2002, was one year just before 2003. And 2003 in Sahaj history was the year of Mother starting to go silent, and of the SPLIT in the Italian collectivity. So this talk might really be some TESTAMENT . When we read the discourse of the ADI SHAKTI puja, we can understand that Mother gave us TWO KEYS of understanding.
First :HOW did She build up Sahaj
Second: What WE are expected to do from now (2002) on: "more" than what the Saints ever did.
Then the question arises: what has been happening to us since? These few lines should invite all of us to a careful listening of all the tape, and to search for the answer to the question that is at the essence of this SawamBlog: As S-Y is a collective Being, then, what could be a COLLECTIVE INTROSPECTION?
So yours is not a complete yoga, yours is a partial yoga of the left side, where you are very loving, you are very kind, very this thing. I am not saying that you should become aggressive in any way. But even I have seen people want to be leaders, they want to be something great; but how many people have they given realization? How many people have they talked about Sahaja Yoga? I have said even in the aeroplane also you go, you walk in the street, anywhere people talk about Sahaja Yoga.

I request all the younger people, younger generation not to waste their Sahaj energies on nonsense as the old people have done. You'd better go ahead and talk to people about Sahaja Yog, and spread the Sahaja Yoga. They are more interested in running schools, in looking after the destitute, doing this, doing that - that's not your job.
Your job is to create more Sahaja yogis, more Sahaja yoginis.
But that is not there, what I find is it's not there.
The right side is missing. You should come to the right side. Go all ahead. Nothing will happen to you. Nobody can kill you, nobody can disturb you, nobody can arrest you, take it from Me. You have powers but if you don't use them, you are like this.
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Shri Hanuman sets fire to Lanka |
We have had also Hitlers among Sahaja yogis.
But now the time has come for you to do something more than what the saints have done before, to work it out that way; not to keep to yourself that you have a family, you have very nice children, having, enjoying, all that - that's not the Sahaja Yoga for. Sahaja Yoga is for transforming the whole world. You have to think about it: what are you doing, where are you, and what have you achieved out of Sahaja Yoga?

In Agnya what has happened is Sahaja yogis are become, they have, they can bear anything, they can suffer anything - that's not (what) we want.
What we want, to remove the sufferings of others, remove the aggression of others. So we don't - that kind of organization we don't have, that kind of understanding we don't have.
And if that works out, you will be different people. So we have become like saints, you see, sitting in their hermit halls, something like that, not more than that.
So better try to do something positive, without aggression. I know some of you are still very aggressive, are show-offs, I know that. But if you get into the mood of working out collectively, then you will realize what mistakes you have, still what is lacking in your personality - that is very important. At Agnya Chakra many Sahaja yogis falter, I don't know what happens to them.
At Agnya I have told that you must forgive.
But that doesn't mean that you allow people to do wrong things.
Because you want to forgive it's very easy not to fight, not to say anything, just keep out, just forgive - no!. You go and talk to that person and tell him it is wrong. You have to face it.
If you cannot face it then you are useless, just like any other people. What's the use of you people getting your realization?
So now we have to understand that it's not only that we have vibrations, that we are all right, that you can cure some people is the last word - no! :
With so many Sahaja yogis all over the world we have not progressed much.
So now it is you have to plan what you want to do, how you want to do it, and how you want to spread Sahaja Yoga. It's very important.
Because you people are good at, say,
talking about Sahaja Yoga,
singing about Sahaja Yoga-
all these things are useless unless and until you have concrete proof of getting many more people in Sahaja Yoga.
In a small country like Turkey we have twenty-five thousand Sahaja yogis - what do you say? They are all Muslims, twenty-five thousands Muslim becoming Sahaja yogis, while you find that number is very small in any other country. They are not very rich, but they care for their Self-realization and for toward giving Self-realizations to others. It's very surprising how it has worked out, how it has spread.
...So many people have complained to Me that Sahaja yogis are nothing but dead people.
Is that what you are?
Only single person like Me has done so much work, so why not you people?
In your country have you worked it out all over? Just think about it!
And that's why, unless and until you don't do it, you are not sampurna, you are not complete, and the Adi Shakti's powers you have not understood in its full form.