Now the description yesterday as you read of the Goddess, that Her hands were throwing all the arrows with such a speed that as if one felt that She was dancing. - is a fact, no doubt, but you don't see that.
But to you I am just sitting here quietly, just like you as you are sitting.
But it's not so; it's something much more.
Now when they show a lion or a tiger as My vahana, then you have to understand that they show actually they are - actually they are. (...) So even to get a vahana of this kind, this was to be evolved from amoeba stage to this stage; otherwise he would not have been here.
In the same way you are evolved, and in you are these, all these vahanas also there. And they work out very quickly all that you want. You desire something; you'll be surprised, immediately you'll find it works out. You ask for something, immediately it works out. But there should be a complete dedication in Sahaja Yoga.
When I say Sahaja Yog, you know that is the yoga of your attention with My Feet - that's what it is. 
But if you are still moving with your egos, and if you are still thinking on those lines that "We are something and we can start our own Sahaj Yog, we can work out this way and that way," or "My wife is like that, my child is like that, my husband is like that" - you have to give up all these problems on one side; otherwise you will not ascend.
It was not difficult for Me to give you realization, because you were just ready for that.
But to keep your light on, you have to work hard...
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