DIWALI 2007 has received the most un-understandable edition in Sahaj ever!
W H Y ?, are you asking, dear readers...
Because Shri Mataji spoke about corruption, lies and thefts in India, and insisted that we Sahaja Yogis do some things:
»... I WANTyou all to make a resolution: From today onwards, I will not tell lies, never ever lie. .../...
» On this day of Diwali, I WANTto tell you all that :
the meaning of Diwali is that the Hell is full of darkness and you all are enlightened. You are expected
to fight wherever there is darkness, and let them know that they are wrong deeds. .../...
» I WANT the Sahaja Yogis to form a committee
and if you come across any theft ,
then it should be brought to the notice of the committee
and then see, what the committee does.
In this way you will get fame and you will reach to a very high position.
So the first thing would be that neither should you be dishonest nor let others to be dishonest. .../...
» And, Sahaja Yogis,
even if twelve Sahaja Yogis
come together, and if they come to know that he is DISHONEST,
then the Divine will be there to SUPPORT .../...»
Did "we" do anything to obey Mother??? 8 years have passed...
Why so surprised...?
Here are the different versions of this Hindi talk:
- complete, but french subtitles only: https://vimeo.com/30603704
- incomplete (too convenient cuts!) but with english translation in text:
= > http://www.nirmalavidya.org/en/catalogs/events/detail/3216.html
- SAME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csWSKZezMLU#t=5668
- AMRUTA gives 3 versions (!!!?) CUT and Uncut... (!)
W H Y ?, are you asking, dear readers...
Because Shri Mataji spoke about corruption, lies and thefts in India, and insisted that we Sahaja Yogis do some things:
»... I WANTyou all to make a resolution: From today onwards, I will not tell lies, never ever lie. .../...
» On this day of Diwali, I WANTto tell you all that :

to fight wherever there is darkness, and let them know that they are wrong deeds. .../...
» I WANT the Sahaja Yogis to form a committee
and if you come across any theft ,
then it should be brought to the notice of the committee
and then see, what the committee does.
In this way you will get fame and you will reach to a very high position.
So the first thing would be that neither should you be dishonest nor let others to be dishonest. .../...
» And, Sahaja Yogis,
even if twelve Sahaja Yogis
Video capture sometimes... cut... |
then the Divine will be there to SUPPORT .../...»
Did "we" do anything to obey Mother??? 8 years have passed...
Why so surprised...?
Here are the different versions of this Hindi talk:
- complete, but french subtitles only: https://vimeo.com/30603704
- incomplete (too convenient cuts!) but with english translation in text:
= > http://www.nirmalavidya.org/en/catalogs/events/detail/3216.html
- SAME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csWSKZezMLU#t=5668
- AMRUTA gives 3 versions (!!!?) CUT and Uncut... (!)