuga itself, in this dirty mud, a great work has to be accomplished, you know it is happening… in this time, you must take as much as you can.
Otherwise you will be thrown out of this evolutionary process. That time is not far away, I told about it:
-In 1979! That till 1979 this work has to be done, and by the year 1999 Satya Yuga (the era of truth) will get fully matured.
Now it depends on your wisdom, otherwise Kali Yuga will also flourish because of you only.
If you people won't like to work it out, then the responsibility of destruction will be on your head
Use your wisdom in such a way, bring your intellect to wisdom and think that «what have I taken from "Ganga"? What did I achieved and what have I to yet get? »
And that's why it is your responsibility. I mean, that way today is the day where we all have to decide that we are going to be gurus now.
I am going to retire as a guru; it's all right to be a Mother to you people. Now you have to be gurus of other people and for that you must know what you should achieve. You have all the powers within you; you can manifest them also. But you cannot have a following unless and until you become a guru. This is the only difference there is. If you want to have a following then you must chisel out yourself in that fashion that as soon as people see you should say, "Here is somebody", with that gravity.
>> 1979-0708: Guru Puja - Nabhi, Spirit, Dollis Hill, London,UK
But today is the day, I declare that I am the One who has to save the humanity. I declare I am the One who is Adishakti, who is the Mother of all the Mothers, who is the Primordial Mother, the Shakti, the Desire of God, who has incarnated on this Earth to give its meaning to itself, to this creation, to human beings, and I'm sure through My love and patience and My powers, I am going to achieve it.
I was the One who was born again and again, but now in My complete form and complete powers, I have come on this Earth, not only for salvation of human beings, not only for their emancipation, but for granting them, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Joy, the Bliss, that your Father wants to bestow upon you.
These words are to be kept within the bounds of Sahaja Yogis only, for the time being.
And today is the day of Guru Puja, not My Puja, but your Puja as Gurus. I anoint all of you as Gurus,
and today I will tell you what I have bestowed upon you and what great powers you already have within you
>>1979-1202: Guru Puja, Dollis Hill, London https
It's a tremendous task. For that you have to work out in a very sincere and an innate manner.
And I'm sure one day will come that in the history of this world Sahaja Yogis will have their names written with golden letters.
I'm sure this will work out. I'm sure this has to work out. And that you all have to achieve it, collectively, with one mind, with one heart.
What should I sacrifice? What should I do? How should I help? What is my contribution? I wish I could see those days in My lifetime. So today is the day when we have to introspect.
And that pure personality has to develop by your meditation, by your working hard. It's a question of few years. In ten years we can change the whole world. In ten years, but you have to be really very dedicated.
It is you who has to change, not Me. You have to work it out, not Me. I have done My level best. But within ten years it should be possible that every Sahaja Yogi should become a tremendous force of Sahaja Yoga. So please try to avoid all those who are mediocres>>
I want you, everyone to be extremely active in your own sphere of life to talk about Sahaja Yoga. You must wear My badges, you must wear My rings. You must wear My necklaces. So that people ask you, ' Who is this?' Then you should say, 'She is the Holy Ghost.' You can say. 'We think She is the Holy Ghost.' Let us see what happens.
So, it is a serious thing that I felt that I have to talk to you. And that we have to be very very careful about how we look at ourselves. We have to be aware. We have to be aware about ourselves and what is happening. I have been telling you this many a times. We have to be aware as to what we are and what is happening. But if your jobs are important, everything else is important, how are we going to work out Sahaja Yoga? So there has to be awareness. And with your awareness, the light will spread. But it's not silent, you have to talk about it. Eloquence is needed. It has to be eloquent. All your light has to talk. The light has to say. The light has to express. And has to be very confidently done.
Let us see now after going from this tour how far people establish new things.
So far, what's My own opinion is that there are fifty percent of the Sahaja Yogis in the west are still quite mediocre. And twenty five percent of them are just there to take advantage. If they can get something free, they would like to take. Twenty five percent people are like that. It's very sad but it is so.
>> 1989-1230: Puja, Brahmapuri, India
1990 :
Only thing is that, want to remember that Krita Yuga has started.
Now Kali Yuga is over, Krita Yuga has started. And in this Yuga, [remember] that the Param Chaitanya is absolutely effective and very efficient. Now if you do anything wrong, it will punish you. It may not punish immediately but it will give you a suggestion, it will give you a proper signal that something is going wrong with you. But if you do not want to control your footsteps, then you may go down very fast. So you have to be very careful about that.
Put your attention outside, not inside this way that you should say that I need this, I need that, I need that. We should know what other people need: what is their need, what the people in our society, in our nation, in our world require? Better write them down: what do they require? It's better, it will work; might be, it might be corrected. It's very important for Sahaja yogis to sit down and write down what the world needs, and what is to be done.
It will be a nice idea for all of you to really aspire for that kind of homogeneous society that we have here today. And we'll be one day, you will be surprised that we will be the ones who will guide and lead the rest of the people with our love, attention and care.
So it's very important time, and at this time we should all think on those lines.
>> 1999, 0321 Birthday puja
He told very clearly, I mean thousands of years back. So Kali Yuga is the time where people can get their Self Realization, they will know their Self, they will know the truth.
This is said long time back and you can see now it's happening. So this was the time meant for that, because if you are all right like in Satya Yuga and all that, so you don't seek; you just accept, you are obedient, you are good people - finished. But in Kali Yuga you really start seeking the absolute truth, and that is why these lights depict that character or we can say that soul which are being enlightened.
So you are all enlightened souls. For Me that's the Diwali. If the people are enlightened that's the Diwali: that they remove all the darkness of Kali Yuga and you all enjoy the beauty and joy of Kali Yuga. It's very, very symbolic I should say, that Diwali has already started. We have many lights, and we have to get more lights - not because it is short of light; why are we taking more lights, why do you want? Because all must be saved. Our effort is to save every one of them. Very difficult, it's very difficult.
>>1999-1107: Diwali Puja, Greece, Delphi
2000 - AGENDA CLOSED : That, I have to tell you.- A Warning.
So today is a great day otherwise for Me also. I didn't know that I'll survive so many years to see this beautiful day. Because after all it was very hard life according to other standards.
But what is most joy-giving to Me was creating Sahaja yogis, and listening to them and talking to them - the way they were so sweet and so kind, and so respectful. All this has helped Me so much, and I must thank you for that. With your support, with your help, with your understanding I could achieve it.
If I could achieve it on My own I would never have asked for this help of yours. But you are just like My hands, you are just like My eyes, and I need you very much because without you I cannot do it. It's like channelizing. Unless and until you are channels, what's the use of being Adi Shakti or anything, how will you channelize it? If there's electrical movement you need channels, otherwise it is a static thing. In the same way, I felt always that I needed more and more channels, and when it worked out I was really, really in a very great spirit.
So I thank you very much again for this day that has come, and I bless you from My heart that now you take over responsibility.
You are a Sahaja yogi, so you have a responsibility also to give realizations to others. Don't keep to yourself, this has to be given to others. And you can explain, you can talk to them, you can really very well understand them. Try to understand them and talk to them, and you must give realizations to others, otherwise you won't feel complete. To feel complete, you have to do that.
>>2000-0507: Sahasrara Puja, Cabella
So at this juncture, what is lacking? What is lacking in Sahaja Yoga?
That, I have to tell you.
There are so many collective disasters we have – all kinds of. We had many earthquakes, we had many floods, rain, then the muds – mud came down like a river; and so many disasters in the world and sahaja yogis are saved from that. All the sahaja yogis are saved from that, no doubt, but after being saved, what is your understanding? What do you know? Why these disasters are coming?
Because Sahaja Yoga is not very collective.
It has to become very collective. It has to spread much more, all over. It has to go to many people, which we don’t do. We are at a standstill, or little bit we do it.
But: go all out! Look at Christ’s twelve disciples! Of course the people went into wrong things. But how they worked and how intensively they did it.
That intensity if you don’t have, and if you do not completely dedicate to the spreading of Sahaja Yoga, then collective problems cannot be solved.
You are saved from so many things. Say, even if there's pollution, for Sahaja yogi it won't matter. Even if there is a disaster of a earthquake, the Sahaja yogi will be saved.
But : why not save the whole world?
Calamities after calamities are coming, and if you have compassion, you must think of the people who can get into any calamity, or into any trouble. Of course, I can cure many people, no doubt
But I don't know how to make Sahaja Yoga very collective.
Now you are so many people here, you all can start giving realization to at least hundred people. Go everywhere, talk about Sahaja Yoga, sing the praise of the Divine, and you will save the whole world. It's not by saving some few people you can have the great Satya Yuga, but you have to also save this Mother Earth. You have to save the people who are in it.
>>2000-0723: Guru Puja, Cabella
It is now, this is the Last Judgment, as I told you. And at this time you have to see what's happening to the person who has gone by wrong methods, or by the hell of some of these "gurujis". It's very clear, if you want to see it, very clear how they are destroying themselves. (…) . All their bad things are explained by their stupid intelligence, and they go for destruction.
And now in Kali Yuga, destruction is working very fast. Why?
Because people have lost their discrimination. They are no more discreet. And so many people have lost, it's not few. And it is a fashion to become indiscreet.
(...) Now there's somebody, say a Sahaja yogi, so-called, and he is absolutely aggressive, money-oriented, deceitful, and you get into his trap. In Hindi we call it chakkar... chakkar. And once you get involved into that, you go on drifting. Still your left side will protect up to a point. But if you are too much of it, it throws you. "No! Get out, get out!"
Now the time has come for all of us to understand that you are all Sahaja yogis, and you have a very big responsibility - very, very big responsibility that you should do what your enlightened conscience tells you. Take to your enlightenment and live under that light, and don't jump in the darkness.
And by that you will also understand who is the right person, who is not the right person.
It's a - even in Sahaja Yoga this negativity can work. It works; and one should not get involved into any negative thoughts of others or negative doing of others.
It's a warning today I wanted to give you all,
because you people are very much there to enjoy.
Look after your attention - where does it go?
>> 2000-1008: Navaratri Puja, Cabella
1975, 12-21 : « by the year 1999 Satya Yuga will get fully matured. Now, it depends on your wisdom,…»
I have told you hundred times that I need 1000 people who can sit on this Sahasrara. I need 1000 people to sit on horse [and] who never get caught.Is it difficult. Those who are detached… If you are doing something for Sahaj Yoga, you are doing for yourself. (...) I worked so hard. Whatever you worked hard, whatever you did, it is for yourself, isn’t it? Not for anyone else.
You have seen, that whatever you have done till now, you are enjoying the benefits of it.
There were not many people, till now in this world, who could achieve [that]. One or two were there in every Yuga [era] you have met, seen and known; [there are] so many people in this world, [but] how many are realized? Very few, you will find!
And today it is great naad [sound] of Kali Yuga…
There are so many animals today, the animals without tails. But in this Kali Yuga itself, in this dirty mud, a great work has to be accomplished, you know it is happening… in this time, you must take as much as you can.
Otherwise you will be thrown out of this evolutionary process. That time is not far away, I told about it:
-In 1979! That till 1979 this work has to be done, and by the year 1999 Satya Yuga (the era of truth) will get fully matured.
Now it depends on your wisdom, otherwise Kali Yuga will also flourish because of you only.
If you people won't like to work it out, then the responsibility of destruction will be on your head
Use your wisdom in such a way, bring your intellect to wisdom and think that «what have I taken from "Ganga"? What did I achieved and what have I to yet get? »
1979- 0708 : « Now you have to be gurus of other people» that's why it is your responsibility. I mean, that way today is the day where we all have to decide that we are going to be gurus now.
I am going to retire as a guru; it's all right to be a Mother to you people. Now you have to be gurus of other people and for that you must know what you should achieve. You have all the powers within you; you can manifest them also. But you cannot have a following unless and until you become a guru. This is the only difference there is. If you want to have a following then you must chisel out yourself in that fashion that as soon as people see you should say, "Here is somebody", with that gravity.
>> 1979-0708: Guru Puja - Nabhi, Spirit, Dollis Hill, London,UK
1979-1202: « I declare I am the One who is Adishakti … I anoint all of you as Gurus »![]() |
Guru Puja, Andorra |
I was the One who was born again and again, but now in My complete form and complete powers, I have come on this Earth, not only for salvation of human beings, not only for their emancipation, but for granting them, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Joy, the Bliss, that your Father wants to bestow upon you.
These words are to be kept within the bounds of Sahaja Yogis only, for the time being.
And today is the day of Guru Puja, not My Puja, but your Puja as Gurus. I anoint all of you as Gurus,
and today I will tell you what I have bestowed upon you and what great powers you already have within you
>>1979-1202: Guru Puja, Dollis Hill, London https
1988 : « I wish I could see those days in My lifetime». « Your names in golden letters»
And I'm sure one day will come that in the history of this world Sahaja Yogis will have their names written with golden letters.
I'm sure this will work out. I'm sure this has to work out. And that you all have to achieve it, collectively, with one mind, with one heart.
What should I sacrifice? What should I do? How should I help? What is my contribution? I wish I could see those days in My lifetime. So today is the day when we have to introspect.
«… within 10 years…» that pure personality has to develop by your meditation, by your working hard. It's a question of few years. In ten years we can change the whole world. In ten years, but you have to be really very dedicated.
It is you who has to change, not Me. You have to work it out, not Me. I have done My level best. But within ten years it should be possible that every Sahaja Yogi should become a tremendous force of Sahaja Yoga. So please try to avoid all those who are mediocres>>
I want you, everyone to be extremely active in your own sphere of life to talk about Sahaja Yoga. You must wear My badges, you must wear My rings. You must wear My necklaces. So that people ask you, ' Who is this?' Then you should say, 'She is the Holy Ghost.' You can say. 'We think She is the Holy Ghost.' Let us see what happens.
So, it is a serious thing that I felt that I have to talk to you. And that we have to be very very careful about how we look at ourselves. We have to be aware. We have to be aware about ourselves and what is happening. I have been telling you this many a times. We have to be aware as to what we are and what is happening. But if your jobs are important, everything else is important, how are we going to work out Sahaja Yoga? So there has to be awareness. And with your awareness, the light will spread. But it's not silent, you have to talk about it. Eloquence is needed. It has to be eloquent. All your light has to talk. The light has to say. The light has to express. And has to be very confidently done.
Let us see now after going from this tour how far people establish new things.
So far, what's My own opinion is that there are fifty percent of the Sahaja Yogis in the west are still quite mediocre. And twenty five percent of them are just there to take advantage. If they can get something free, they would like to take. Twenty five percent people are like that. It's very sad but it is so.
>> 1989-1230: Puja, Brahmapuri, India
1990 :
«Now Kali Yuga is over, Krita Yuga has started! » thing is that, want to remember that Krita Yuga has started.
Now Kali Yuga is over, Krita Yuga has started. And in this Yuga, [remember] that the Param Chaitanya is absolutely effective and very efficient. Now if you do anything wrong, it will punish you. It may not punish immediately but it will give you a suggestion, it will give you a proper signal that something is going wrong with you. But if you do not want to control your footsteps, then you may go down very fast. So you have to be very careful about that.
«… we have to establish the Satya Yuga. »
I was really very much touched, because now the new year is coming with a new challenge for all of us which we have to accept, that Kali Yuga is over and we have to establish the Satya Yuga; for which all of you from every country should have thinking, how you can do it in your country and in other country. What are the problems in another country?Put your attention outside, not inside this way that you should say that I need this, I need that, I need that. We should know what other people need: what is their need, what the people in our society, in our nation, in our world require? Better write them down: what do they require? It's better, it will work; might be, it might be corrected. It's very important for Sahaja yogis to sit down and write down what the world needs, and what is to be done.
It will be a nice idea for all of you to really aspire for that kind of homogeneous society that we have here today. And we'll be one day, you will be surprised that we will be the ones who will guide and lead the rest of the people with our love, attention and care.
So it's very important time, and at this time we should all think on those lines.
>> 1999, 0321 Birthday puja
«... Very difficult, it's very difficult»
The story about Kali Yuga is told in also another Purana, of Damayanti Purana where Damayanti, the wife of Nala, was separated from him because of the same illusions created by Kali. So one day it happened that Nala got hold of this horrible Kali and he said, "Now I am going to strangle you and finish you off."(...)He told very clearly, I mean thousands of years back. So Kali Yuga is the time where people can get their Self Realization, they will know their Self, they will know the truth.
This is said long time back and you can see now it's happening. So this was the time meant for that, because if you are all right like in Satya Yuga and all that, so you don't seek; you just accept, you are obedient, you are good people - finished. But in Kali Yuga you really start seeking the absolute truth, and that is why these lights depict that character or we can say that soul which are being enlightened.
So you are all enlightened souls. For Me that's the Diwali. If the people are enlightened that's the Diwali: that they remove all the darkness of Kali Yuga and you all enjoy the beauty and joy of Kali Yuga. It's very, very symbolic I should say, that Diwali has already started. We have many lights, and we have to get more lights - not because it is short of light; why are we taking more lights, why do you want? Because all must be saved. Our effort is to save every one of them. Very difficult, it's very difficult.
>>1999-1107: Diwali Puja, Greece, Delphi
2000 - AGENDA CLOSED : That, I have to tell you.- A Warning.
2000, Sahasrara: « … now you take over responsibility,… otherwise...»
But what is most joy-giving to Me was creating Sahaja yogis, and listening to them and talking to them - the way they were so sweet and so kind, and so respectful. All this has helped Me so much, and I must thank you for that. With your support, with your help, with your understanding I could achieve it.
If I could achieve it on My own I would never have asked for this help of yours. But you are just like My hands, you are just like My eyes, and I need you very much because without you I cannot do it. It's like channelizing. Unless and until you are channels, what's the use of being Adi Shakti or anything, how will you channelize it? If there's electrical movement you need channels, otherwise it is a static thing. In the same way, I felt always that I needed more and more channels, and when it worked out I was really, really in a very great spirit.
So I thank you very much again for this day that has come, and I bless you from My heart that now you take over responsibility.
You are a Sahaja yogi, so you have a responsibility also to give realizations to others. Don't keep to yourself, this has to be given to others. And you can explain, you can talk to them, you can really very well understand them. Try to understand them and talk to them, and you must give realizations to others, otherwise you won't feel complete. To feel complete, you have to do that.
>>2000-0507: Sahasrara Puja, Cabella
2000, Guru: « It's not by saving some few people you can have the great Satya Yuga,» at this juncture, what is lacking? What is lacking in Sahaja Yoga?
That, I have to tell you.
There are so many collective disasters we have – all kinds of. We had many earthquakes, we had many floods, rain, then the muds – mud came down like a river; and so many disasters in the world and sahaja yogis are saved from that. All the sahaja yogis are saved from that, no doubt, but after being saved, what is your understanding? What do you know? Why these disasters are coming?
Because Sahaja Yoga is not very collective.
It has to become very collective. It has to spread much more, all over. It has to go to many people, which we don’t do. We are at a standstill, or little bit we do it.
But: go all out! Look at Christ’s twelve disciples! Of course the people went into wrong things. But how they worked and how intensively they did it.
That intensity if you don’t have, and if you do not completely dedicate to the spreading of Sahaja Yoga, then collective problems cannot be solved.
You are saved from so many things. Say, even if there's pollution, for Sahaja yogi it won't matter. Even if there is a disaster of a earthquake, the Sahaja yogi will be saved.
But : why not save the whole world?
Calamities after calamities are coming, and if you have compassion, you must think of the people who can get into any calamity, or into any trouble. Of course, I can cure many people, no doubt
But I don't know how to make Sahaja Yoga very collective.
Now you are so many people here, you all can start giving realization to at least hundred people. Go everywhere, talk about Sahaja Yoga, sing the praise of the Divine, and you will save the whole world. It's not by saving some few people you can have the great Satya Yuga, but you have to also save this Mother Earth. You have to save the people who are in it.
>>2000-0723: Guru Puja, Cabella
![]() |
2010, Birthday |
2000, Navaratri: « even in Sahaja Yoga this negativity can work.» is now, this is the Last Judgment, as I told you. And at this time you have to see what's happening to the person who has gone by wrong methods, or by the hell of some of these "gurujis". It's very clear, if you want to see it, very clear how they are destroying themselves. (…) . All their bad things are explained by their stupid intelligence, and they go for destruction.
And now in Kali Yuga, destruction is working very fast. Why?
Because people have lost their discrimination. They are no more discreet. And so many people have lost, it's not few. And it is a fashion to become indiscreet.
(...) Now there's somebody, say a Sahaja yogi, so-called, and he is absolutely aggressive, money-oriented, deceitful, and you get into his trap. In Hindi we call it chakkar... chakkar. And once you get involved into that, you go on drifting. Still your left side will protect up to a point. But if you are too much of it, it throws you. "No! Get out, get out!"
Now the time has come for all of us to understand that you are all Sahaja yogis, and you have a very big responsibility - very, very big responsibility that you should do what your enlightened conscience tells you. Take to your enlightenment and live under that light, and don't jump in the darkness.
And by that you will also understand who is the right person, who is not the right person.
It's a - even in Sahaja Yoga this negativity can work. It works; and one should not get involved into any negative thoughts of others or negative doing of others.
It's a warning today I wanted to give you all,
because you people are very much there to enjoy.
Look after your attention - where does it go?
>> 2000-1008: Navaratri Puja, Cabella
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