So, let us try on the first level, where there are genuine seekers of a high level, and you will be amazed how they are SORTED OUT.
You see, there isn't much space in the Kingdom of God, to be very frank.
And we should not worry if we don't have many people over there.
For us, it is a responsibility we must have all the population of this world going up there - is wrong idea.
That's not needed at all, you see; we should not crowd them there. Here only, we can't sit all of us here, we'll have to have a bigger place. So we should not bother so much as to the quantity, that the quantity is not much.
Of course we should try our level best to pass the message, because they should not say that 'We did not get the message.'
Pass the message is all right, but we need not in any way force people or ask them to come to Sahaja Yoga or make them Sahaja Yogis; it's a difficult thing.
The more you will try, the worse it will be; they will be so troublesome that it's going to be an impossible task.
So in your generosity you must have discretion:
whether it is today, tomorrow or yesterday or thousands of year back, whatever is wrong for your dharma, for your sustenance is wrong! The new phrase, is that "What's wrong in this, what's wrong in that?" - That question will be answered by Kalki only!
I'm just telling you that it is wrong, and it is extremely wrong, it is against your ascent, it is against your being, and then you will not have any time to repent and to ask this question: "What's wrong?" You will be chopped off.
That is what, is the Kalki incarnation. He is going to come on a white horse, as they say. It's a tremendous thing that is going to work out! Every human being is going to be SORTED OUT
And nobody can then claim! See? Everything is being advertised. Everything is being published ...
.../... One has to understand that such an incarnation is imminent!
And Krishna's powers, are given to Him, which are only Hanana Shakti; Brahmadeva's powers, which are only Hanana Shakti are given to Him; Shiva's powers, which are just Hanana Shakti, the part of it which is a Tandava, is given to Him. Then, Bhairava's shakti, which is also, you know what Bhairava has got as a symbol of killing, is a big sword-like thing; and also Ganesha's Parusha; and also Hanumana's all Navasidhis, which are going to destroy, are given to Him. All Buddha's forgiveness, and Mahavira's Ahimsa, is going to turn upside-down.
All these eleven powers are going to come, on top of us
when we will be finished with Sahaja Yoga,
when we will be absolutely SORTED OUT,
and the last killing will be done by Him.
I wish it was just a killing!
It is not going to be ordinary Hanana, like even Devi has done. Because Devi has killed all these rakshasas thousands of years back, but they are back in the seat again, all these rakshasas.
Now the problem is very different, at the present moment, which you should try to understand. That in the olden days, till the Krishna's time when He says, that "Yada yada hi dharmasya, glanir bhawati bharata. Vinashaya cha dushkruthaam panitra na echa saguna." These two words you must understand: to destroy the Dushkruthaam, means the, cruel people or the negative forces, and to save the saints. "Sambhavami yuge yuge", "I'm going to come again and again".
But the problem of the Kaliyuga is that, there is no pure and simple person as a sadhu or as a rakshasa.
So many rakshasas have entered into your brains. You side with so many people who are wrong, who are doing wrong, who are doing all kinds of wrong things in the name of politics, in the name of religion, in the name of progress and education and all that. Once you are sided with them, then they are in your brain, they are within you.
And when they are within you, how to destroy?
The dushkruthaams, they are within you! You may be a good person, but you may be destroyed because of having them in your heads.
So there is no hard and fast rule as to say who is a real negative and who is a real positive.
You have to do the work of God, and you have to fight the anti-God elements, the satanic elements. You are not responsible for your family any more, those who are, are half-baked Sahaja Yogis I said, are useless absolutely good for nothing. All such will drop out, their families will suffer, I know this is going to happen.
Because now the forces are gathering in such a way that SORTING OUT will start.
Your responsibility {is}to yourself, to be the spirit, your responsibility to Sahaja Yoga, your responsibility to understand Me, better and better and better.
Your responsibility to understand this mechanism that is within you, your responsibility to understand how this mechanism works out everything.
The responsibility is to how to become a guru...
Question: This gentleman says that You said there was going to be a great Advent. What is this Advent?
Shri Mataji: It’s rather embarrassing. I think this answer we can do later on. But there is one great Advent who is going to come after this, which is just going to SORT OUT everything.
There won’t be any chance left.
There won’t be any more realizations.
There won’t be any comforting relationships.
No meetings, no conferences, just the SORTING OUT as described in the Bible.
Question: Is there any means to go against this SORTING OUT that is going to take place?
Shri Mataji: What is it, the meaning?
Translator: Is there any means, any way to go out, to avoid this SORTING OUT ?
Shri Mataji: Yes, you can take your realization.
Not only that, but I have seen it just becomes absolutely beautifully falling into line, and you are amazed how it works out, from a small thing to big thing.
So if it is not working out in your life, there's definitely something wrong. So it is the morality of your, I should say, financial morality.
Also, there were some horrible mishaps we had in this country of yours, where horrible leaders came who were interested only in money, that's how they came to Sahaja Yoga.
And what has happened to them, you know well...
You see, there isn't much space in the Kingdom of God, to be very frank.
And we should not worry if we don't have many people over there.
For us, it is a responsibility we must have all the population of this world going up there - is wrong idea.
That's not needed at all, you see; we should not crowd them there. Here only, we can't sit all of us here, we'll have to have a bigger place. So we should not bother so much as to the quantity, that the quantity is not much.
Of course we should try our level best to pass the message, because they should not say that 'We did not get the message.'
Pass the message is all right, but we need not in any way force people or ask them to come to Sahaja Yoga or make them Sahaja Yogis; it's a difficult thing.
The more you will try, the worse it will be; they will be so troublesome that it's going to be an impossible task.
So in your generosity you must have discretion:
1982-1114: Diwali Puja, London,UK
Whatever is wrong is wrong, whether it is today, tomorrow or yesterday or thousands of year back, whatever is wrong for your dharma, for your sustenance is wrong! The new phrase, is that "What's wrong in this, what's wrong in that?" - That question will be answered by Kalki only!
I'm just telling you that it is wrong, and it is extremely wrong, it is against your ascent, it is against your being, and then you will not have any time to repent and to ask this question: "What's wrong?" You will be chopped off.
That is what, is the Kalki incarnation. He is going to come on a white horse, as they say. It's a tremendous thing that is going to work out! Every human being is going to be SORTED OUT
And nobody can then claim! See? Everything is being advertised. Everything is being published ...
.../... One has to understand that such an incarnation is imminent!
And Krishna's powers, are given to Him, which are only Hanana Shakti; Brahmadeva's powers, which are only Hanana Shakti are given to Him; Shiva's powers, which are just Hanana Shakti, the part of it which is a Tandava, is given to Him. Then, Bhairava's shakti, which is also, you know what Bhairava has got as a symbol of killing, is a big sword-like thing; and also Ganesha's Parusha; and also Hanumana's all Navasidhis, which are going to destroy, are given to Him. All Buddha's forgiveness, and Mahavira's Ahimsa, is going to turn upside-down.
All these eleven powers are going to come, on top of us
when we will be finished with Sahaja Yoga,
when we will be absolutely SORTED OUT,
and the last killing will be done by Him.
I wish it was just a killing!
It is not going to be ordinary Hanana, like even Devi has done. Because Devi has killed all these rakshasas thousands of years back, but they are back in the seat again, all these rakshasas.
Now the problem is very different, at the present moment, which you should try to understand. That in the olden days, till the Krishna's time when He says, that "Yada yada hi dharmasya, glanir bhawati bharata. Vinashaya cha dushkruthaam panitra na echa saguna." These two words you must understand: to destroy the Dushkruthaam, means the, cruel people or the negative forces, and to save the saints. "Sambhavami yuge yuge", "I'm going to come again and again".
But the problem of the Kaliyuga is that, there is no pure and simple person as a sadhu or as a rakshasa.
So many rakshasas have entered into your brains. You side with so many people who are wrong, who are doing wrong, who are doing all kinds of wrong things in the name of politics, in the name of religion, in the name of progress and education and all that. Once you are sided with them, then they are in your brain, they are within you.
And when they are within you, how to destroy?
The dushkruthaams, they are within you! You may be a good person, but you may be destroyed because of having them in your heads.
So there is no hard and fast rule as to say who is a real negative and who is a real positive.
1979-0928: Relationship between Kundalini and Kalki,
Public Program, Bombay, India
...then : What is your responsibility to Sahaja Yoga, which is the work of God, which has started and you are my hands?You have to do the work of God, and you have to fight the anti-God elements, the satanic elements. You are not responsible for your family any more, those who are, are half-baked Sahaja Yogis I said, are useless absolutely good for nothing. All such will drop out, their families will suffer, I know this is going to happen.
Because now the forces are gathering in such a way that SORTING OUT will start.
Your responsibility {is}to yourself, to be the spirit, your responsibility to Sahaja Yoga, your responsibility to understand Me, better and better and better.
Your responsibility to understand this mechanism that is within you, your responsibility to understand how this mechanism works out everything.
The responsibility is to how to become a guru...
1982-1219: Shri Mahakali Puja, Lonavala, India
Question: This gentleman says that You said there was going to be a great Advent. What is this Advent?
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Caxton Hall, GdK |
There won’t be any chance left.
There won’t be any more realizations.
There won’t be any comforting relationships.
No meetings, no conferences, just the SORTING OUT as described in the Bible.
Question: Is there any means to go against this SORTING OUT that is going to take place?
Shri Mataji: What is it, the meaning?
Translator: Is there any means, any way to go out, to avoid this SORTING OUT ?
Shri Mataji: Yes, you can take your realization.
1983-0825: Public Program, Lausanne, Switzerland
But once you start dedicating yourself to Sahaja Yoga, immediately you'll find things will work out. Something, there is something you have done wrong, which you should not have done, or something is, you have not understood, you have done something under misunderstanding: try to find out! Things must sort out, they must soothe out in Sahaja Yoga. Everything SORTS OUT. 
So if it is not working out in your life, there's definitely something wrong. So it is the morality of your, I should say, financial morality.
Also, there were some horrible mishaps we had in this country of yours, where horrible leaders came who were interested only in money, that's how they came to Sahaja Yoga.
And what has happened to them, you know well...
1991-0331: Easter Puja, Sydney, Australia