Dear friends,
It is probably obvious to you that I often disagree on a number of small, but specific, points. This is due to what I have learned since my first Sahasrara Day in 1982.
I will try to explain myself... so, here are just three themes, fundamental to my eyes.
1/ The Teachings that Shri Mataji has given in public, continuously and everywhere, are the only ones I recognize.
I heard one evening in Cabella, in the mouth of a "historical" sahaja yogi, and then a member of the World Council, "Mother said everything, and its contrary". Other Sahajis too do think that way. That's not true!
Shri Mataji has always spoken to people according to their specific situation, and the objective of Her advices was always to bring these yogis back to the same permanent, and also "collective" common Knowledge
To the opposite, no one has a "special relationship" with Her, either. Never.
We should prefer saying that we all have this relationship (see point 3). Each yogi is Her child, but also Her channel of manifestation. And each one, from there, is his own master.
2/ Adi Shakti came to give humanity the means to save itself
And for this sole purpose, She did everything, by allowing the awakening of the Kundalini and the opening of the Sahasrara of the Virata on May 5, 1970. She did absorb everything to allow the "in-mass" realization. It was necessary to create a new humanity, reconnected (Yoga).
Her Sahaja yogis have been re-born, cared for, nourished, transformed, coddled, educated: Comforter, Educator, Savior, the three shaktis. The mission we received is to successfully transform as many people as possible, with an "irrepressible desire" (2002).
Shri Mataji has always expressed that this one success, on our part, is what She liked most. What else could we offer Her, which would come only from us? The amrut has always been mixed by us with that which She had produced for us!
Our main concern should be to enthusiastically seek out, and find, effective methods, instead of devoting our entire agendas to international celebrations, nor to refine our techniques and rituals. She did not agree to become this avatar, Shri Nirmala Devi (1923 - 2011), to create a cult in His person, nor to establish new Vaticans.
- Mother does not need pujas nor any ritual, for She is not like those Vedic divinities who fed on the offerings of the devotees. But for our Deities, for our chakras, for our deepening, we only are the ones who need to offer pujas, to which She lends Herself with a fully maternal kindness.
- How would She dwell elsewhere? She repeated that She was everywhere with us - since 1984; repeated that She had taken us into Her own body. And then, who else would be our own Kundalini? What other feet would step on the lotus of our Sahasrara? There is no "elsewhere" for the Self. It is only a game of mirrors and reflections. We meditate "on Her'', with Her, in «Her company», and at the same time on ourselves, on the Self : «'I am the Spirit''», so did we assert from the very first day.
- Swadharma: Shri Mataji liked to quote King Shivaji, who fought for the "Swa-dharma", the religion of oneself, of one's own Spirit. She won that battle for us: we are free, She liberated us. But also, She made us responsible to Her.
As a fundamental, Shri Mataji repeated throughout Her whole life that She had no desire, except for that unique desire to succeed in Mass-Realisation. So it is up to us to formulate all the other desires, and to consider ourselves responsible for making them come true.
3/ Sahaja yoga is "advaita": non-dualistic.
- Dualism exists when we consider ourselves to be, a little bit lame, dirty, stuck here (in this land of sin) , and She, on the other side, up there, ( in the disincarnated Heavens) in short: elsewhere, far away, dualism is when our Self is not the God. However, dualism settles in with all kinds of techniques and rituals. We say that Mother "arrives" from the room where we keep Her picture, that we "ask Her" what She would like on this or that detail, - just two examples where She is said to be "elsewhere".
- Advaita means that our Self is no different from the Divine, just as the reflection of the sun on a lake is no different from the light of that same sun. Of course, this is a goal, and we have not achieved it completely today. However, the opening of the Sahasrara with the awakening of the Heart, the Self, the Spirit, the Shiva, at the center of the Sahasrara, the Brahmarandra, already actualizes an essential element of it. Each of us will develop it in our own way, each of us has already made progress.
But we must not forget that the qualities that flourish then, in us, are none other than those of the Self, of the Shiva within us. Only "the Shiva" can know Joy, «He only is the enjoyer» and He only can make us feel it - when we are in a true state of meditation. Which means: not when we confuse meditation with cleansing. On the contrary, to Mother we are «neither this body nor these chakras» -only we inhabit them. When we are detached from the rest, then we take over the management of every gross thing (body, home, work, etc.). In other words, that happens when we have (no longer) anything to ask for, because, in nirvikalpa, we have integrated what Person Shri Mataji has already made of us. At least at times, in daily life, and to the minimum, during our meditations.
Such is the Realization of the Self,
the Atmasakshatkar,
the Sahaja yoga that Shri Mataji has taught us,
always and everywhere,
into which She has "evolved" us, and that we have to transmit.
Note: One can do a checking, each notion has its source in the teachings of Shri Mataji.
It is probably obvious to you that I often disagree on a number of small, but specific, points. This is due to what I have learned since my first Sahasrara Day in 1982.
I will try to explain myself... so, here are just three themes, fundamental to my eyes.
1/ The Teachings that Shri Mataji has given in public, continuously and everywhere, are the only ones I recognize.
I heard one evening in Cabella, in the mouth of a "historical" sahaja yogi, and then a member of the World Council, "Mother said everything, and its contrary". Other Sahajis too do think that way. That's not true!
Shri Mataji has always spoken to people according to their specific situation, and the objective of Her advices was always to bring these yogis back to the same permanent, and also "collective" common Knowledge
To the opposite, no one has a "special relationship" with Her, either. Never.
We should prefer saying that we all have this relationship (see point 3). Each yogi is Her child, but also Her channel of manifestation. And each one, from there, is his own master.
2/ Adi Shakti came to give humanity the means to save itself
And for this sole purpose, She did everything, by allowing the awakening of the Kundalini and the opening of the Sahasrara of the Virata on May 5, 1970. She did absorb everything to allow the "in-mass" realization. It was necessary to create a new humanity, reconnected (Yoga).
Her Sahaja yogis have been re-born, cared for, nourished, transformed, coddled, educated: Comforter, Educator, Savior, the three shaktis. The mission we received is to successfully transform as many people as possible, with an "irrepressible desire" (2002).
Shri Mataji has always expressed that this one success, on our part, is what She liked most. What else could we offer Her, which would come only from us? The amrut has always been mixed by us with that which She had produced for us!
Our main concern should be to enthusiastically seek out, and find, effective methods, instead of devoting our entire agendas to international celebrations, nor to refine our techniques and rituals. She did not agree to become this avatar, Shri Nirmala Devi (1923 - 2011), to create a cult in His person, nor to establish new Vaticans.
- Mother does not need pujas nor any ritual, for She is not like those Vedic divinities who fed on the offerings of the devotees. But for our Deities, for our chakras, for our deepening, we only are the ones who need to offer pujas, to which She lends Herself with a fully maternal kindness.
- How would She dwell elsewhere? She repeated that She was everywhere with us - since 1984; repeated that She had taken us into Her own body. And then, who else would be our own Kundalini? What other feet would step on the lotus of our Sahasrara? There is no "elsewhere" for the Self. It is only a game of mirrors and reflections. We meditate "on Her'', with Her, in «Her company», and at the same time on ourselves, on the Self : «'I am the Spirit''», so did we assert from the very first day.
- Swadharma: Shri Mataji liked to quote King Shivaji, who fought for the "Swa-dharma", the religion of oneself, of one's own Spirit. She won that battle for us: we are free, She liberated us. But also, She made us responsible to Her.
As a fundamental, Shri Mataji repeated throughout Her whole life that She had no desire, except for that unique desire to succeed in Mass-Realisation. So it is up to us to formulate all the other desires, and to consider ourselves responsible for making them come true.
3/ Sahaja yoga is "advaita": non-dualistic.
- Dualism exists when we consider ourselves to be, a little bit lame, dirty, stuck here (in this land of sin) , and She, on the other side, up there, ( in the disincarnated Heavens) in short: elsewhere, far away, dualism is when our Self is not the God. However, dualism settles in with all kinds of techniques and rituals. We say that Mother "arrives" from the room where we keep Her picture, that we "ask Her" what She would like on this or that detail, - just two examples where She is said to be "elsewhere".
- Advaita means that our Self is no different from the Divine, just as the reflection of the sun on a lake is no different from the light of that same sun. Of course, this is a goal, and we have not achieved it completely today. However, the opening of the Sahasrara with the awakening of the Heart, the Self, the Spirit, the Shiva, at the center of the Sahasrara, the Brahmarandra, already actualizes an essential element of it. Each of us will develop it in our own way, each of us has already made progress.
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Rivière, au Karnataka |
Such is the Realization of the Self,
the Atmasakshatkar,
the Sahaja yoga that Shri Mataji has taught us,
always and everywhere,
into which She has "evolved" us, and that we have to transmit.
Note: One can do a checking, each notion has its source in the teachings of Shri Mataji.