We are cells in the Sahasrara of the Virata
It's a very privileged place for you to
enter into the Sahasrara of the Virata, to reside in the brain as cells of that
Sahasrara. Let us see what is the quality of the cells of Sahasrara. These are specially created cells through the
working of the Swadishthana (1). Passing through all the chakras, when
they arrive at Sahasrara they are equipped to handle the brain's activity
without getting involved into other elements in the body. In the same way the
Sahaja Yogis are not to be involved with the other cells - human beings, of the
body of this universe.
(Sahasrara 1985,
Today we have gathered here to do the Sahasrara Puja. 'Sahasrara',
the word 'Sahastr', in Sanskrit language, means one thousand. And there are one
thousand petals in our brain, which get enlightened.
Of course, the doctors are quarreling on that point, but forget
about them. Now these petals are kept ready for our enlightenment and these are
really the nerves - one thousand nerves - which are there for the enlightenment
of the brain.
So when the Kundalini rises she enlightens those one thousand nerves
which become like, as you see here, the shape of these flames - like a petal.
And that's why it is called as Sahasrara - the center of Sahasrara.
In the human beings it is a very important center, because this is
the only center by which we think and we try to stop whatever we don't like.
This is the center, which reacts; reacts in such a manner that, without any discretion,
we start saying 'no' to this and 'no' to that - on small things also. Like,
somebody might say, 'I don't like this carpet, I don't like this house, I don't
like that'. This language itself shows that - who are you? First find out. But
you cannot become your Self unless and until this Sahasrara, this brain, is
opened out and the Kundalini becomes one with the Paramchaitanya. Before that you are in complete ignorance about what
is good and what is bad: whatever
you think, for this brain, is good you do it. (3)But whatever is really
good you do not know because you do not know the reality.
Now we have to understand the consciousness that we have -
consciousness of being alive, consciousness of so many things we have, and the
so-called Knowledge we have about everything.

So you just become aware of some sort of a fear, or maybe some sort
of a goodness, or anything.(2) But it
goes even further. The growth of consciousness, which becomes aware, goes
further - where you start liking a person or disliking a person. But still it's
nothing definite and sure. You dislike a person because he has a particular
type of a face, maybe eyes or maybe anything. Or maybe because you have known
somebody who has been very nice, so you start transferring that image on to
others. With these transferred images you can hate or love someone. Then you
start saying, 'I hate this', 'I hate that', which has no actual substantial
meaning. You hate it because, perhaps, maybe such and such a person looks like
Now you go further with it then you see that 'such and such a person
...', now I'm not talking about things but about persons '...such and such a
person has done this harm to me' - something positive. So you start feeling
that you should hate that person. Now you start hating that person, with that
hatred you develop new faculties of how to harm that person. Then you start
thinking how to destroy that person, how to make his life miserable. Then you
may beat that person, you may shout at that person, you may try to kill that
person - you can do anything.
(Sahasrara 1999, Cabella)
(1) - http://spiritualityexperiences.blogspot.fr/2011/04/second-brain-in-gut-gastroenterology.html :
"the body has a 2nd
primitive 'brain' in the layers of tissue lining the stomach, small intestine
and colon. It is actually a network of neurons, neurotransmitters and proteins
called enteric nervous system (ENS). The ENS and its
interaction with the brain in the head are so complex that it is a field of
study in its own right, called gastroenterology.
...It further said that eventually the connection between the two brains shrunk to a single nerve, called the Vagus nerve.
...It further said that eventually the connection between the two brains shrunk to a single nerve, called the Vagus nerve.
(2) - http://www.healing-arts.org/n-r-limbic.htm:
Limbic System: The Center of Emotions
(3) - http://phys.org/news/2011-01-gut.html : Trust your gut
(4) - http://phys.org/news/2011-04-gut-instinct-criminals-sight.html
On Selflessness, and how the capacity of sacrifice for the group ( and against another) shapes human mind since prehistoric Evolution: click
On Selflessness, and how the capacity of sacrifice for the group ( and against another) shapes human mind since prehistoric Evolution: click
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