A comment/ contribution from Helsinki
"So you have to watch within yourself that we are here for liberation, for complete freedom. But in the subtle way all these things go on binding you and you are attached to it and you don't know how they are still tagging you down, don't allow you to fly, they don't give you the freedom that is your own right to have it.
So even if I make a aeroplane, I do everything, put the fuel into it, I say everything, but doesn't want to fly. Now what do you do with such an aeroplane which doesn't want to fly? This sort of a situation is there and this situation makes you so limited and so dwarfy. How will you grow?Unless and until you grow and you show that in your day to day life into your personality, into everything, I assure you nobody is going to be impressed by you. Sahaja Yoga is not going to work by advertisement, nor by My photographs, it's going to work by your work, by your responsibility, by your shouldering Sahaja Yoga, it's your responsibility to spread Sahaja Yoga and to establish it.First of all your shoulders should be strong. You are still out of job, you are still something, somebody hanging in the air, you are still somebody who'll not even look at you. Then how can you carry on your shoulders?"Bogota, 1994 So I've seen that I went to COLOMBIA. In Colombia, you'll be amazed that people had never known Me, they had never heard My name, but I don't know why but the crowds were so much that I couldn't enter into the compound and with somehow or other I was pushed into it.Rock engraving, precolombian, Colombia Then in the hall was impossible, people were hanging on the - I thought they were hanging from the top, just sitting on the thing to watch Me over. So many people in every direction, in every height I found people there, I did not know how to settle them down. But they listened to Me very carefully, two days we had the programmed, two days the crowds were there.Bogota, 1994, 3000 persons And then when they had to follow-on they came, next day they disappeared.Same thing in Greece, same thing in Turkey.So there's definitely something wrong with us".(Virata puja 1989 USA)
This blog is getting better and better all the time. Thank you for this.