A question about Mother drawing swastika and cross on the hands
«Do you know why I do it?
On the left side of the Sahasrara what is there, tell me?
- Ego
- And on the right side, superego
To counteract that, do you understand?
The left side is given the mark of the svastika because it is the left side.
And where it is the cross, is the right side.
Because the left swastika becomes the action - of cross.
But, here it is ego! So the mantra that is said, on the left-hand side, is that "Please forgive me!" means, to overcome you ego, you have to say "please, forgive me!"
And when you do it on the right hand side, you say "I forgive".
It is double combination. Because Agnya chakra is a "Ham-Ksham" two mantra bijas, that is "I am" and "I forgive".
So both of them are double combination, that you draw the left sign of the Psychè, is the swastikaa.And in that desire - because ego is there at the sahasrara (palm) you say...
And on the right (hand) you draw the cross - because that becomes the cross on the right hand, representing the right, right side, complete right side.
But because of the sahasrara point, you say that "I forgive".
In action also, see:
Ganesha is the one who kills, he just kills. So we have to say "Forgive me".
- But Christ, you have to say that "I forgive everyone", as He forgave.
I should say it's a triple combination, in a way, do you understand?
First is the left hand, on the sahasrara, the left hand, so that is to be established,
the Deity on the left hand has to be….the left hand deity would be Christ, because He is the forgiving! Sorry!: Ganesha is the one, because he is the Killer! I'm sorry:
Ganesha! He is the killer, and because He is the killer, you have to say "forgive me!"
And right-hand side - just see how it is combined! - is Christ, who says "I forgive". And He is the one who is the killer of ego.
So, the killing of Ganesha is important, because, at this point, if you do not have Ganesha, the killing, you will not say "forgive me!" Unless and until it is somebody that is coming to kill you, you will not say "forgive me!" can you?
So the settling down process take up.
Did you follow? Many people ask why it is crossed, it is crossed for this reason.
Your ego can never be conquered by saying "I forgive everyone".
But, for an egoistical man, it is better to tell. For an egoistical man, if you tell "I forgive all of them", then his ego is pampered, no doubt, but Christ is awakened (Laughters).
This is the Vidya, the Shree-Vidya, the trick!
Now, to a superego fellow, if you tell him to ask for forgiveness, it is his nature all the time, asking for forgiveness, he does not matter! If you tell such a person that you forgive, « Oh ,I just forgave, no question! I am the one who has done all bad things, » you see? Superego man, he takes all the blame upon himself. So, for such a man, you have to say "you ask for forgiveness", he will be very happy. But, by saying that, you awake Shri Ganesha.
So first two things are actually for awakening, and the third thing is befooling! (Laughters).
This is the leela. (48mn)
Otherwise, if you cannot get out the Ghee with straight finger, better bend it and take it out! You have some way or other see that the Kundalini comes up.
I am happy you have asked the question because I would never have mentioned it to you…
1982 Talk on Mental Projection London from around 40 mn to 49
This talk is only available in Vimeo. Nirmala Vidya has it not. No track of a transcription. Try sound audio tape.
Swayamblogger writes:
Shri Mataji was answering to a question about Her drawing a svastika on one hand, and the cross on the other. After five minutes, she explained Her tricks.
In short, She asks people to forgive (with the hand on the front), because this is the ego, and ego finds very generous to forgive, so it accepts. Actually, the superego is the one that has to enjoy the sufferings, because superego keeps up suffering. So it will enjoy begging for forgiveness, as he considers himself always wrong.
So, that forgiveness is produced. Christ and Shri Ganesha have heard both mantras, and they open the (narrow) gate for the Kundalini to cross the Agnya.
On the other side, the superego is concave, humble, and enjoys begging for forgiveness - when the ego, convex, is too proud to accept that, somehow, he did wrong. But he feels pampered to forgive others.
By doing so, the final result is that the agnya responds to these affirmations, so that the chakra opens up, and lets the path to the Kundalini to rise.
We have to know that, before realization, agnya chakra is mixed with hamsa,
this is the reason of the old wrong technique of concentrating between the eye-bows. In this situation, the Brain is entangled in both Tamo and Rajo gunas, manas and prana, etc, in a relative world, and in a pendulum state (Nivikalpa 1985).
Reality, material as well as spiritual facts, can only be seen through the yellow or the blue filter.
A superego person will suffer the fear of this family.
An ego person will accuse the lady of putting the children at risk.
During the process of realization, the real RESURRECTION occurs. This is the Rising of the Agnya chakra, which gets detached from hamsa, rises above the gunas, and it is the moment when it can finally play its role.
Agnya is the one that is providing Nirvichara Samadhi. Thoughtless awareness is the necessary condition for the chittah to enter the meditation state, and the Dhyana to take place.
This is the reason why all the techniques in Sahaj are only forms of 'chittah nirodh'.
They help withdrawing the Attention, from external worries, emotions, stress, as well as from both channels and gunas.
Forgiveness is nothing but the 'letting-go'.
We stop grasping whatever makes us suffer, and also whatever we want to impose.
This is the other side of withdrawing the attention from external objects.
This is also the reason why only the Kundalini can work it out, with the help of our hands, natural elements, and sounds.
The attention, can never manage that, as it is stuck outside. An abstract concept is also outside, somewhere on the sidewalk of some mental linear projection. At the most, attention can be diverted («watch the mother earth!»).
Our attention is hopelessly (by structure) bad, and to force any effort on the attention would be like us folding a piece of cloth, getting trapped below inside the fold, and after that, complaining that nothing is working out and then, we protest:"who switched off the light?"
Happily, our hands are connected, thanks to Shri and Lalita chakras.
The hands are ego-free, and are the organs of expression of Shree and Lalita Chakras. This is how they convey automatically the Vibrations, despite the poor state of our chittah.
<<For example, if you have pain or if your chakra is catching, you have to use your hands.
You cannot say that, "the energy is flowing within me, so it's alright. I can manage." It's not like that.
If you cannot use your hands then you cannot impart this energy.
…/…Somebody can say, " I can just put my attention." Doesn't work out that good, because yet your attention has not that, reached that stage where these charkas like Lalita Chakra and Shri Chakra obey your attention. They do not. …So you have to work out with your hands.>>
1990-1217: Shri Chakra & Shri Lalita Puja, Brahmapuri
So, the hands only can bring the Call of Vibrations to the Kundalini, and She is the one who will lift our attention again upwards. Then, we reach a level above the thoughts, above "relativity", and the realm of Truth (SatChitAnanda) and this how we can enjoy that:
«When we say we are going to meditate, it has no meaning. We have to be in meditation.» (http://sahajdhyana.blogspot.fr/p/how-to-meditate-2.html)
Such are the reasons why Mother always said that if you still have thoughts, it is «because you have not forgiven». We just open the hand and let go, the strain of keeping all this huge list of pending things, and expectations, with us is released: some mind-muscles get relaxed and more Kundalini can rise.
In the same "act" of forgiving, we just surrender whatever was in (on) our mind, to the Reality (=Sat = Truth = Divine).
Actually, forgiveness and surrender are but the two sides of the same coin. This is also why "in forgiving, you are doing nothing". Ultimately, the TRINITY gets spontaneously united, the Father (Spirit), the Mother (Kundalini) and the Son (Ganesha, Christ, Us)
Notice that, in Sahasrara, all the chakras and deities are there.
Behind the brain, resides Shri MahaGanesha, and the Swadisthana rotates around Him. This has a very deep meaning. The gap between Ganesha and right-side which takes place at the bottom of the subtle system is actually the "original sin", the ousting from the garden of Eden, in short, the cause of AVIDYA.
Staying isolated from the Mooladhara, the human Chittah is condemned to roam around in the ocean of Illusion, to swim and sink and drown, submitted to all the Mayas and karmas.
Let us remember that, as reaching Sahasrara, we become Kalateeta, beyond time. Hence, whatever has ever happened was just the blinking of an eye away from present, it never lasted, it is in the past, in the left side, far away from our meditation state - and is over now.
The Mother was just playing Hide-and-Seek with us! When we put ourselves seriously in danger, in 20th century, She came to find us back again to redeem and comfort the Child).
When the Kundalini carries up our chittah to the Sahasrara, the reconciliation takes place. She circles around Shri Mahaganesha at least, and rests! So, Avidya ends up, Innocence was never lost, and the original sin never happened.
«All had been made so simple, handy» spotted once Shri Mataji. She added, as early as 1985: «But, those who know they have come here, not to enjoy themselves only, but to make the whole world enjoy what you have got, to give it to them.- And for that one has to sacrifice. One has to bear the pangs.
How much I bear your pangs when you are caught up, when you have troubles, when this and that! I've got blisters sometimes from you, everything! But I don't mind.
Because it is my Life, my Mission, my Existence, and everything is for the purpose of emancipation of humanity. Even the last drop of my blood is for that. My satisfactions are very different...». International Seminar, Bordi Feb. 6, 1985
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Video captures from Vaitarna puja, 1983 |
On the left side of the Sahasrara what is there, tell me?
- Ego
- And on the right side, superego
To counteract that, do you understand?
The left side is given the mark of the svastika because it is the left side.
And where it is the cross, is the right side.
Because the left swastika becomes the action - of cross.
But, here it is ego! So the mantra that is said, on the left-hand side, is that "Please forgive me!" means, to overcome you ego, you have to say "please, forgive me!"
And when you do it on the right hand side, you say "I forgive".
It is double combination. Because Agnya chakra is a "Ham-Ksham" two mantra bijas, that is "I am" and "I forgive".
So both of them are double combination, that you draw the left sign of the Psychè, is the swastikaa.And in that desire - because ego is there at the sahasrara (palm) you say...
Ham - Ksham, (and Om) with ego and superego |
But because of the sahasrara point, you say that "I forgive".
In action also, see:
Ganesha is the one who kills, he just kills. So we have to say "Forgive me".
- But Christ, you have to say that "I forgive everyone", as He forgave.
I should say it's a triple combination, in a way, do you understand?
«it's a triple combination, in a way» (from the original) |
the Deity on the left hand has to be….the left hand deity would be Christ, because He is the forgiving! Sorry!: Ganesha is the one, because he is the Killer! I'm sorry:
Ganesha! He is the killer, and because He is the killer, you have to say "forgive me!"
And right-hand side - just see how it is combined! - is Christ, who says "I forgive". And He is the one who is the killer of ego.
So, the killing of Ganesha is important, because, at this point, if you do not have Ganesha, the killing, you will not say "forgive me!" Unless and until it is somebody that is coming to kill you, you will not say "forgive me!" can you?
So the settling down process take up.
Did you follow? Many people ask why it is crossed, it is crossed for this reason.
Your ego can never be conquered by saying "I forgive everyone".
But, for an egoistical man, it is better to tell. For an egoistical man, if you tell "I forgive all of them", then his ego is pampered, no doubt, but Christ is awakened (Laughters).
This is the Vidya, the Shree-Vidya, the trick!
Now, to a superego fellow, if you tell him to ask for forgiveness, it is his nature all the time, asking for forgiveness, he does not matter! If you tell such a person that you forgive, « Oh ,I just forgave, no question! I am the one who has done all bad things, » you see? Superego man, he takes all the blame upon himself. So, for such a man, you have to say "you ask for forgiveness", he will be very happy. But, by saying that, you awake Shri Ganesha.
So first two things are actually for awakening, and the third thing is befooling! (Laughters).
« is befooling...» |
Otherwise, if you cannot get out the Ghee with straight finger, better bend it and take it out! You have some way or other see that the Kundalini comes up.
I am happy you have asked the question because I would never have mentioned it to you…
1982 Talk on Mental Projection London from around 40 mn to 49
This talk is only available in Vimeo. Nirmala Vidya has it not. No track of a transcription. Try sound audio tape.
From: https://vimeo.com/74486118 |
Shri Mataji was answering to a question about Her drawing a svastika on one hand, and the cross on the other. After five minutes, she explained Her tricks.
In short, She asks people to forgive (with the hand on the front), because this is the ego, and ego finds very generous to forgive, so it accepts. Actually, the superego is the one that has to enjoy the sufferings, because superego keeps up suffering. So it will enjoy begging for forgiveness, as he considers himself always wrong.
So, that forgiveness is produced. Christ and Shri Ganesha have heard both mantras, and they open the (narrow) gate for the Kundalini to cross the Agnya.
On the other side, the superego is concave, humble, and enjoys begging for forgiveness - when the ego, convex, is too proud to accept that, somehow, he did wrong. But he feels pampered to forgive others.
By doing so, the final result is that the agnya responds to these affirmations, so that the chakra opens up, and lets the path to the Kundalini to rise.
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#Notice how the Ego presses the Vishnumaya, which generates this 'guilt' |
this is the reason of the old wrong technique of concentrating between the eye-bows. In this situation, the Brain is entangled in both Tamo and Rajo gunas, manas and prana, etc, in a relative world, and in a pendulum state (Nivikalpa 1985).
Reality, material as well as spiritual facts, can only be seen through the yellow or the blue filter.
News photo taken in Palestine Date does not matter |
An ego person will accuse the lady of putting the children at risk.
During the process of realization, the real RESURRECTION occurs. This is the Rising of the Agnya chakra, which gets detached from hamsa, rises above the gunas, and it is the moment when it can finally play its role.
Agnya is the one that is providing Nirvichara Samadhi. Thoughtless awareness is the necessary condition for the chittah to enter the meditation state, and the Dhyana to take place.
This is the reason why all the techniques in Sahaj are only forms of 'chittah nirodh'.
They help withdrawing the Attention, from external worries, emotions, stress, as well as from both channels and gunas.
Forgiveness is nothing but the 'letting-go'.
Where Agnya chakra is located |
This is the other side of withdrawing the attention from external objects.
This is also the reason why only the Kundalini can work it out, with the help of our hands, natural elements, and sounds.
The attention, can never manage that, as it is stuck outside. An abstract concept is also outside, somewhere on the sidewalk of some mental linear projection. At the most, attention can be diverted («watch the mother earth!»).
Our attention is hopelessly (by structure) bad, and to force any effort on the attention would be like us folding a piece of cloth, getting trapped below inside the fold, and after that, complaining that nothing is working out and then, we protest:"who switched off the light?"
Happily, our hands are connected, thanks to Shri and Lalita chakras.
The hands are ego-free, and are the organs of expression of Shree and Lalita Chakras. This is how they convey automatically the Vibrations, despite the poor state of our chittah.
<<For example, if you have pain or if your chakra is catching, you have to use your hands.
You cannot say that, "the energy is flowing within me, so it's alright. I can manage." It's not like that.
If you cannot use your hands then you cannot impart this energy.
…/…Somebody can say, " I can just put my attention." Doesn't work out that good, because yet your attention has not that, reached that stage where these charkas like Lalita Chakra and Shri Chakra obey your attention. They do not. …So you have to work out with your hands.>>
1990-1217: Shri Chakra & Shri Lalita Puja, Brahmapuri
So, the hands only can bring the Call of Vibrations to the Kundalini, and She is the one who will lift our attention again upwards. Then, we reach a level above the thoughts, above "relativity", and the realm of Truth (SatChitAnanda) and this how we can enjoy that:
«When we say we are going to meditate, it has no meaning. We have to be in meditation.» (http://sahajdhyana.blogspot.fr/p/how-to-meditate-2.html)
Such are the reasons why Mother always said that if you still have thoughts, it is «because you have not forgiven». We just open the hand and let go, the strain of keeping all this huge list of pending things, and expectations, with us is released: some mind-muscles get relaxed and more Kundalini can rise.
In the same "act" of forgiving, we just surrender whatever was in (on) our mind, to the Reality (=Sat = Truth = Divine).
Actually, forgiveness and surrender are but the two sides of the same coin. This is also why "in forgiving, you are doing nothing". Ultimately, the TRINITY gets spontaneously united, the Father (Spirit), the Mother (Kundalini) and the Son (Ganesha, Christ, Us)
Notice that, in Sahasrara, all the chakras and deities are there.
Behind the brain, resides Shri MahaGanesha, and the Swadisthana rotates around Him. This has a very deep meaning. The gap between Ganesha and right-side which takes place at the bottom of the subtle system is actually the "original sin", the ousting from the garden of Eden, in short, the cause of AVIDYA.
Staying isolated from the Mooladhara, the human Chittah is condemned to roam around in the ocean of Illusion, to swim and sink and drown, submitted to all the Mayas and karmas.
Let us remember that, as reaching Sahasrara, we become Kalateeta, beyond time. Hence, whatever has ever happened was just the blinking of an eye away from present, it never lasted, it is in the past, in the left side, far away from our meditation state - and is over now.
The Mother was just playing Hide-and-Seek with us! When we put ourselves seriously in danger, in 20th century, She came to find us back again to redeem and comfort the Child).
When the Kundalini carries up our chittah to the Sahasrara, the reconciliation takes place. She circles around Shri Mahaganesha at least, and rests! So, Avidya ends up, Innocence was never lost, and the original sin never happened.
«All had been made so simple, handy» spotted once Shri Mataji. She added, as early as 1985: «But, those who know they have come here, not to enjoy themselves only, but to make the whole world enjoy what you have got, to give it to them.- And for that one has to sacrifice. One has to bear the pangs.
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Bordi: about sacrifice. |
Because it is my Life, my Mission, my Existence, and everything is for the purpose of emancipation of humanity. Even the last drop of my blood is for that. My satisfactions are very different...». International Seminar, Bordi Feb. 6, 1985
Jai shree mataji
ReplyDeleteJai Shree mataji