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Monday, July 30, 2012

Have that responsability to say : "I say"

Whatever is not based on truth will go to something that is destructive. Truth is the only thing that is constructive. All these ideas sometimes confuse us, what is this, in the name of God, in the name of Shri Krishna, in the name of Christ, in the name of Mohammed Sahib all these things are done
and also some people do it even in my name: "Mother said; Mother said so."
 It is prohibited for Sahaja yogi to say that, because I've had enough of it in last lives. 
So, this life,  nobody is going to say, "Mother said it."
"I say." 
Have that much confidence and responsibility to say, "I say."
I am a Sahaja Yogi, you are a Sahaja Yogi, why can't you say?
So now from today's Puja onward we have awakened the Shri Krishna within us, so His powers of sweetness as well of destruction will act and you don't have to worry, you are completely protected. He has already said that "Yoga dakshemo myam." "I give you yoga" and the "dakshemo myam" means your benevolence, He looks after.
So you don't have to worry, but it will act and it will work and nobody can harm you.
It will all boomerang on them. There's like divine punishment and you don't have to worry. 
Of course, as a Mother, I never feel of punishing anyone, as such, but they just get punished, what can I do? And now this awakening can be very dangerous, so I think we have to accept it now within ourselves that we have to be extremely sweet, nice, collective.
If you are not collective then Krishna will be after your life.
If you try to destroy collectivity He will be after you, I mean He is a tremendous person, I tell you.
He is so tricky, He is so clever, and He is a very smooth worker, I tell you.
 So be careful. If you are collective then He'll strengthen you, He'll nourish you, He'll do everything, He'll give you butter to eat. So you have to be collective, that's the main part.

1990-08/19: Shri Krishna Puja, Hallowtree Ipswich, UK

Monday, July 23, 2012

1989: "within ten years..."

Includes selected:...
«.../... So far, what's my own opinion is 
that there are fifty percent
of the Sahaja Yogis in the West
are still quite
and twenty five percent of them
are just there to take

If they can get something free, they would like to take.
Twenty five percent 

people are like that.
It's very sad but it is so.

From: 30th of December 1989, Brahmapuri, India. 
The tour just had been stoned by political opponents. First, Shri Mataji spoke about Atheists who believe in science. Suddenly, She shifted to this topic.
More precisely:
«../... I am going to say that, 
but I want all of you to be such, 
that nobody 
should point out a finger at you 
and say 'Oh, this is a Sahaja Yogi, and how this Sahaja Yogi is behaving.'
If somebody is stupid and not working it out, it's better to get rid of such a person. Or else help that person and tell him that, "You have to come up, you can't be here." We don't want mediocre people here. 
We want some extraordinarily pure people. 
The purity is the main point, which we have to have. 
Once you are pure, you  don't have to worry, then, I will look after you. 
Purity: a Ganesha Puja.
But the purity of mind, purity of heart and the purity of your attention, these three things are very important. When it works out you will be surprised, collectivity will grow in no time.
It is a tendency amongst Sahaja Yogis also still, to go back to the same materialism.  .../... 

It is you who has to change, not Me. You have to work it out, not Me.
I have done My level best.(Click)

But within ten years it should be possible that every Sahaja Yogi should become a tremendous force of Sahaja Yoga. (please, read about this calendar by clicking here)
"It's not meant for,.."

So please try to avoid all those who are mediocres
If you find mediocracy, 
the leaders must 
go all out 
to correct them: 
all out, to tell them off.
Don't tolerate! 
You don't have 
to be very mild 
on this point.
You have to tell them very frankly that,
'See now, you are an extremely mediocre person for Sahaja Yoga.
It's not meant for mediocres.' 

It's not meant
for foolish people, it's not meant for stupid people...»

Swayamblogger is asking:
 - What did happen (or NOT happen) in 1999?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"I don't care your protocols...- no barrier between any one of you and Me"...

I don't know if you people really are aware of your responsibilities. Sometimes you are only worried on "Where am I catching? What is happening to me, what is this, this?" So self-centered! Or you are worried about others: "She should not have not done this, he should not done, he should have not sat next to Mother, should have done this."
Nobody should think that they love Me more than anybody else. Nobody should think like that. Some people know more rituals, some know more protocol, doesn't matter, but I know who loves Me. The one who loves others loves Me the most.
I don't care...
 I don't care your protocols, and your ritualistic things are nonsense for Me. What does it matter to Me? The one who loves others is the one who really loves Me. Take it from Me! I've had all these rituals and all that and I have no care for these things. Makes no difference whether you say good morning to Me or good evening to Me, is not important. What you say to your brothers and sisters is the most important.
Sahaj Yoga will never work out if you do not look after that side: how you behave towards your wife, towards your husband, towards your brothers and sisters. That is the most important thing.
You cannot bind me...
Anybody who tries to so play such tricks will get out of Sahaj Yoga. You know that I've thrown out very, so-called important people out of Sahaj Yoga., when they did like this to dominate others, by saying "This is not good, you should not put your hand there or put your feet there or do this and that."
Who can know the protocol of Divine Mother?
You cannot bind Me into protocols. You cannot bind Me to anything I am unlimited. I am detached. You cannot bind Me to anything. To think that you can have Me attracted towards you by your protocols, which is dead, has no meaning.
It has to be a living protocol of being kind and generous, [...]
1981-May 24: Subconscious Supraconcious, Formal Talk, Chelsham Rd, London
But now, the problem that human beings start facing is the assumption that they are gurus.
They start speaking about Sahaja Yoga, talking about Sahaja Yoga, and they start thinking that they have become already Shri Krishna. They have even a greater ego than the person who is actually ignorant about Sahaja Yoga! They start talking with such tremendous ego that I am myself frightened of them: how much they know about Sahaja Yoga?, I sometimes think! And they start asserting it so much that it's frightening. All this can be also said, that they feel that protocol is not all right and ""there should be proper protocol, so we are looking after protocol, we are the guards of the protocol"", and all these things there.
...they start asserting...
Now those who are on the emotional side see the ego of others, while those who are on the ego side see the emotions of others. So one criticizes another, but they don't see themselves that they are falling atrap into one of the extremes. So unless and until you are detached, you cannot see it.
1982-July 04: Establishing the Guru Principle, Adi Guru Puja, Nightingale Lane London
... And then you people have to know that you are all individually Sahaja Yogis. None of these big, big rishis and munis could not give realization as you are giving. You don't know your powers. You don't know your position. And if some leader is of that kind, you should immediately write to Me. I'm still existing. I am just wondering how many of you can understand that a person without any depth cannot lead you anywhere. Anybody who tries to show off, if you run after that person, that means you have not fathomed your own depth. You must know what is your depth. And don't get impressed by somebody because he can dominate you very well and he can go about.
When we understand that it is so...
Just stand on your own two legs and see for yourself.
I don't believe in any rules and regulations for Sahaja Yogis as such - that you can meet your wife only at this time, husband at that time. You are swashchhanda - swa is your Spirit and shchhanda is at the disposal of your Atma. And when you are that: you become absolutely collective also.
And these jealousies and this petty mindedness is not necessary. You are all universal personalities. You have to be that great. You don't belong to any country. Just to make it convenient, you see, I use the name of the countries. But if I say, "North, South, East, West," I don't know how will I manage it. Because the whole system otherwise works this way that you have Qantas going to Australia, you have this to that. So you have to take to these countries as such, but for Me they don't exist. Even the directions don't exist for Me. You are all My children, and I just can't think in that way.
No barrier...
Please don't consider yourself any way, even if you're away from Me, all My attention is there. And you all can directly write to Me, you can all send Me flowers directly. They said the rule was that it is to be done through the leaders - not at all. You can send Me flowers any time you want to. I mean My relationship is - who are these leaders? Just it's a mockery if you understand that, it's a mockery.

One should not in any way think that they stand in between you and Me, not at all. Only thing is if somebody's troublesome or possessed or something, then, naturally, you can try to keep that person out- but he's not a Sahaja Yogi by any chance! But otherwise there should be no barrier between you and Me. I'll not stand it, at any cost - no barrier between any one of you and Me. And you should never feel shy to tell Me. You should always tell Me what your problems are. Always. I'm always available for you, for every one of you, each one of you.
...experience of spirituality...

One should never just decide that "All right, may Mother may not like." I may like or not like, is not the point, you have to tell Me. I will like it more that you tell Me than not to tell Me and hide things from Me. There's no official relationship between Me and you. It is a protocol, after all, but protocol doesn't mean official. Protocol means when you're addressing to Me, you can just not call, "Hey, You." Like that, you cannot say to Me. (laughter) And even if you say, I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't mind, after all. But children don't say that way.
1988-December 17: Personal Cleanliness, India Tour, Pune, India
If supposing the sea is responding to moon, that means it has that mobility in it to respond - a stone will not react to the moon. In the same way in your heart these waves of these feelings are created by the experience of spirituality, by the experience of your own being, and then you start expressing them. And I could make it out, such a person may not be so much talkative, may not know much about Sahaja Yoga, but in the heart, in the heart he feels the response.
Is something to be achieved, because you know that the center of heart is placed here: the peetha, the seat of the heart is on Brahmarandhra. If your heart is not open, in the heart if you do not have those responses built-in - they need not be of awe or fear, but a natural protocol that develops. can never do wrong...
Then you can never do wrong because you know whatever is good, in your heart. Supposing you love somebody from your heart, you are not going to harm that person. In the same way, when you start feeling those responses in your heart you can never do wrong, because they are now manifesting which were built within you. Because there was spirituality, there was that divinity which was built in; now it is manifesting. And then you do not worry about things and you do not do anything outwardly.
It is said in Upanishadas like Shandilyaupanishad, Kanthoupanishad it was this, that once you know the Brahma, then all the outside things like wearing a thread of yagyopavita and all that should be thrown away, it's not necessary; because now you've got the sutra within yourself. Then you should give up all those outward things, because inside is all built-in now, is expressing itself.
And such a person automatically becomes a yogi of a very high caliber.
1991-May 05: Sahasrara Puja, Italy

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

BECOMING is experiencing

You are the channels of that doing...

In the most auspicious time that is called as Krita Yuga, we all have assembled here to understand the ways and methods of establishing our Principle of a Master.
"Krita Yuga" means the time when you have to do something - "krita: when it was done."
So you are the channels of that doing, doing the work of God. You are the channels of God Almighty and His Power.
-On one side you have to carry the dignity, the glory, and the assumption that you are a guru.
A mood of play...
-On the other side you have to be completely surrendered to your God Almighty. All your dignity, your authority comes from Him. -
- And the third thing is that the way He has created this universe and you, in a mood of play. You have to see His play. So a kind of mood that is cheerfulness should be really bubbling through you. (.../...)
So first of all, we have to know that we must be attentive and alert that if we do not maintain ourselves, we'll be destroyed. Because maintenance is not for maintenance sake, it is for stopping the destruction of your Guru Principle. When we are negligent or lazy about it, we are responsible for destroying our Guru Principle. (.../...)
The very first ones, around 1976
The wisdom or the essence of Guru Tattwa is a balance. (.../...)
You are placed under the most fortunate circumstances, that you are realized souls before your Guru Tattwa is fully established. You have all the powers that any guru can aspire, without having the establishment of Guru Tattwa.
Mother's love ..
Specially, you are under the complete blanket of the clouds of your Mother's love.
But in no way Mother's love is going to allow you to destroy your Guru Principle. (.../...)
Some people have an idea that once you become a guru you need not maintain everything, it is maintained by itself. It is not. (.../...) So till we have completely become the spirit, there is always a chance of this destruction working it out. 
Now this awareness has to become the awareness of the spirit.
But the balance...
That has happened to you - you have felt the spirit. is not there as yet. (.../...)
First of all you have to be austere with yourself:
Just separate yourself from yourself! Separate yourself as a spirit, and look at your ego and superego. Now you start watching: you start watching the ego and superego. Do not maintain it - they are the destroying forces!
Now, when you see the play as a witness of these destroying forces, you will know how to also maintain yourself better. To separate yourself is easier when you take to austerity. (.../...)
Sofia, 1990

A man who is an avadhuta, the one who is a great master, can never be hanged up by any hangs-up. He cannot be ruled by any ideas that "I like this." (.../...)
Your Mother is good at speaking and She speaks to you, but it should not be your mental attachment. 
Morocco, 2006: becoming...
Like "Yes, Mother says so," and everybody discusses with such great enthusiasm: " this is that!" - but it's not become part and parcel of your being.
But is a very common attachment nowadays, with all the people knowing about everything and having nothing. This mental attachment is to be really attacked.
Becoming is seeing, becoming is experiencing ...

FROM: 4 july 1982, Nightingale Lane, London 

IRAN: Sahaja Yoga is an organism without a head

JUNE 2013

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Dear friends,
we are the monday 16th of July, and , after 2 weeks, NO international nor united initiative has been taken yet, as far as vibratory action is concerned.
Only now a "task force" made out of "specialists" is being slowly deviced.
Should we understand that nobody in the "governance" has any faith in the collectivity,  or/and in the collective expression of our Sahaj desire? Which means, at least and at the bottom, that this governance does not have real FAITH  ( Shraddha)...?
Oyster anatomy.
 Thanks to Shri Mataji, at least 2 brothers have been released from the police, but under conditions and waiting for some trial. And with the recommandation to shut up.

I do not regret my call, though it has been sent to many coordinators, who did not ever think on answering. Obviously, the  collective body that we are,  is as headless  as an...
While    time is passing by,  Sahaja yoga remains under threat in Iran. Not only our brothers are under arrest, but the material of our centers have been confiscated. Not only Sahaj Yoga remains in the clandestinity, but Irani populations are deprived of their right to Self Realization.
 THOUGH, a very simple initiative can be taken, and it will be effective  under the condition that it is really collective, gathering all the parts of our divided Sangham.
on SATURDAY 11 am Cabella Time
we can have a world Havan, shoe beat and meditation, collectively, wherever you may be
expressing our desire and our will.
1 for the liberation of all the Sahaja yogis in Iran
2 for the establishment of the conditions of en-masse self realization in Iran
3 for the equal dignity of women in Iran
and 4 for the destruction of all islamic fanaticism, as it is preventing more than a billion people from Kundalini Awakening.
Shri Mataji always insisted that She was "desireless" and that we collectively had to desire and be Her channels; She also stressed that all the Deities are as well as angels are anxious to work out Divine Will, as much as our Pure desire in the Saharara is Divine.
Please pass on this call to your collective, and around you-  and try to make your initiative be communicated and  known to the rest of Sahaj.

“”Only the human beings have the will. Now you being enlightened with your will, with your will, you can regenerate or, we should say, you can generate on your own Sahaja Yoga to go further. It's a very subtle understanding that when light comes, light comes into this candle, it cannot regenerate of its will any other. Somebody else has to take it to that.
So your will is very important in Sahaja Yoga. What do you will? That is very, very important. Now, will does not mean desire; will means desire put into action. So what you do, is to desire and then, you put it into action. You can do it.””(1980-11/16: New Age, Sussex, England)
""Whatever is not based on truth will go to something that is destructive. Truth is the only thing that is constructive. All these ideas sometimes confuse us, what is this, in the name of God, in the name of Shri Krishna, in the name of Christ, in the name of Mohammed Sahib all these things are done and also some people do it even in My name, "Mother said; Mother said so." It is prohibited for Sahaja yogi to say that because I've had enough of it in last lives. So this life nobody is going to say, "Mother said it."
"I say." Have that much confidence and responsibility to say, "I say,  I am a Sahaja Yogi”, you are a Sahaja Yogi, why can't you say?  (Ipswich Krishna Puja, 1990)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Before Guru Puja 2012-4 : Follow the Masters.

  Even about Me you have to desire. 
Working on every chakra...
Look at that: how much I am bound by you!
Unless and until you desire My good health, I'll have bad health; it is to that extent. 
But to Me, what is bad health and good health? 
And under these beautiful conditions you should really prosper so well. There should be no problem for you to be gurus.Now, the Void is to be established. 
First of all you must know your Guru, and She is on every Chakra working - imagine! What a tremendous Guru you have! 
With that you'll feel the confidence. And because it is such a tremendous Guru, everybody is getting Realization so easily. (.../...)
And secondly, you must know that your Guru has been the Mother of very great people. The thought of them itself should establish your Guru tattwa. What tremendous Sons I have had, what great Personalities. No words can describe them, and so many of them, one after another!
Abraham sacrificing his son
And you are in the same tradition, My disciples. Keep them as your ideals. Try to follow them. Read about them, understand them, what they have said, how they have achieved such heights. Recognize them, respect them. You will establish your Guru tattwa.
Imbibe all the Statutes within you, and be proud about it! 
Don't be misguided by what people are talking, multitudes are talking. We are going to pull the whole multitude towards ourselves. First of all let us establish our weight, the gravity! As Mother Earth keeps everybody pulling towards Earth, we'll be pulling all of them to ourselves.
Today all of you must, within yourself to your Spirit, promise that you will be a guru, worthy of your Mother.
please. click for News of Iran

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Before Guru Puja 2012-3 : Awe- and love.

GURU PUJA, 27/07/1980,2nd part: Awe
First of all, you have to know that the Void catches when you have a wrong type of a guru - you have had. You must know about your Guru entirely. Try to find out the character of your Guru. 
..That awe... is not established...
 Rather difficult, because your Guru is very elusive:  She's Mahamaya, not easy to find out!
 She behaves in a very normal way, and sometimes you are outwitted. (.../...).
 So to improve your Void, say that: 
"Mother, You are our Guru".
Because of this elusiveness, that fear or that awe which is necessary, that respect which is necessary for the Guru is not established. Unless and until you develop that awe, complete awe within you, your Guru principle won't develop. No liberty is to be taken. I am telling you Myself, but I am extremely elusive: next moment I'll make you laugh and forget about it!
Because I'm testing your freedom to do it, complete freedom.
I'll play with you in such a manner that you'll be forgetting every moment that I'm your Guru, every moment. (.../...)
You have a very supreme Guru, no doubt, but still you must know that those powers of supremacy you don't have
I am above all these things. I don't know what are temptations are, nothing! I mean, I'll do whatever I like, it's all My whim. But despite that, I have made Myself very normal, and because I must appear before you in such a manner that you understand what is the Statutes. 
For Me, there are no Statutes.
Delhi 1979
I make all the Statutes, isn't it? 
Because of you I do all these things and teach you every small, small thing, because you are still children.
In the same way, you must remember that when you are talking to other people about Sahaja Yoga, remember that they will see you all the time, and try to understand how far you are in it. 
As I understand you, you:  try to understand them! As I love you, you try to love them. I definitely love you, no doubt, but I am Nirmama, I am beyond love: it's a different state altogether.(.../...) 
Apart from that,  I am the Source of all the shaktis, of all the powers. 
So you can have all the powers from Me, whatever you like.
I am desireless, but whatever desire you have will be fulfilled.

To be followed tomorrow: TRY, READ, UNDERSTAND...