Brothers, Sisters and, most of all, Friends...
I never though of having in 2 years 50 000 visits. Thank you, really, thanks to all.
This has been the opportunity for me to search through the many Talks given by Shri Mataji, for many topics that are fundamental in Sahaj. I have been shocked, one night in Cabella, listening to a member of some of the Official Institutions there, that Mother had said "anything and its contrary". This was quite despising towards our Mother! On this ground, this gentlemen could settle that he would not listen to any comment that would be rooted on "Mother has said so". Unfortunately (for this in-charge), the teachings of Shri Mataji, and Her deeds, express a deep coherence.
So, this blog is meant to make things clear, check the pages on the right column, and make your own harvest.
1 - We should have a proper meditative depth, and have divine 'discretion' spontaneously. Though, we, as a whole sangham, do not. Instead, we try to force the Divine to make the choices in our place, by using little folded papers. Well: Vibrations can cheat us, because They want us to experience our ego, and to learn how to overcome it. As a result, those paper-choices do not lead the World Sangham towards progress, but towards division and ridicule. "Those people do not even get nirvichara, do not speak to them of Joy", was I answered by a member of the C.C., about the assistance in Cabella, two years ago, in Guru Puja Seminar.
2 We should get closer in collectivity. As such, we should tell off people who are involved in groupism, in divisiveness, maybe for this nation, maybe for that trusts. We don't. Sahaj looks more like a feudal country, each baronet jealous of his narrow territory and his petty share of power, like religious monkeys after picking up their own little flower on the common Tree of Spirituality, while the King if not yet back on his White Horse.
3 We were supposed to become chaste and childlike. Instead, divorces, adulteries, fake re- marriages, disastrous behaviors among youngsters are feeding the gossip-machine. The different national councils have no strength anymore to enforce basics maryadas. Here, yuva-shakti leaders choose to get married together, and receive the applauses of their collective, there, some homosexual is appointed as leader of his Harbour-city, etc. Mooladhara was meant to bring spiritual magnetism as we were once taught.
Summing all this, in front of such negativity, concerning the lack of meditative power, the disruption of collectivity, and the challenges to Chastity, our governance is drowned, sunk, and three different attitudes show up among yogis in desperate response to that:
First: fanaticism, ritualism, Brahmanism. A witness told me that in such city, they comb Mother's picture in the pujas.
Second: Sahaj is turned into just another technique against stress. They open wellness centers, and so reduce the Realization of the Self to some new age alternative therapy.
Third: Many sensible and solid Sahajis just 'ignore' trustees, go on their own, meditate, and do whatever is sahaj common sense just around them. In doing such, they stay deprived of any material sustain that only some 'organization' could provide, or finance, as funding propaganda, halls, quality websites etc: they condemn themselves to stay small.
Dear reader and friend, you might have noticed that those three points here-above are forgetting most of the current issues, as papaji-CP, the 2 sisters conflict, US Sahaj -Meditation, Korotaiev, Indian Trustees, Australian Council, Greece, Turkey, etc, you name it! The reason is that they are only mere superficial phenomenons, they just surface because those three points are not addressed, not event recognized, and more, maybe: denied any relevance.
Unfortunately, they form together the triple condition for us to be attractive to seekers and desiring souls, and also to trigger in them the desire to include themselves in our collectives: being the spirit, chaste and collective.
Please, feel free to wander through those pages, translate them, quote them. Use them to question your trustees, your leaders, your collectives, share the links.
With love, and humour
Sadashiva C.
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1989, July, 9, France |
« I tell you the only worry I have, if I have any, is this: that My children should love each other. So, I talk of friendship - is to have a friend. If we have worries, we always tell to our friends but not to persons of acquaintance. If you have problems, we'll never tell it to somebody who we just know by-the-way, but to our friends, and so friendship. Even if you are a leader, you are a friend of the people. So, I talk of friendship - is to have a friend. If we have worries, we always tell to our friends but not to persons of acquaintance. If you have problems, we'll never tell it to somebody who we just know by-the-way, but to our friends, and so friendship. Even if you are a leader, you are a friend of the people.
Friendship is such that you could share your secrets, you could share your problems. You do that with Me. And why not with each other?It's a question of understanding that Sahaja Yogis are all really friends to each other. I think relationship of friendship is even higher than any other relationship we could think of, because there is nothing to be gained out of our friendship. It never ceases and you just enjoy the friendship, that's all. Then you can pull each other's legs, sometimes. You could be little joking with another person, making fun of another person. It's all right, it's friendship. But this is the purest form of understanding our relationships with each other.
And a friend is the one who is always, for no rhyme and reason, concerned about his friend. Before Sahaja Yoga, you could have only one friend or at the most two. Three meant a crowd, cannot have three persons as your friends! But in Sahaja Yoga we are all friends, pure friendship. Friendship of a very beautiful nature - that you enjoy the joy of another person. In vibrations you do. If you feel the vibrations of another Sahaja Yogi, you really enjoy.» (Starting around mn28'30)
It’s very easy not to fighT/
“At Agnya Chakra many Sahaja yogis falter, I don’t know what happens to them. At Agnya I have told that you must forgive. But that doesn’t mean that you allow people to do wrong things. Because you want to forgive it’s very easy not to fight, not to say anything, just keep out, just forgive – no. You go and talk to that person and tell him it is wrong. You have to face it. If you cannot face it then you are useless, just like any other people. What’s the use of you people getting your realization?” (Adi Shakti puja 2002)
Neither shall we ever commit dishonesty nor allow others to commit
“So there is only one message for today: Neither shall we ever commit dishonesty nor allow others to commit. But, the people here are very tolerant in this matter. They tolerate. Greatest mistake lies there. When you have received the light, then what makes you feel afraid? What is the need for you to fear?
That is the reason I am requesting you today to workout everything with courage.”
- 09-11-2007, Diwali Puja, Noida, India
We will not tolerate any dishonest person
“Every one of you should decide today in your mind that we will not tolerate any dishonest person at all. And that is the reason why all the rakshasas also take their birth – because they believe something or other is there within us, which will compel us to accept them.” – Divali 2007
1987-1220: Attention on Quality, Rahuri, India
ReplyDeleteAll these modern ideas, also beware. Be very, very careful. The way they have been implanted in your minds ? that it is we have to be very sympathetic, there’s nothing like good and bad, that everybody is perfectly all right ? all these nonsensical ideas we should not have. We must know that there’s something very different. Those who are good are good, and those who are not are horrid, not because of psychological reason but because they are basically horrid. And we have nothing to do with them. They are evil, and they are evil geniuses. We should not be sympathetic towards them at all. Those who are evil, are evil, they come to Sahaja Yoga, also they’ll be thrown out, thrown out permanently.
So do not takes sides with the evil people. Do not show compassion to the bad people. Please, try to understand. This is not a place where we have a charitable institution where we have all the handicapped and all the beggars put together ? not a charity at all. Let us not be very charitable.
Спасибо брат.