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Inauguration of "l'Avènement", June 29, 1985 |
"The Advent" was ready, translated into French, nicely edited the publisher said, and was delivered for printing. But, meanwhile, the leadership in France was drowning into a crisis, and Shri Mataji asked me, in April, to move to Paris.
I was a teacher in a High School in our National Education System, a huge state Administration managing as many people as the Soviet Red Army nicnamed "the Mammoth" . I was fully off-delay for any claim, but I made up a small file, and asked to leave my town Rouen (host of 1984 Sahasrara Day) to get a assignation in the capital. End of May, my Principal-Madam called me: «Totally incredible! You, really you do have relations! Indeed, you got it!» Of course that was a suburban job, But, yes I was in Paris. (35 nationalities, thefts, fake bomb alerts, well, the Paramchaitanya did whatever It could, but It did work out!).
End of June, the Book was "inaugurated" by Shri Mataji, and thanks to Gregoire, and to bookshop keepers, touched Seekers in many towns and also made all its way to Africa. Such a geographical boost never happened again insuch a manner and with such success.
But the "hard part" of 1985, the other memories are coming back to me-including the cataclysm of Chamarande (July*), of course. One has therefore to dig into 1985's talks by Shri Mataji, and here are the results. Indeed, that was so direct!

- You are the ones who are responsible. Prepare yourself!
- The people who are not in the Nirvikalpa state are not going to be saved
- This is my order!
- I will retire. ...- As I have told you, I am going back to India.
-It's only the Sahaja Yogis who can blacken the Name of God Almighty.
What did happen, that Shri Mataji felt necessary to speak so directly?
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IMO nowadays |
On December 31st, 1985, the mandate as Chairman given to Sir CP at the IMO was to end, after three 4-years terms as Secretary General. Now 65 years old, the husband of Shri Mataji was retiring - in India. Brompton Square House, Home of the Srivastavas in London, and refuge of so many early Sahajis, was being sold.
Suddenly, the Swiss, the only collective able to finance such a project (on credit, though), involved themselves in building that vast Ashram in Givrins, reserving a suite so that Shri Mataji could stay in Europe if she would come back visiting Europe for some puja.
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In Shudy Camps |
And in August, we celebrated Bhoomi Devi Puja at the new Mansion in Shudy Camps.
The reason was that Sir CP had been re-elected for a new term, until 1990 - when Cabella's Palazzio Doria would be eventually purchased. The emergency was over.
Investigations into this 1985 year would lead us to discover two revelations about Shri Mataji's real ways:
- 1 - The "divine plan" is like the Tao, it is fluctuating, it adapts itself, as a ship captain does.
Thus, all the year through, the evolution of Sahaja yoga was suspended to the votes of the "honorable representatives"of some 150 States, and Shri Mataji had changed Her projects according to Sir Cp's carrier.
- 2 - Facing the emergency to leave Europe and the West, while Sahaja was still poorly established there, Shri Mataji had to reveal openly what she really expected from us.
This is: we are to take all the responsibilities, those of our evolution, as those to creating new Sahaja Yogis, and save the Planet. And the Divine will hold us accountable for the results.
1985-0112: Announcement of Universal Nirmala Religion, Nasik
Now to make it more particular, I thought that, if you say universal religion, then it may not be that particular, because like the Buddhist, then we have got people who are called after Christ as Christians and after other people according to the incarnations.
So this time the incarnation being Nirmala, I thought we can call it The Religion which is Universal, in the name of Nirmala. So, to make it short, I thought we can call it "Universal Nirmala Religion". What do you say to that? (Applause)
1985-0206: A New Era - Sacrifice- Freedom- Ascent, India tour, Bordi
Please try to come up, so that I should feel that I did not lack in My fatherly attitude towards you - that awe, that understanding of a father's expectations.
This I am not saying to you because it is some present situation because of you people particularly, or for anything which is very, very sort of a present-day problem - none of these things.
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Bordi, Meditation after the Talk on Sacrifice |
And as in the war we have to declare "Now forward on!" in the same way this is a declaration. In no way to degrade you, in no way to insult you or to say anything about any one of you, but to just infuse that inspiration which led thousands and thousands, and millions and billions of people to sacrifice for a greater cause.
... So now have respect for yourself. Raise your heads. You are the ones who are going to fight. You are the ones who are responsible. Prepare yourself, prepare your body, prepare your mind, be discreet. This is My, I would not say "request" again, this is my order.
Laxenburg, day before Sahasrara Day Video caprure |
But it's a serious matter, I must tell you, that once I've established the Religion, I don't want to have any holes in it. I avoided it because I was not sure. Now I know for sure that there are many who could be called as Nirmalites. Because no more black spots on the beautiful sari of your Mother! It has to be absolutely highest quality. Gradually we used to drop out people, gradually worked out this but there's no time left now.
As I have told you, I am going back to India..../...
They are not going to be saved. They will be punished. May not be in the same way those who are not Realized souls, but they will not occupy the seats in the realm of God Almighty.
At least you must reach the state of Nirvikalpa. Do not blame any circumstance. Do not blame your father, mother, brother, atmosphere, this, that. There's no need to blame anyone. "Because somebody came, we were influenced." What is the matter with you? I am here, you are not influenced by me. How are you influenced by somebody who is so stupid, obviously, so dominating? That means - what is your level?
1985-0613: Public Program, Geneva, Switzerland
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Entrée de l'Ashram de Givrins |
Shri Mataji: You are not. What can I do? I wish you were that strong. My photo gives Realization, curing, everything. What can I do about? That's a fact. I must accept. I'll be very happy if your photo can do that. I will retire. As I am a happily married woman, I got my children, my grandchildren, I don't need anything. If you can do it, I'll be very happy. Can you do it?
Guru 1985, Chamarande, end of the Puja |
First of all, one must understand that there's a combination of a Mother and a guru. Because guru is a very hard task master. He doesn't allow any liberties to be taken. And mother is very kindly.
Well, you don't have feelings for the Mother, do you?Is it all a lip service, that you listen, goes into your head and you think you have become the surrendered Sahaja Yogis?
1985-1117: Diwali Puja, Tivoli, Rome, Italy
There are some, which can blacken the Face; they are lights no doubt, but can blacken the Face if there are impurities, blacken the Face of the Divine, blacken the Face of your Creator. And that is what, one has to be careful, that we are not blackening the Name of God by our misbehavior.
Now listen to me very carefully.
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If there is no light out of the lamp, it does not blacken nor enlighten. But if there is a light it can blacken as well as enlighten.
It's only the Sahaja Yogis who can blacken or enlighten the Name of God Almighty. Say, for example, if you have a fake man, he doesn't blacken the Name of God because he is himself black, so nobody's bothered about that. If there is a person who is teaching about God or talking about God, about religion and making money out of it, he blackens his own name. He does not blacken the Name of God Almighty. The Name of God, cannot be blackened, It's ever shining.
But it's only a Sahaja Yogi which can form that cloud to cover It. They can only finish the hope of this world. They can only bring the real destruction of this world. They will be held responsible. And they should be punished in time, so that the Name of God should not be ruined.
For they have been given the right to enter into the Kingdom of God, others are outside. They are the only ones who can abuse the right. Those who are outside this building cannot spoil it. You have the special privilege to enter into this beautiful building. You have got this right because of the great things you have done in previous lives. And if you now want to spoil it, you'd better understand that you will be very severely punished. The light which can enlighten can also burn. But this light will burn all those who try to burn the Kingdom of God.
(*) The Guru puja 1985 remains in Sahaj History because the Sahajis were attending a talk in the seminar, while only two persons were sent to welcome Shri Mataji at the airport. This offense was to lead Shri Mataji to refuse to accept the puja.