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Shirdi Sainath |
though you have become a Guru Tattwa,
you don't understand that you have to be detached.
For a Guru there is no brother, sister or any other relationship except for the relationship for the Mother. There is no other relationship exist. One of these principles are to be understood.
Very important I feel, is for all of us, that our relationship is only to Mother and to Sahaja Yogis and not to any relationship, which has come to us, whether through Sahaja Yoga or whether through anything else. Now, this, I have been explaining because
our Mahalakshmi Tattwa is not all right,
that's why we get sort of fritter away,
lost into these things .
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Grunewald, resurrection |
In the same way, this principle of Mahalakshmi can spread just across like that and can just destroy
all that Mother has given us and all that we have had all these years,
only by spreading it out,
Now, to collect it inside, is to pay attention to yourself:
first of all try to clarify your ideas and your understanding in brain is important because Mahalakshmi Tattwa ultimately works in the brain, the enlightenment of the brain is done by Mahalakshmi Tattwa, it gives you the Sattwa, the Truth, you see.
So in the brain you must clarify, reach logically, logically you must reach the conclusion that "I don't have to do these things, I have to do these things, I have to ascend, this is why I am here, why I'm here. What am I supposed to do?"
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Convince... |
cheapish, childish, undignified - or
could be harsh, horribly oppressive. (Link)
It could be one of these.
So, in Guru Tattwa, there are ten elements.
Five of them deal with the weight, weight.
Guru is the weight you see, weight of a person. How much weight you have got? The gravity, as we call it.
Person has gravity. When he talks how much balance he's got. See in Indian music, we call it Vazan means the weight. The weight of the person, means when he is dealing with himself or with others, how much weight he caries. In English also they use this weight. How much weight he carries with others?
Means, how much he can really impress others. If you impress too much, all right, then the person will say, "Oh, it's too much!" That is a very big quality with western people is "Oh, that is too much!". They have an idea, you see this is all ego oriented. "That is too much". If you tell them too much, "Oh, that is too much! She is too much. I move slowly, slowly. It is too much for me".
It's very common, it's very common reaction, so how much weight you have- and the second one is the quality of magnetism.
Two things in magnetism.
First is the quality of weight, that's how much dignified you are, how you talk, how your language is, how your behaviour is. You should be human but sometimes even with me, I find people talk in a very funny manner. I just don't understand, how is it that always they say the wrong thing. I mean, even if they have to say one sentence, they will say a wrong thing. It is absolutely with them. Is also Vishuddhi which is also Nabhi -comes from Nabhi because you must know that Vishuddhi Chakra is the ascent of the Nabhi Chakra. So what happens, that a person whatever he is, is expressed through his language, through his behaviour, through his face, through his nose, his eyes, everything, through the Vishudi Chakra.
So the ascent of the Nabhi is expressed, shown, through the Vishuddhi Chakra.
Now, whatever you have in the Nabhi, is shown here.
Supposing now a person who has the Mahalakshmi Tattwa properly developed, such a person will have a way of dealing with another person where he will have the weight, as well as the understanding, how far to go with the person. How far to carry on with this person. How far talk to a person. How far to think about person. How much importance to be given. That is one point, is very important.
And the another point is that how much magnetism you have.
So you reverse back to yourself.
The magnetism is a magic, is a magic of a person. A person is magnetic because he has certain magic.
Now this magic is comes from your own personality,
from your own personality.
So the basis of magnetism on the left hand side is started, and that basis is Shri Ganesha.Shri Ganesha is the basis of that magnetism. So your innocence, innocence is the best way to have that magnetism.
Magnetism, you cannot express in material way, it is not a material stuff but it is something abstract, comes from your quality of Ganesha, Shri Ganesha. Such a person is magnetic, magnetic means that such a person attracts another person because of the weight of the person, because of the quality of the person. Such a person attracts, but does not attract for lust, greed and non-sensical things but attracts another person because of the fragrance of love in the subjects. Now it is always confused, confused because it's such an abstract thing.
So, one must understand it in a very subtle way what is this magnetism, that, one should understand.
You see, there some gestures people use artificially which normally they have been using just to attract other people, the way they walk, the way they dress, the way they live. All these things are of no use. It is something so inner, that fragrance is so inner which must be developed.
But in Sahaja Yoga I have seen people just don't bother about it, just don't bother! They think the way they have been living, the way they have been this, say if they are English, they are English, if they are French they are French, if they are Indians they are Indians, if they are from Kolhapur they will be from Kolhapur. These ideas first must be curbed off because the fragrance spreads everywhere whether you are English or anyone.
So the fragrance of a person develops through first of all in Ganesha principle within you.
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A Shri Ganesha Puja |
Ganesha principle is to be first of all seen to.
Now a Ganesha person is not a person who is absolutely a remorse type, or a person who is such a gone case, that even if you beat him up and make him into a complete minced thing, he will bear it.
It's not like that, it's not that.
On the contrary, the quality of magnetism is such that it attracts you, to a point where you are not disturbed.
You see, if you have other loves, love like carnal love and all other loves you have, then by that love you may attract the person, then that person can destroy you and it destroys you, always.
But this attraction does not destroy, does not destroy. The attraction is up to that point that you are not destroyed because you being much higher much deeper and much weightier, you cannot be destroyed by a thing that, whom you are attract.
Always the greater magnet attracts the smaller magnet and that is what one should understand.
This magic and this charisma, charismatic temperament of a person, comes
by first of all, the Ganesha Tattwa, innocence
and secondly by complete dedication and devotion.
Those who are completely dedicated and devoted to Mother, not to anything else - Ganesha Tattwa again!- not to your wife, not to your husband, not to your sister, not to your country, not to anyone: but to Mother. Complete dedication gives you that charisma or that attraction. In Sahaja Yoga such a person becomes really attractive and such a person has it.
Now some people think that if you are a very passive person and if anybody says anything to you and you don't mind, sort of a person you are charismatic, is not.
People like you, because they can dominate you, they like you because they can dominate you.
Now if you think that by your aggressiveness and by your shouting and by your screaming and these people, you will achieve that charismatic temperament, you cannot. You cannot achieve that height, so how do you achieve it?
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Brighton beach, 1981 |
Now how innocence develops in a person is by not thinking about it
Like you see, somebody asked me "How do you manage your income tax?" I said "By having no income at all." Then they asked me, "How do you solve your car problem? - By not having any car at all not mine. They said, What about your house problem? -By having no house of my own.! NIH, Nih, nih. Everything is NIH for me. Then "how do you sir solve your this problem? -
by not having it, just have no, not have it!"
Don't take up headaches upon yourself, see when you take up headaches of yourself then only the innocence is reduced.
1983-01/01: Mahalakshmi Puja, Kolhapur